ALAC 22.02.11 - Monthly Teleconference
ALAC Monthly Teleconference
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0211/1
Date: Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Time: 1400 - 1530 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)
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Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
ALAC Participants: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Gareth Shearman, Sylvia Herlein Leite, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Marc Rotenberg, Sandra Hoferichter, Evan Leibovitch, Edmon Chung,
Liaisons/Guests: Sebastien Bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Ron Sherwood, Hong Xue, Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Apologies: Dave Kissoondoyal, Sergio Salinas Porto, James Seng, Fatimata Seye Sylla (non ALAC)
Absent: Mohamed El Bashir, Carlton Samuels
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Seth Greene, Matthias Langenegger
Interpreters: (FR) & (ES)
Action Items:EN, FR, ES
Adopted Motions: EN, FR, ES
Transcription: EN, FR, ES
Recording: EN, FR, ES
Documents (EN):
Summary Minutes: EN
A G E N D A - Draft
I. Standing Agenda Items
1. Adoption of the Agenda – Call for Any Other Business or Other amendments (2 mins) - Olivier
2. Roll Call Apologies from Members, if any (1 min) - Staff
3. Review of the Action Items from the ALAC Meeting of 22 January 2011 (5 mins) - Olivier
4. Review of Current ALS Applications (3 mins) - Matthias
a. Status of vote on ALS Applications
i. Cook Island Internet Action Group: 146 - Cook Islands Internet Action Group.pdf\
ii. Binary Egypt (139)
b. Update on ALS applications
i. Forum des Cadres Scientifiques pour le Développement (FORCAS): 143 - FORCAS (Forum des Cadres Scientifiques pour le Développement) (2).pdf
ii. European Media Platform: 148 - European Media Platform - EN.pdf
5. Reports (4 minutes)
Click here for the At-Large Working Group, RALO and Liaisons Reports page
Note: There will be no discussion of reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any WG or RALO Chair or Liaison who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda
II. New Business
Items for Decision
6. Review and Revise Timelines on the Policy Advice Development Calendar (10 mins) - Carlton and Olivier
Click here for all currently open public consultations.
The following currently open public consultations have been scheduled for comment by the ALAC.
- Proposed Process for Recognition of New GNSO Constituencies (ends 4 March 11) - A. Greenberg has prepared a draft statement.
- Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group (extended to 14 March 11)
The following currently open public consultations have not yet been discussed whether or not the ALAC wishes to prepare a statement on them:
- ccNSO DRDWG Final Report (ends 15 March 11)
- Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Working Group Proposed Final Report (ends 31 March 11)
- Proposed New GNSO Policy Development Process(ends 1 April 2011)
- Proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2012 (FY12) Operating Plan and Budget (ends 4 April 11)
- Post-Expiration Domain Name Recovery Working Group Proposed Final Report(ends 7 April 11)
- Proposed ICANN Meeting Dates 2014 - 2016 (ends 8 March 11)
- The Security, Stability and Resiliency of the DNS Review Team Set of Issues (ends 6 April 2011)
7. Proposed Bylaw Amendments as requested by At-Large Improvements WT A (10 mins) - Olivier
As part of the ALAC/At-Large Improvements project, WT A has been working with ICANN Legal on two revisions to the ICANN Bylaws, both in section XI.2.4. These amendments come out of the Final Report of the ALAC Review Working Group on ALAC Improvements (9 June 2009).
The goal of these proposed revisions can be summarized as follows:
The section of the ICANN Bylaws that deals with the ALAC should be changed to reflect its continuing purpose in the ICANN structure. This continuing purpose has four key elements:
- Providing advice on policy;
- Providing input into ICANN operations and structure;
- As part of ICANN’s accountability mechanisms; and
- As an organizing mechanism for some of ICANN’s outreach.
For review
WT A's Proposed ICANN Bylaw Changes for ALAC Approval
The proposed process and timetable
It is being requested that during the ICANN March Meeting in Silicon Valley in San Francisco:
- The SIC consider recommending that the Board approve the opening of a public comment period on these proposed revisions; and
- The Board act on this recommendation.
The proposed implementation timetable, developed by ICANN Legal, for these revisions culminates in their being considered for approval by the Board during the ICANN Meeting of June 2011. For that to be possible, the Board would need to approve the opening of the public comment period on the draft revisions during the ICANN Meeting in March 2011.
Does the ALAC approve the submission of Bylaws Amendments for consideration by the SIC to be opened for public comment?
Items For Discussion
8. Brief Reports from At-Large Improvements Work Teams (15-20 min) - WT Chairs
During the Wrap-Up Session in Cartagena, it was decided that the At-Large Improvements Work Team would present their updates during an ALAC meeting.
WT A Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)
WT B Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)
WT C Cartagena Presentation plus Flowcharts
WT D Cartagena Presentation (9 December 2010)
9. GAC-Board Meeting - Discussion of ALAC positions (15 mins) - Olivier
For Reference: GAC-Board Topics to be discussed and At-Large Positions
10. Applicant Guidebook Alternative Text (AGAT) Working Group - Update (10 mins) - Evan
For Reference: At-Large AGAT Workspace
11. Defining Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation - Next Steps (10 mins) - Olivier
For Reference: Board Resolution on Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation
12. ICANN Meeting 40 in San Francisco - Tentative At-Large Meetings Schedule (10 mins) - Olivier and Staff
a. Click here for the draft At-Large Meetings Schedule for the Silicon Valley Meeting in San Francisco
Does the ALAC have any comments on the agendas?
b. Tentative Stanford Town Hall
13. Any Other Business - (5 mins) Olivier
a. The ccNSO seeks 4 ALAC volunteers for new Study Group on the use of names for countries and territories
The Study Group's goal is to provide the ccNSO Council, ccTLD community and other interested stakeholders, including the GAC and GNSO Council, an overview of the scope and issues associated with the use of Country and Territory names as TLD strings and the scope and impact of alternative action paths on IDN ccTLD and new gTLD processes.
The statement of purpose for the study group can be found at