27 September 2021 - 14:00 UTC (Subgroup)
27 September 2021 - 14:00 UTC (Subgroup)
Members: David McAuley, Stephen Deerhake, Alejandra Reynoso, Katrina Sataki, Endo Atsushi, Ann-Cathrin Marcussen, Irina Danelia
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson,
1. Welcome and rollcall
2. Administrative items if any
3. Review “Draft Internal Rules” document (https://docs.google.com/document/d/15UQzmueXZY5CuYSM_YLfJIen9uGFsO_qVwrunNF68Hk/edit) (please make your comments/suggestions before 18:00 UTC)
Agree on structure
Closure of sections with no comments
Discussion of the comments/suggestions
4. Session at ICANN72 planning – time permitting
5. Next meetings
11 October
At ICANN72 | 26 October | 17:30-19:00 UTC
6. AOB
7. Closure
Recording: Zoom Playback