ALAC 24.05.11 - Monthly Teleconference
ALAC Monthly Teleconference
Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0511/1
Date: Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Time: 1400 - 1530 UTC
(For the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Meeting Room:
Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)
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Who is on the dial-out list for this call?
ALAC Participants: Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Sandra Hoferichter, Gareth Sherman, Evan Leibovitch, James Seng, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Marc Rotenberg, Edmon Chung, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Dave Kissoondoyal
Spanish: Sergio Salinas Porto, Sylvia Herlein Leite
French: No one
Liaisons/Guests: Ron Sherwood, Sebastien Bachollet, Alan Greenberg, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Cintra Sooknanan,
Apologies: Carlton Samuels, Wolf Ludwig
Absent: Mohamed El Bashir
Staff: Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber-White
Interpreters: (FR) & (ES): Maya (FR) & Derek (ES)
Action Items:EN, FR, ES
Adopted Motions: EN, FR, ES
Transcription: EN, FR, ES
Recording: EN, FR, ES
Chat: EN
Documents (EN):
Summary Minutes: EN
ALAC Agenda: 24 May 2011
I. Standing Agenda Items
1. Adoption of this agenda; call for Any Other Business or other amendments – Olivier (2 min)
2. Roll call; apologies from members, if any – Staff (2 min)
3. Review of ALAC Action Items from 26 April 2011 meeting – Olivier (5 min)
4. Review of Current ALS applications – Staff (Marilyn) (5 min)
European Media Platform (EURALO). Regional advice: Accept
The Ukrainian Internet Association (EURALO) . Regional advice: Accept
Netmission.Asia (APRALO)
5. Reports – Olivier (1 min)
See At-Large Reports from WGs, RALOs and Liaisons wiki page
See ALAC Monthly Reports wiki page
Note: Usually, no discussion of these reports is scheduled for this meeting; the above link is for information only. Any WG or RALO Chair/Liaison seeking to discuss his/her report or a related decision is asked (i) to edit the relevant agenda section under Items for Decision or Items for Discussion before the meeting or (ii) to raise the item when Any Other Business is called for under agenda item 1, before adoption of the agenda.
II. New Business
Items for Decision
6. Review and revise timelines on Policy Advice Development Calendar -- Carlton and Olivier (15 min)
See ICANN Web site Public Comment page for all currently open public consultations.
Current ALAC statements in progress (or recently finished):
- ALAC Statement on the Academia Representation on NomCom (comments accepted through Wed, 25 May, at 23:59 UTC)
- ALAC Statement on the eG8 Forum (comments accepted through Sun, 22 May, at 23:59 UTC)
Does the ALAC wish to comment on these open public consultations?
- Proposed .MOBI Contract Amendment "Additional Equitable Allocation Options for .MOBI One and Two-Character Domains" (ends 25 May 11)
- ICANN FY 12 Security, Stability & Resiliency Framework
(ends extended to 7 June 2011) - Proposed ICANN Process for Handling Requests for Removal of Cross-Ownership Restrictions for Existing gTLDs
(ends 1 June 11) - Proposed Permanent Charter of GNSO Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group
(ends 5 June 11) - Draft FY12 Operating Plan and Budget…Ready for Community Consideration
(ends 17 June 2011)
7. Review of JAS WG and decision on Board/At-Large/GAC participation in a JAS WG meeting, as per Board’s suggestion (by Katim S. Touray) – Olivier, Carlton, Evan (15 min)
See ALAC comments on JAS Second Milestone Report ('s+Second+Milestone+Report)
See JAS WG workspace
8. Review of ALAC Statement about eG8 Forum -- Olivier (5 min)
See: ALAC Statement on eG8 Forum
Items for Discussion
9. ICANN Finance decisions regarding requests for additional funding (15 min)
See FY12 Summary of SO-AC-SG requests - 17 May 2011
10. At-Large meetings in Singapore – Olivier, Gisella (10 min)
See tentative At-Large Singapore schedule, as of 16 May
Items for Information
11. Review of 16 May ALAC-GAC meeting – Olivier (5 min)
See AIs from 16 May ALAC-GAC meeting
12. Review of 5 May ALAC-Registrars meeting – Olivier (5 min)
See AIs from 5 May ALAC-Registrars meeting
13. Any Other Business – Olivier (5 min)