At-Large Social Media special purpose call 2015.06.16 AC Chat
Terri Agnew:Dear all, Welcome to the At-Large Social Media Special Purpose Call on Tuesday, 16 June 2015 at 20:00 UTC
Terri Agnew:meeting page:
Raitme Citterio:hi@terri
Raitme Citterio:hi @terri
Terri Agnew:Welcome Raitme
Ariel Liang:Hello All!
Raitme Citterio:Hi @ariel
Ariel Liang:Dev will be on in a couple of minutes
Ariel Liang:Hi Dev
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
Glenn McKnight:Hi
Glenn McKnight:mic is muted
Raitme Citterio:hi @glenn
Glenn McKnight:Hi all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:yes
Terri Agnew:@Glenn, we can hear you
Glenn McKnight:CIRA CIF event in Ottawa , discuss from a Social Media point of view. ie. Hashtag, Facebook, Livestream chat etc
Glenn McKnight:muted
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:Muted. On Call.
Ariel Liang:welcome Paola!
Paola Perez:Hi all!
Paola Perez:Hi @Ariel
Raitme Citterio:I do not have audio
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:ok, well any questions or comments. Also Staff can dial out to you if need be
Terri Agnew:@Raitme, let me know if a dial out is needed on telephone or directions to activate mic on AC
Glenn McKnight:link?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:glenn, check email
Paola Perez:No
Raitme Citterio:no
Paola Perez:I dont have any problem
Glenn McKnight:signed in
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:what's your twitter handle, glenn?
Glenn McKnight:gmcknight
Glenn McKnight:also inkmedia
Glenn McKnight:also iscc
Glenn McKnight:mainly I am tweeting via Internet Society of Canada Chapter
Terri Agnew:Welcome Jacqueline Morris
Glenn McKnight:ISOC Canada@iscanada1
Glenn McKnight:@iscanada1
Terri Agnew:Welcome Juan Manuel Rojas
Glenn McKnight:yes
Glenn McKnight:muted again
Raitme Citterio:@ariel I was checking but do not get me the invitation to buffer
Juan Manuel Rojas:Hi everyone
Juan Manuel Rojas:Sorry I'm late
Raitme Citterio:thanks
Raitme Citterio:ok i cheking now
Glenn McKnight:IEEE IHTC Conference shot in HD high resolution Group picture
Glenn McKnight:It is not allowing me to upload
Glenn McKnight:The ADD TO QUEUE is shaded
Raitme Citterio:@ariel I was reviewing again but does not appear the invitation email
Raitme Citterio:ok thanks
Jacqueline:You ca see my posts in the test account and now one in the ICANNAtLarge account
Glenn McKnight: the picture is 4.189 mb
Glenn McKnight:too large to post
Juan Manuel Rojas:For Facebook are better square pictures
Glenn McKnight:The problem is the cell phone pics they are really shakey and poor resolution but they are good for quick posts
Raitme Citterio:ok thanks @glenn
Glenn McKnight:No problem uploading my pics to Facebook as normal
Juan Manuel Rojas:@Glenn we could some editing before post
Jacqueline:Glen - this is apparently best pic sizes from the Buffer blog -
Glenn McKnight:I can change the settings to medium in the cameras
Raitme Citterio:i checking email again
Glenn McKnight:I will be bringing four cameras so if anyone can volunteer please see me
Glenn McKnight:I can lend them a camera
Glenn McKnight:four cameras
Glenn McKnight:two panasonic video
Glenn McKnight:no problem
Glenn McKnight:Wide angle, telephoto, mid range and a normal 35 mm
Juan Manuel Rojas:I can use one, if you are agree @glenn, I am just only three days
Ariel Liang:This is the Google Spreadsheet that we have been working on:
Glenn McKnight:@Juan yes you can
Glenn McKnight:I arrive on Thurs morning for ISOC
Glenn McKnight:I volunteer for DNS for women and I cover the Fellowship group
Glenn McKnight:I am on accessiblity but I can't attend due to Fellowship meeting on Sunday
Glenn McKnight:Lots of pictures of new fellows etc
Jacqueline:I'm in ccNSO Tuesday adn Wednesday
Raitme Citterio:@ariel I have serious difficulty to listening and my microphone does not work
Terri Agnew:@Raitme, I sent you a private chat on AC
Juan Manuel Rojas:How are we going to handle drafting posts?
Juan Manuel Rojas:Live tweets will need be approve it?
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:Is the buffer been paid for?
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@akinbo yes , buffer has been paid for
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:I advice that we pay for the Business Package.
Juan Manuel Rojas:Thanks @Ariel
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:I advice that we use the Business Pack.
Glenn McKnight:What time is the face to face meeting on Saturday?
Glenn McKnight:What is the bussiness pack?
Raitme Citterio:@ariel I am already connected to buffer all ready
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:great Raitme
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Ariel Liang:wonderful Raitme
Juan Manuel Rojas:I will be traveling on 20th
Raitme Citterio:i will be traveling on 20th
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:We could have coffee remotely with the team...just tell us the meeting point.
Raitme Citterio:repet me please
Raitme Citterio:yes
Raitme Citterio:paola sending pdf to arieal
Juan Manuel Rojas:Paola tienes audio conectado?
Paola Perez:Do you listen me?
Glenn McKnight:The face to face seems to be at 1 to 2.
Juan Manuel Rojas:nope
Terri Agnew:@paola, your mic is not active.
