ALAC Monthly Teleconference 2015.12.22 AC Chat
Yesim Nazlar: (12/22/2015 03:04) Welcome to the ALAC Monthly Teleconference on Tuesday, 22 December 2015 at 19:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar: (03:05) Agenda:
Ron Sherwood: (12:52) Good afternoon everyone
Jimmy Schulz: (12:53) Hi everyone
Holly Raiche: (12:55) Morning everyone
Kaili Kan: (12:55) Hi, everybody ! I'm in. : )
Kaili Kan: (12:57) Early birds looking for the worm ...... : )
Aziz AFRALO: (12:59) Hello, Bonsoir
Heidi Ullrich: (13:01) Hi All
Siranush Vardanyan: (13:02) hi, all
Jimmy Schulz: (13:02) but maybe this one takes until the 24th
Jimmy Schulz: (13:03) looking at the agenda
Siranush Vardanyan: (13:03) hellooooo:)
Alberto Soto -IIISI: (13:04) Hello everyone!!!
vanda SCARTEZINI: (13:04) like yesterdy Adobe first cameout for several members with a answer that I have already enter before... so need to close and start again then works
vanda SCARTEZINI: (13:05) odd.
vanda SCARTEZINI: (13:07) hi Alberto
Alberto Soto -IIISI: (13:07) Hi Vanda!!
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (13:07) Hello All
vanda SCARTEZINI: (13:08) welcome new staff!!!
Jimmy Schulz: (13:08) welcome Yesim
vanda SCARTEZINI: (13:08) Yesim a pelasure to have you with us!!
Christopher Wilkinson (CW): (13:08) Rappers in the foreground ¿?
Siranush Vardanyan: (13:09) just one comment. Lebanese ALS is already APRALO member and not expecting regional advice as it mentioned in the agenda
Terri Agnew 2: (13:09) Action Items:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (13:09) Welcome Yesim
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (13:09) and (now / this time) welcme to (this) caall Yasim :-)
Yesim Nazlar: (13:10) Thank you everyone! A great pleasure for me to meet you all.
Maureen Hilyard: (13:10) I am not getting any sound.
Jimmy Schulz: (13:11) yes
Ariel Liang: (13:11)
Terri Agnew 2: (13:11) Policy Advice Page on New Website:
Terri Agnew 2: (13:11) Policy Advice Development Page:
Terri Agnew 2: (13:11) ICANN Public Comment page:
Siranush Vardanyan: (13:11) i cannot hear Ariel
Terri Agnew 2: (13:12) You may need to update adobe connect plug in's here:
Terri Agnew 2: (13:12) if a dial out is needed, please send me a private chat with best phone number
Siranush Vardanyan: (13:13) i am hearing Alan but not Ariel
Alberto Soto -IIISI: (13:14) No....
Alberto Soto -IIISI: (13:15) I did not have any comment
Holly Raiche: (13:16) ALAC has already made a statement to that effect
Ariel Liang: (13:21) Continuous Data-driven Analysis of Root Server System Stability (CDAR) Study Plan:
Terri Agnew 2: (13:23) At-Large Reports from WGs:
Ariel Liang: (13:23) As a friendly reminder: ALAC memebers - please remember to vote for the ISOC DR accreditation
Terri Agnew 2: (13:25) ALAC Monthly Reports:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (13:26) As a FYI, the Technology Taskforce has begun to document some technology-related issues facing the At-Large Community so as to raise them with ICANN Staff :
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (13:27) The TTF welcomes any inputs from the At-Large Community to note any issues for the TTF to review and raise with ICANN Staff to (hopefully) come up with solutions and/or workarounds
Terri Agnew 2: (13:28) GNSO Liaison Reports:
Heidi Ullrich: (13:29) @Dev, thanks for your leadership of the TTF. IT staff have stated that they have gained a lot of information from this group.
Terri Agnew 2: (13:29) SSAC Report:
Terri Agnew 2: (13:29) @Julie, we were unable to hear you
Siranush Vardanyan: (13:30) APRALO monthly report highligting the achievements by our RALO in 2015 is alsp posted in the relevant wiki space
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (13:32) can someone please unsync the agenda?
