Decisions: 2017-03-28 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

Decisions: 2017-03-28 ALAC Monthly Teleconference

Motion on the IDN ccTLD User Confusion Issue


  • The ALAC believes that the avoidance of user confusion in the use of domain names is of paramount importance;
  • The ALAC believes that the deployment of IDN TLDs should be expedited;
  • On 24 August 2016, the ALAC issued Statement AL-ALAC-ST-0816-01-00-EN supporting the recommendations of the ccNSO Extended Process Similarity Review Panel (EPSRP) Working Group (see https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/818eBg);
  • On 31 August 2016, the SSAC released its Advisory SAC084 ( https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/sac-084-en.pdf) raising security and stability concerns based on potential user confusability with the proposed process;
  • During ICANN58 in Copenhagen, the ALAC met with both the SSAC and the ccNSO to discuss the issue;
  • The ALAC was made aware of a possible methodology to resolve the issue – specifically, accept that a two character IDN string may be confusingly similar in its own right, but that the impact on end-users could be mitigated by registry policy;
  • If such mitigation is committed to by the registry and is considered as part of the evaluation process, the issue of user confusion can be reduced;


  • The ALAC rescinds its statement AL-ALAC-ST-0816-01-00-EN.
  • The ALAC encourages all concerned bodies to find a path forward that will not compromise security and stability or the rigour of confusability evaluation processes while ensuring timely deployment of IDN TLDs.

- Yes (11): Alan Greenberg, ramon.soto, Harold Arcos, holly.raiche, leon.sanchez, Maureen, sebastien.bachollet, Tijani BEN JEMAAkaili.kanjavier.ruabastiaan.goslings

- No (0)

- Abstain (3): seun.ojedeji, wafa.zaafouriandrei.kolesnikov

- Didn't vote (1): garth.bruen