13 January 12:00 UTC

13 January 12:00 UTC


Members:  Katrina Sataki, Stephen Deerhake, David McAuley, Sean Copeland, Dejan Djukic, Mirjana Tasic, Svitlana Tkachenko, Young-eum Lee

Staff:   Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson



1. Welcome and roll call
2. SFIR Guideline: next steps. Document was sent out for comments no comments received (closing date 6 January 2020)
3. Board removal
    a. GNSO Guidelines
        i. NomCom appointed Board Member: https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/annex-d-nomcom-director-removal-12dec19-en.pdf
        ii. GNBSO appointed Board member: https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/annex-d-so-ac-director-removal-12dec19-en.pdf
        iii. Full Board: https://gnso.icann.org/sites/default/files/file/field-file-attach/annex-d-board-recall-12dec19-en.pdf
    b. ccNSO Guideline Overview document
    c. Next Steps: Who is going to do which part
4. Rules of ccNSO
    a. Original discussion document and overview of areas that need change
    b. Draft new rules
5. If time permits: Areas of Improvement overview ccNSO, work items GRC
6. AOB
7. Next meeting: 3 February 2020

Recording:  Zoom playback


Chat transcript:

5:02:18 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s Guidelines Review Committee teleconference on 13 January at 12:00 UTC. In the interest of time, attendance will be taken based on those on Zoom. No apologies have been received for today’s call. As a reminder, calls are recorded and recording posted on the public wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/ASR2Bg. Also, please remember to mute your phones and microphones when not speaking to avoid background noise
05:02:36 From Stephen Deerhake : Good morning and happy new year to everyone.
05:05:24 From Stephen Deerhake : Can we steal the work that they did?
05:05:43 From Stephen Deerhake : Inspiration then '=)
05:06:04 From Stephen Deerhake : Inspiration then ;-)
05:06:40 From Joke Braeken : David McAuley was stuck in traffic: he will be joining shortly
05:06:45 From Stephen Deerhake : There stuff is pretty intense, but also pretty complete...
05:08:08 From Stephen Deerhake : I read them and think they are a great starting point.
05:13:54 From David McAuley (Verisign) : I am the phone number on list ending in 4154
05:14:08 From bart.boswinkel : https://archive.icann.org/en/meetings/kualalumpur/ccNSO-Procedures-Discussion-Paper.pdf
05:14:53 From bart.boswinkel : Included the link on the ccNSo website
05:19:21 From David McAuley (Verisign) : The principles seem sound although I wonder whether recent years of experience would support teleconference decisions - teleconference plus list seems better so that those who cannot make an oddly timed call for their region can weigh in on list.
05:21:10 From Stephen Deerhake : I have a red-line version of the 2004 "Rules" and the proposed Version 2 "rules" which I can circulate should anyone be interested.
05:22:38 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Thanks Stephen, I would beinterested
05:23:19 From Stephen Deerhake : From Bart's archives during the GRC call (ongoing): https://archive.icann.org/en/meetings/kualalumpur/ccNSO-Procedures-Discussion-Paper.pdf
05:24:33 From Stephen Deerhake : I'll circulate it on the list later today... also with a sidebar discussion paper.
05:25:09 From Stephen Deerhake : (I was at the Montreal meeting all those years ago when the ccTLDs re-joined ICANN...)
05:27:50 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Thanks Stephen
05:31:56 From bart.boswinkel : there was never one
05:33:06 From Stephen Deerhake : An AGM is required per the Bylaws (Article 10.4(f)).
05:33:46 From bart.boswinkel : yes, it may be required, but it never ever happened:-)
05:34:06 From Dejan Djukic : I'll have to leave the call now. Sorry.
05:34:49 From bart.boswinkel : or change the Bylaws
05:36:52 From Stephen Deerhake : Agree with David's remarks.
05:36:59 From Young-eum Lee : Question: Agree also
05:39:30 From Stephen Deerhake : Bart is correct that we are out of compliance with regards to the timing of seating of Councilors.
05:39:38 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Good points Bart
05:45:08 From bart.boswinkel : And not only PDPs!
05:45:28 From bart.boswinkel : As you will recall it also relevant in terms of ANNEX D
05:45:35 From bart.boswinkel : and its timelines
05:49:35 From Stephen Deerhake : I think you do...
05:52:11 From Stephen Deerhake : I see that... Thank you Katrina. I must take Annex B to heart...
05:52:19 From Stephen Deerhake : Thank you Bart.
05:58:21 From David McAuley (Verisign) : The growth of ccNSO membership has made the 10% number perhaps more realistic as a meaningful threshhold
06:00:36 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Such a new column could be useful and would not appear to make this document too busy
06:05:03 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Agree with Bart on the point about maintaining principles in a clear fashion
06:09:40 From Stephen Deerhake : We call the Guidelines "Rules" currently...
06:11:16 From David McAuley (Verisign) : OK - thanks Katrina
06:11:40 From Stephen Deerhake : Let's plan a longer session in KL then...
06:12:42 From David McAuley (Verisign) : agreed - in fact I have to leave shortly
06:13:05 From bart.boswinkel : KL very symbolic:-)
06:13:16 From David McAuley (Verisign) : Good meeting, thanks Katina and all
06:13:21 From Stephen Deerhake : Bye all!