At-Large Social Media WG 29 September 2014 AC Chat
Kathy Schnitt:Welcome to the At-Large Social Media WG on Monday 29 of September 2014 at 13:00 UTC
Kathy Schnitt:Meeting Page:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello!
Kathy Schnitt:Welcome Dev Anand
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Will probably need a dialout - my laptop mic still gives trouble in Windows
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Can I get a dialout to the 1796 number ?
Kathy Schnitt:I will have Adigo Dial out to you
Gabriel Dacko -Isoc Cameroon:My speaking english isnot pretty good, so i will contribute by text
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello everyone
Ariel Liang:Hello everyone!
Gabriel Dacko -Isoc Cameroon:Hello Dev
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All
Ariel Liang:Here is the post ATLAS II implementation chart:
Bukola:Hello everyone
Glenn McKnight:Got it
Juan Manuel Rojas P:Hi everyone
Glenn McKnight:Dev we added stuff last week, I don't see the content
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:Yes got your screen
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:CIIO = Chief Information and Innovation Officer
Glenn McKnight:@dev we added conent last week with the TTF
Glenn McKnight:It also works the other way too
Glenn McKnight:yes, citizen lab has done this
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:The Citizen Lab is an interdisciplinary laboratory based at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, Canada focusing on advanced research and development at the intersection of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), human rights, and global security
Glenn McKnight:No voice. See my notes
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:My name is Gabriel Dacko , i'm board Member at Isoc Cameroon . I 'm also project in a web Agency
Glenn McKnight:Dev we added content last week from TTF
Seun:@Glenn i guess the citizen lab is to help advocate for unblocking where social media is blocked right?
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:project manager in a web agency
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:Happy to be here and hope to contribute for the future works, thanks you
Juan Manuel Rojas P:I agree Ariel. We need to reach another platforms for Social Media.
Seun:there are quite a number of social media alternatives here
Seun:re TOR: You are right Dev, not sure ICANN will want to publicly market TOR ;)
Glenn McKnight:@Seun your probably right
Jahangir Hossain:@seun :)
Seun:hey @Jahangir..good to see you here ;)
Glenn McKnight:#21 is a tough one since ICANN doesn't do much outreach/education
Glenn McKnight:Not even ISOC does much in this
Glenn McKnight:World Wide Web Foundation. One Web and others have done alot more in education
Seun:Speaking on item 21, is it possible to as ICANN to consider integrating social media share icon of the content published on their sites. So we could easily pick it up from there?
Juan Manuel Rojas P:Yes, but In Social Media WG we need to create an Strategy to impact Social Media Tools.
Seun:Okay nevermind, i just checked and found that is already integrated...
Glenn McKnight:Blogging, radio interviews, Birds of a Feather, when doing Outreach
Juan Manuel Rojas P:@Dev As a Social Media WG we also need to create metrics to measure Social Media Impact.
Glenn McKnight:Yes, metrics and standards. ie. I remember the outreach by the former President with lots of pictures of him holding a glass of wine
Glenn McKnight:Pictures of the 'common folk'
Glenn McKnight:The general public participation is very low and little effort is made to make simple videos to explain simple concepts. Lots of lots of reading
Glenn McKnight:The volume of content is a serious problem
Seun:do we have access to the ICANN website? because i am wondering how item 22 applies to social media?
Glenn McKnight:I was signing up the Consumer Council of Canada last week and they complained bitterly on the sheer volume on WHOIS and wanted simple analysis
Glenn McKnight:Please repeat
Seun:Because we don't put those content in there and what we can do is promote what we find there. Unless the content goes through social media before publication
Glenn McKnight:My simple idea for communicaton
Glenn McKnight:Look at
Seun:Re: architecture: I think there are 2 different things here, the content of the site and how to make meaning of it. The first part is beyound us, however the second part can be for us. So maybe we could bring up a more interractive texts from the less interractive ones published on the websites
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:Agree with you @Glenn
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:Use short & simple videos to explain complex content
Glenn McKnight:@gabriel ISOC has the same problem and their staff are not willing or able to communicate
Glenn McKnight:I also produced 30 videos on one idea with ALAC people on Youtube
Seun:I for one like the common craft url shared. It kind-of makes communication better but again i think we need to make this recommendation to staff as its quite huge and consistence work that should happen before publication of content
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:We can use SKYPE etc to do short video clips
Glenn McKnight:Chris Lahatte
Glenn McKnight:here is a video on Chris
Glenn McKnight:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:Did anyone try:
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:so for some reason the recommendation is already done
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:@Seun , do you mean that this task (production of short videos ) isn't for Social Media working group?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:it's only the people in the TG were not aware of this page... and if this is the case, then the Ombudsman page is obviously not advertised enough on the main ICANN Web site
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:but the Ombudaman already has a web site & social media
Juan Manuel Rojas P:But we need to help to those sites been easuly found.. for everyone
Glenn McKnight:Proceed
Glenn McKnight:So we tweet each time a complaint or a resolution?
Glenn McKnight:This is a full time job
Glenn McKnight:Who is going to do this
Glenn McKnight:I haven't see this
Juan Manuel Rojas P:Indeed!
Glenn McKnight:This is a big task
Glenn McKnight:Dev we have a Technology Taskforce call in 7 minutes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:Contractual Compliance Web Page with all of the information that the recommednation is asking for?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:
Glenn McKnight:Sorry Dev, he should be pushing content to social media working group
Seun:@Gabriel, yes there is going to be re-curring need to create short videos, it should not be social media task but staff who first receive the initial content. Social media can help promote it however
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:@Seun, agree
Juan Manuel Rojas P:Monday is good for me
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:Next monday
Glenn McKnight:Friday is fine with me to finish off the recommendations
Olivier Crepin-Leblond 2:@Glenn: I believe they are NOT allowed to share the names of the registries under unvestigation. They can only publish those which they have enforcement action that de-lists them as registries
Glenn McKnight:Nothing next week is good
Seun:I think we should be mindful of not extending the role of social media to content manager(as that wiill be too much to swallow)
Glenn McKnight:@OCL yes I agree
Seun:okay thanks Dev
Glenn McKnight:Thanks all
Ariel Liang:Thank you all!
Juan Manuel Rojas P:Thanks all
Ariel Liang:I will catch up with the chats
Gabriel Dacko-Isoc Cameroon:thks all, good day
Bukola:thank you
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks all and do review and comment on the wiki page with the ATLAS recommendations