At-Large Social Media WG 2015.09.24 Action Items

At-Large Social Media WG 2015.09.24 Action Items

  • Dev Anand Teelucksingh &Ā leon.sanchezĀ to send out the call for volunteer message to the EURALO mailing list
  • A potential special purpose call to be held for the EURALO volunteers for ICANN 54
  • Ariel LiangĀ to email the assignees of Rec 17 and to ask them to do the reporting for this Rec
  • After the ICANN 54 meeting, SMWG to hold a call and review the taxonomy used on the new At-Large website and help review and revise the topic/organization tags on statements and news articlesĀ 
  • Dev Anand TeelucksinghĀ to ask Social Media WG to use SLACK for internal communications
  • Dev Anand TeelucksinghĀ to propose to an At-Large Working Group to conduct a policy-related discussion using social media