Glenn McKnight:I am at a ISOC Meeting all day on Saturday
Glenn McKnight:Friday and Saturday ISOC meetings
Terri Agnew:to activate mic/ top tool bar/ select telephone/ follow directions/ once telephone turns to mic your mic will be active
Raitme Citterio:i have problem to my mic
Juan Manuel Rojas:Paola, estas conectada por llamada o por Adobe Connect?
Glenn McKnight:Saturday night maybe. Need to check
Juan Manuel Rojas:I heared Paola too low
Raitme Citterio:i listen to paola
Terri Agnew:@Paola, can you speak a bit louder?
Jacqueline:Cannot hear
Ariel Liang:@Jacquline can you hear better? I mutes some background noise
Paola Perez:
Jacqueline:Nope. Can barely hear. Can someone do a quick summary?
Juan Manuel Rojas:Jacqueline.. it is same text on screen
Glenn McKnight:I thought it was my bad hearing I too could not hear her
Glenn McKnight:can't hear
Glenn McKnight:never use it
Glenn McKnight:similar to Pinterest
Jacqueline:I don't understand the need for socialgest if we already have Buffer
Glenn McKnight:I can't speak pro or con
Jacqueline:And we can IFTTTT Instagram to Buffer
Jacqueline:relatively easily\
Glenn McKnight:I am not informed enough to voice an opinion
Juan Manuel Rojas:I use hootsuite a lot to manage accounts..
Glenn McKnight:Yes, hootsuite is good
Juan Manuel Rojas:I do not know Social Gest
Terri Agnew:@Jacqueline, we are uanble to hear you
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Jacqueline not hearing you
Juan Manuel Rojas:We will need that on every sessions HT be named. Mainly on Opening Ceremony
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:
Paola Perez:
Jacqueline:But Buffer works for ALL accounts and we can post to each account - you can PICK what you want to post to which.
Ariel Liang:actually Buffer doesn't work for Instagram yet
Paola Perez:@SocialGestVe
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:Thanks Paola.
Raitme Citterio:thanks @paola
Glenn McKnight:lots of feedback on caller
Paola Perez:In my opinion we should focus with open the account as soon as possible, to be gaining followers and supporters.. For this ICANN53 I think that we can do it manually without generating too much content, only with the most relevant of all ICANN53.
Raitme Citterio:yes
Paola Perez:And if we talk about the pictures and the text we could take them from content posted on Facebook or Twitter
Paola Perez:only the relevant content
Jacqueline:Here is a series of IFTTT recipes for Buffer and Instagram
Raitme Citterio:thanks @jacqueline
Jacqueline:I suggest we createe the official account immediately - with STAFF
Jacqueline:NP Raitme
Paola Perez:You are welcome.. Is wonderful to me can help on it
Ariel Liang:Thank you Paola! Thank you all for helping this!
Raitme Citterio:@dev I suggest the following one that possesses AtLarge mail that will be associated with instagram account to associate a IFTTT account to take advantage of integration with Flickr
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:CIRA - Canadian Internet Registration Authority
Jacqueline:No need to share the credentials if we set up a recipe to send particular hashtag instagram posts to the Buffer queue -
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:@raitme - good suggestion, I'm sure Ariel will do that when creating the instragram account
Ariel Liang:@Raitme, you mean the at-large staff email?
Paola Perez:Please If everybody can read my advices
Ariel Liang:@Paola we will circulate your PDF with the group
Paola Perez:At the time of attendance registration of all attendees ICANN53 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We should also ask for personal details of the person, the user of Twitter and Instagram.
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:Ths could be added for the Instragram...(
Jacqueline:NO... I forgot to take it down last time
Raitme Citterio:@ariel a mail account to handle directly AtLarge team
Paola Perez:Is important too make use of Hashtags, to cause more impact #ICANN53 and I dont know... Suggestions?
Ariel Liang:okay. will make sure to use the same email
Raitme Citterio:yes @ariel
Ariel Liang:yes, we will use #ICANN53 throughout the whole meeting, also use #ICANN #ICANNAtLarge
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:+1 Paola Hashtag should not vary too much. Joint meetings should have a reflective tag too.
Jacqueline:Paola, we can do that for the next meeting as almost all the registrations are already done...
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Juan Manuel Rojas:I believe that just one HT is more useful
Glenn McKnight:it was the Canadian Internet Forum of sorts
Glenn McKnight:only one HT is right
Glenn McKnight:#ciraif was our handle
Juan Manuel Rojas:#ICANN53 for this meeting and #At_Large (as additional, if needed)
Glenn McKnight:face to face meeting? I am tied up during the day with ISOC
Ariel Liang:Juan, let's use #ICANNAtLarge for consistency purpose
Jacqueline:I think we already have some standard hashtags from meeting to meeting. It's also cool to see the organic ones that bubble up and add them
Raitme Citterio:@glenn I ask you to me?
Paola Perez:Yes, the principal will be #ICANN53, but for example is you are at the IANA Stewardship Transition we can use #IANAtransition that will help to cause more impact and more followers
Paola Perez:if you are* sorry
Glenn McKnight:bye all. I need to go to a HAM radio meeting at a repeater site
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:@Ariel: I need to know my role on the buffer team. I believe am too restricted.
Ariel Liang:@Akinbo, you are a contributor in Buffer
Glenn McKnight:bye
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:All the best.
Ariel Liang:which means that you can draft, but you cannot publish content directly
Akinbo A. A. Cornerstone .ng:ok
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone!
Jacqueline:OK - adios all