At-Large Social Media WG 19 August 2014 AC Chat
Ā Ā Terri Agnew:Welcome to the Social Media Working group call on Tuesday 19th August 2014 at 1400 UTC
Ā Ariel Liang:Welcome everyone!
Ā Yannis:Hi Ariel
Ā Ariel Liang:Hi Yannis
Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Yannis
Ā Anthony Niiganii (MBE):Hi all
Ā Murray McKercher:hello everyone
Ā Yannis:hahaha yeah they are wrapping up
Ā Yannis:sorry =P
Ā Murray McKercher:i need to dial in - what is the id?
Ā Ariel Liang:it is 1638
Ā Murray McKercher:sorry thats in red :)
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:hi there!
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:apologies for late arrival
Ā Pavan Budhrani:hi all, here :)
Ā Ariel Liang:Here are some of the beginner's guide related to At-Large
Ā Terri Agnew:Welcome Seun Ojedeji
Ā Murray McKercher:good point re perspective, and who exactly is our audience?
Ā Seun:Thanks
Ā Murray McKercher:
Ā Terri Agnew:Welcome Bukola Fawole
Ā Terri Agnew:Welcome Leon Sanchez
Ā Leon Sanchez:hello everyone!
Ā Leon Sanchez:sorry for joining late
Ā Leon Sanchez:Thanks Terri!
Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello Leon, Bukola
Ā Bukola:Thank you Terri
Ā Bukola:Thank you Dev
Ā Leon Sanchez:Hi Dev!
Ā Yannis:Sorry am wondering is there somewhere that we could find the storyboard write-up or that's yet to be developed?
Ā Ariel Liang:
Ā Ariel Liang:we can possibly start from this Beginner's Guide
Ā Murray McKercher:here is another resource I have been testing - Blurpi -
Ā Murray McKercher:
Ā Yannis:Agree... if we are targeting a wider public mass, the tweets shall be with less acronyms and more emotions as Anthony mentioned
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I like the idea of the Tweet Serie
Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:#ICANNAtLarge
Ā Murray McKercher:I found #ICANN_AtLarge was difficult to type
Ā Leon Sanchez:in terms of hashtags I think that less is more
Ā Leon Sanchez:if we make it too long, we make it difficult for followers to RT or cite the twitt
Ā Yannis:I think #ICANNAtlarge gives better context instead of #Atlarge stands alone
Ā Murray McKercher:@Leon agree less is more
Ā Seun:sorry if i may ask (don't tweet much) is twitter case sensitive?
Ā Murray McKercher:@ Yannis, I agree ICANN leads context in association with AtLarge
Ā Seun:i agree with @Yannis
Ā Murray McKercher:@Seun, I do not think twitter is case sensitive, but someone lese may know the exact answer
Ā Yannis:yet I am wondering if we separate #ICANN and #Atlarge, would that help with greater audience if people follows #ICANN? or they will see #ICANNAtlarge as well, I rmb there was the question rasied in skype as well but I forgot the answer
Ā Seun:Okay just want to be sure #ICANNAtLarge is same with #ICANNAlarge havn't checked
Ā Murray McKercher:@ICANN_AtLargeĀ Tweets1,057Photos/ViVideos113, Following, 926Followers1 ,410Favorites
Ā Murray McKercher:current twitter stats on @ICANN_AtLarge
Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Ā Leon Sanchez:We're doing good in new followers! Congratulations!
Ā Murray McKercher:My favourite tweet so far
Ā Leon Sanchez::D
Ā Leon Sanchez:Muchas gracias Ariel! :D
Ā Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:
Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:for Twitter Search using #ALAC
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:#ALAC is actively used for other things at the moment
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:#ATLARGE also used actively by others non ICANN related
Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:At-Large WGĀ :
Ā Yannis:indeed is it possible to encourage the other WGs to appoint a liasion among their exsiting members to give some tweets updates?
Ā Ariel Liang:@ICANN_AtLarge
Ā Terri Agnew:Seun has lost his audio
Ā Pavan Budhrani:im okay with it!
Ā Pavan Budhrani::)
Ā Ariel Liang::)
Ā Bukola:how can I get to put the green check?
Ā Bukola:thanks
Ā Murray McKercher:Yes Dev, great idea
Ā Yannis:+1
Ā Pavan Budhrani:+1
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:+1
Ā Bukola:+1
Ā Pavan Budhrani:okay with that
Ā Yannis:that will be IGF istanbul Sep 2-5
Ā Leon Sanchez:Exactly
Ā Pavan Budhrani:we could send out a doodle
Ā Leon Sanchez:that is going to be complicated
Ā Seun:wow please lets remove igf from doodle
Ā Murray McKercher:I would be happy to assist Dev in charing calls as a backup
Ā Yannis:if possible could we open Sep 9th?
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:I've taken conference calls during IGFs :-)
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:it really depends on the quality of the Internet in the venue
Ā Murray McKercher:typo chairing
Ā Yannis:8th is Mid-Autumn Festival for Chinese =P
Ā Seun:anything after igf works!
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:inone IGF, the joke was that the difference between the people in the room and the remote participants, is that the remote participants had Internet access :-)
Ā Ariel Liang:So the tweets about the IGF will help bridge the gap
Ā Yannis:Will help with tweeting IGF =)
Ā Leon Sanchez:I will help twitting form IGF too :-)
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Look -- just DOODLE it!
Ā Ariel Liang:Thank you leon
Ā Olivier Crepin-Leblond:you're doing the call doodle at the moment :-)
Ā Ariel Liang:Pictures :)
Ā Yannis:Thanks everyone
Ā Leon Sanchez:Thanks to all!
Ā Anthony Niiganii (MBE):Kinanaskomitin Everyone!
Ā Leon Sanchez:have a great day!
Ā Murray McKercher:Thanks Al..bye
Ā Yannis:Bye
Ā Seun:thanks
Ā Ariel Liang:Thank you everyone!!
Ā Ariel Liang:Leon you will be our IGF social media liaison then
Ā Bukola:Thanks All
Ā Bukola:byee
Ā Leon Sanchez:Yes Ariel! Happy to liaise!
Ā Ariel Liang::)
Ā Ariel Liang:also Olivier
Ā Ariel Liang:take pictures please
Ā Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Thanks everyone , take care all