Terri Agnew 2: (13:33) ccNSO Liaison Reports
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (13:33) thanks!
Ariel Liang: (13:36) you may also download the final formatted version of the Statement here:
Harold Arcos: (13:40) Just lost signal, I agree
Harold Arcos: (13:40) yes
Heidi Ullrich: (13:48) Next steps:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (13:52) my hand is still up Alan
Terri Agnew 2: (13:58) Welcome Glenn McKnight
Glenn McKnight: (13:58) Thanks
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (13:58) yup it is 'tad muddy' nothing to be done re this ATM
Jimmy Schulz: (14:01) f2f would be helpfull
vanda SCARTEZINI: (14:03) travel group I beleive will not able to make this works due the time. but F2F will be very helpful
Terri Agnew 2: (14:03) Seun has rejoined on audio
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (14:05) for the record I have been 'advocating= to some that an intersessional meeting for the CO's and CCWG in mid late Jan ( suggested NZ eveb as a venue as VISA is easier there) since long before Dublin,
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (14:06) BUT we pushed fr the end Dec timeline
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (14:06) Ll the problems arer real/ valid and this is why I kept doing that
Tijani BEN JEMAA: (14:07) Ok Terri, I will do in the futur
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (14:07) yup Alan correct
Terri Agnew 2: (14:11) Welcome Judith Hellterstein
Terri Agnew 2: (14:11) Working Party Draft Charter:
Judith Hellerstein: (14:11) I am also on the audio channel. had a hard time getting in to the adobe chat
Judith Hellerstein: (14:12) i am the X5139 call in number
vanda SCARTEZINI: (14:12) judith. try close and start again, I ahd same problem yesterday and today but finally worked
Judith Hellerstein: (14:12) i did and it worked for me
Heidi Ullrich: (14:12) At-Large Review 2015-2019 -
Judith Hellerstein: (14:13) lots of problems today at getting on the adobe chat
Judith Hellerstein: (14:14) i see it as well and i am in the adobe chat
Ariel Liang: (14:19) This is the wiki page for past/current review:
Ariel Liang: (14:20) draft charter is posted here:
Heidi Ullrich: (14:21) Membership of the At-Large Review WP:
Sébastien: (14:22) I will not participate as I didn't
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (14:22) ahh roles of Members f the WP not the Reviewer I now understand what he said ... Thnks Seun
Le-Marie Thompson: (14:22) Le-Marie Abstain
Terri Agnew 2: (14:22) Leon has joined audio
Sébastien: (14:22) read the document (yet)
Sébastien: (14:22) Sorry
Heidi Ullrich: (14:22) Le-Marie, only ALAC Members are being asked.
Le-Marie Thompson: (14:22) I have abstained!
Siranush Vardanyan: (14:24) sorry, need to leave the call now. Merry Christmass and a Happy New Year to all of you
Garth Graham: (14:24) Heading to a local meeting so signing off with a merry Xmas and happy New Year
Holly Raiche: (14:24) Merry Christmas Siranush
vanda SCARTEZINI: (14:24) to you too Siranush! kisses
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (14:24) Bye Siranush Seasons Greetings to you and Yours
Siranush Vardanyan: (14:24) thanks, dears
Harold Arcos: (14:24) Thanks @Siranush, Idem to you. Hug
Terri Agnew 2: (14:25) goodbye Siranush and Garth
Holly Raiche: (14:26) Merry Christmas Garth to you and family
Christopher Wilkinson (CW): (14:29) Leaving the call for family obligations. Apologies. Thankyou, Chair and Staff. CW
vanda SCARTEZINI: (14:30) merry Christmas Christopher
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:30) Its strange that Meeting C which is a longer meeting has seemingly less meeting time for ALAC
Christopher Wilkinson (CW): (14:30) Happy Christmas everyone!
Heidi Ullrich: (14:31) @All, this strategy was developed by the Community, including 5 members of At-Large.
