IDN Liaison Report July 2012

IDN Liaison Report July 2012


- call for volunteers completed for next phase projects

- waiting on the finalization of the list of volunteers

- work continuing and progress made towards focusing on the direction towards the implementation of IDN Variant TLDs



- starting work on final report on universal acceptance of IDN TLDs

- proposing to be re-formed as a standing working group

- with scope of supporting staff/board/other implementation on IDN TLDs related to issues of common interest

- adjusted to monthly meeting


New gTLD Statement

- being finalized and circulated to ALAC

- reiterate the consensus position from Prague to prioritize IDN gTLD applications

- with additional explanation and qualifications (including regarding IDN Variant TLDs)



- Starting to work on a general position statement from At-Large

- Focused on long term strategy on IDN for ICANN