Adopted Motions 04 August 2009 EN
Adopted Motions 04 August 2009 EN
- The ALAC confirmed the election process of Board Liaison, ALAC Officers, Other Liaisons, and NomCom appointments 2009
- The ALAC confirmed the process and timeline of adoption of the draft ALAC and Liaison Position Description.
- The ALAC resolved that the following resolutions will be put to an online vote immediately following this meeting:Resolution on Announcement of Public Consultations to Working Groups (AL.ALAC/RES.0709/2)
Resolution on Procedure for At-Large Community Consultations on Draft Statements (AL.ALAC/RES.0709/1
Resolution to Amend Minutes of 28th April 2009 Meeting (AL.ALAC/RES.0809/3)* The ALAC resolved that the following two resolutions will be open for public comments for five days before calling for an online vote:Resolution on Transmittal and Announcement of Adopted ALAC Statements and Advisories (AL.ALAC/RES.0809/2)
Resolution on Creating an At-Large Review WG Implementation Plan (AL.ALAC/RES.0809/1)