Holly Raiche: (14:31) Not sure how it can be cost-cuting - the maincost is still air fares and accommodation - and that money should be spend on us meeting - waste of money is the way it looks
Heidi Ullrich: (14:31) It want through a Public Comment. The ALAC new meeting Strategy developed this schedule. It is open and flexible.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:32) Constructive comments would be useful. It is not a cost-cutting exercise.
Holly Raiche: (14:33) If it's flexible, how can we restore ALAC hours - I'd like to look at thischrt in more detail to understand how we wound up with less ALAC time
Heidi Ullrich: (14:33) Gisella will make some suggestions :)
Heidi Ullrich: (14:33) It is not less overall less time. It is less time for ALAC only f2f at the moment
Holly Raiche: (14:36) What is fillling in the time?
Heidi Ullrich: (14:37) WGs and Outreach
Holly Raiche: (14:37) Weneed to understand what outreach is - what is planned?
vanda SCARTEZINI: (14:38) WG due the decision not to have parallel meetings I beleive. this may be better organized
Heidi Ullrich: (14:38) It is for meeting A as well
Holly Raiche: (14:39) Any chance of ever having a multi-stakeholder forum again?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:39) Why have 4 RALO meetings for Meeting A ?
Heidi Ullrich: (14:41) @Dev, most RALOs have f2f meetings at ICANN Meetings
vanda SCARTEZINI: (14:42) Ralos meeting can be done out of regular hours, as we did in the past. one day will not kill anyone
Glenn McKnight: (14:43) I asked Garth to provide comment at the next NARALO meeting
vanda SCARTEZINI: (14:45) it is just fair to rotate.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:46) CS updated document -
Alan Greenberg: (14:47) @Glenn, I have also asked Garth to comment for the ALAC.
Terri Agnew 2: (14:47) At-Large ICANN Civil Society Engagement in Fiscal Year 2016 Workspace:
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (14:47) Several of uswere commited to a CCWG Call at the same time
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (14:50) Jan will be most helpul to meet/ work with on this Heidi
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (14:51) There was also a Outreach and Engagement call on this issue : which involved Jean-Jacques Sahel and Adam Peake from ICANN
Glenn McKnight: (14:52) My impression from Adam that ZERO dollars are available on this Civic Engagement
Heidi Ullrich: (14:54) There may be some support for Civil Society panels at some conferences.
Glenn McKnight: (14:54) The reality that this isn't a cash cow
Glenn McKnight: (14:54) Its very minimum suport for outreach or inreach
Glenn McKnight: (14:55) Look at the ideas for implementation they are pretty minor ie. brochures etc.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:55) @Glenn, please suggest new ideas. This is a living document.
Glenn McKnight: (14:55) I did
Heidi Ullrich: (14:55) The current period is a cataloguing of events
Leon Sanchez: (14:56) Finally in the AC room. My apologies for joining so late to the AC room
Glenn McKnight: (14:57) The lack of clear process with a budget makes this exercise painful. What is the expectations?
Glenn McKnight: (14:57) We have in our MOU's Outreach and Engagement as a RALO delivery and it's mainly downplayed versa the policy work.
Heidi Ullrich: (14:58) @All, this is not going to be anew consitutuency
Heidi Ullrich: (14:59) Anyone who is interested may participate
Glenn McKnight: (14:59) We have a serious split on the value of outreach
Judith Hellerstein: (14:59) however, jean jacques sahel is going to go forward with this whether we go in it or not, so i think we should contribute and pariticapte in it
Tijani BEN JEMAA: (14:59) dropped again
Glenn McKnight: (14:59) I strongly think we need to be active in this issue. It has been ignored by most of us.
Glenn McKnight: (15:00) We need clear strategies
Terri Agnew 2: (15:00) @Tijanni, calling you back
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: (15:00) @Tijani you'll have the floor as soon as you come bac on
Tijani BEN JEMAA: (15:01) I'm here again
Holly Raiche: (15:01) When the Eurorpean Commission rep was in a meeting, he agreed that the only issue that fit in his remit was privacy
Judith Hellerstein: (15:02) +1 tijani that is what i am saying
Glenn McKnight: (15:02) @Tijani what budget are you speaking about. My impression is that no money is allocated for this effort
Holly Raiche: (15:02) Happy to participate on an issue by issue basis
Alan Greenberg: (15:02) @Glenn, if there is a VP who beleives this is important, there IS a budget...
