At-Large Social Media WG 17 July 2014 Action Items
At-Large Social Media WG 17 July 2014 Action Items
- Dev Anand TeelucksinghĀ and Ariel LiangĀ to build another social media workflow, which will include an At-Large reading list, WG introductions and activity updates, and RALO activity updates, etc.Ā
- WG members to continue the discussion on the hashtag for the At-Large brand via mailing list and Skype group Chat.Ā
- anthony.niiganii to work withĀ Ariel Liang, Dev Anand Teelucksingh andĀ other WG members to further developing theĀ idea of building tweets related to At-Large beginner's guide and popularizing digestible, bit-size information.Ā
- Staff to discuss with the comms department and explore the ideas of producing short videos clips that help raise awareness of the community and serve the capacity building purposes.Ā