At-Large Social Media WG 12 November 2014 Action Items
At-Large Social Media WG 12 November 2014 Action Items
- ATLAS II Rec 17: beran.dondehgillen and bukola.fawole to research alternative social media platforms in countries that block Facebook, Twitter, and/or YouTube & report back to the group via mailing list and future WG call; muarray.mckercher to contact the citizen lab and find out previous research on this subject
- ATLAS II Rec 21: Ariel Liang, Dev Anand Teelucksingh and leon.sanchez to contact GSE staff and learn about their past public campaign efforts
- ATLAS II Rec 23 & 24: Glenn McKnight and muarray.mckercher to look at the Ombudsman's social media channels, critique whether they have been used effectively, and provide suggestions
- Ariel Liang, Dev Anand Teelucksingh and leon.sanchez to request Buffer, Hootsuite, and/or Social Sprout to do demos during future WG calls
- maritza.aguero, bukola.fawole, beran.dondehgillen, Glenn McKnight & Dev Anand Teelucksingh to complete their respective sessions on the new Social Media Curation work flow: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/FQPvBQ
- Ariel Liang, Dev Anand Teelucksingh and leon.sanchez to solicit more volunteers to fill the blank in the new Curation Work Flow