Glenn McKnight: (15:03) @Alan don't agree. This is contrary to what Adam is saying
Glenn McKnight: (15:04) Unless funds are available for the outreach and Inreach the efforts will be minimum
Holly Raiche: (15:05) I would be nice of those who are really 'into' civil society to put their hands up for WG that infringe on privacy, for example
Alan Greenberg: (15:05) Glenn, I stand by what I said, Adam Peake notwithstanding
Glenn McKnight: (15:06) @Alan perhaps but I am going what he told me and Dev
Glenn McKnight: (15:06) My point is initiatives require a plan, metrics and strategy> all require time and money
Alan Greenberg: (15:06) We have interpreters until 15 minuites after the hour. Another 9 minutes.
Holly Raiche: (15:07) Agree with Vanda - a real issue is confusion as to what is trying to be achieved
Glenn McKnight: (15:07) What about Dev?
Heidi Ullrich: (15:07) A definition within the ICANN context would likely include end-users
Holly Raiche: (15:07) @ Heidi - the word likely is a worry - it should be a given
Holly Raiche: (15:08) Agree with Dev - there is a place within ALAC for any civil society group
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:09) For example, look at this : ;
vanda SCARTEZINI: (15:09) that was my point to. align with others to make it clear for users in general around the world
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:09) the messaging says Civil Society is for GNSO only - we need to correct this messaging going forward
Judith Hellerstein: (15:09) +1 dev
Glenn McKnight: (15:10) We need to provide a clear message to Civil Society on the value of what we offer. RightsCOn, NTEN and other groups are receptive but we need to provide the right information for their consumption. Right now our literature etc doesn't make sense
Holly Raiche: (15:10) Absolutely agree with Dev
Heidi Ullrich: (15:10) @Glen, that is the plan in Marrakech.
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:11) and ensure that the message to any org or individual that thinks of themselves as civil society that At-Large is a place for them, not just NCSG
Sébastien: (15:11) YES TIjani
Glenn McKnight: (15:12) #Heidi the name is Glenn
Heidi Ullrich: (15:12) @Glenn, sorry for the typo.
vanda SCARTEZINI: (15:12) I do not agree too . the initiative is there Adam was contracted to do this
Alberto Soto -IIISI: (15:12) organizations are under GNSOE mentioning just, have a space for propaganda within the fellowship program ???? ALAC and the RALOS?
Glenn McKnight: (15:13) As an advisory with PIR we have been working hard on the Outreach on Civil Society
Holly Raiche: (15:13) Tijani - well said - it can't be stopped - but it is a clearly confusing structure - and we need to embrace - even if it doesn't make sense (and yes, more phone calls)
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:14) I think the O & E members would be very interested in this given the synergies with Outreach and Engagement
Terri Agnew 2: (15:14) ICANN 55 website:
Holly Raiche: (15:14) MOre calls on our time - and FOR WHAT!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (15:15) I would be more than happy to represent APAC / APRALO Holly/ Maureen please let the APRLO LT know that please
Leon Sanchez: (15:15) Happy holidays!
Alberto Soto -IIISI: (15:15) Thanks to all, bye bye!!
vanda SCARTEZINI: (15:15) great holidays and happy new year!!!
Kaili Kan: (15:15) Thanks to all !
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: (15:15) Merry Chirstmas, Season Greetings, Best Wishes, Happy Holidays All
Ron Sherwood: (15:15) Bye all
Judith Hellerstein: (15:15) bye all
Heidi Ullrich: (15:16) ICANN will be closed 24 Dec to 4 January
Jimmy Schulz: (15:16) bye!
Allan Skuce: (15:16) Bye.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr: (15:16) bye Seasns Greetings to aALL
Harold Arcos: (15:16) Cheers all, Merry Chritsmas an Happy New Year for all
Ariel Liang: (15:16) thanks all!! Happy holidays and have a very happy new year