22 February - 14:00 UTC

22 February - 14:00 UTC


Members:  Katrina Satak, David McAuley, Alyssa Moore, Sean Copeland, Stephen Deerhake, Dejan Djukic, Mirjana Tasic, Segun Akano

Staff:   Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson

Apologies:  Svitlana Tkachenko

Draft agenda:

Guideline Review Committee | 22 February 2021 | 14:00 UTC

1. Welcome- roll call
2. Update from Council meeting: additional work items GRC
3. Closure of the WG/Committee chair and/or vice-chair nomination process
4. Continue discussion on what to include in the rules
5. Continue discussion on preparing the Governance session: results 6-hats exercise and next steps
6. AOB
7. Next meeting

Zoom playback


Chat transcript: Chat GRC 22 Feb.txt