10 August - 12:00 UTC
10 August - 12:00 UTC
Members: Katrina Sataki, Stephen Deerhake, Sean Copeland, Alyssa Moore, Segun Akano
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson,, Joke Braken
Apologies: David McAuley, Mirjana Tasic
Guideline Review Committee (GRC)
10 August 2020 | 12:00 UTC
1. Welcome
2. Removal/Recall Board members
Overview of processes
Discussion NOMCOM Director Removal Process
Introduction Board Recall Process
3. Governance session ICANN69: topics Rules 2004- Board/Director Recall-Removal, Council election
What, if any, could be role of GRC?
4. Review Structure Selection Guideline: preferred option GRC
5. AOB
6. Next meetingRecording:
- Flow Director removal - recall processes.pptx
- Guideline Board Removal version 11 .06.August.2020.docx
- Guideline_ ccNSO Selection of members to WG, Committees adn as alisisons.docx
- Structure ccNSO Director Removal Process.docx
- Structure NOMCOM Director Process.docx