Questions & Topics
• The first is an update on the on ICANN Staff Transparency – The ALAC will ask for an update on the issue of staff transparency, including who does what, who makes decisions, appeal processes, reporting structure, etc. Alan Greenberg raised this issue during ICANN 56 and would like to hear what has been done since Helsinki. This issue is primarily Alan’s concern that ICANN is not fully transparent and timely in announcing new staff or changes in staff to the ICANN community. He would like to see more clear reporting structures for all ICANN staff. Alan may request that there are more regular announcements of changes in staff and responsibilities as well as reporting structures.
• The second is an update on the VP for Compliance and Consumer Safeguards – The ALAC would like to hear an update on the position of VP for Compliance and Consumer Safeguards. This includes the reporting structure, key responsibilities and whether an announcement of the person selected will be made soon.
• The third is on Meeting planning – The ALAC would like to discuss ways in which ICANN Meeting planning can be improved to include greater simplicity and forward planning by the AC/SOs.