ALAC 04.08.09 - Monthly Teleconference

ALAC 04.08.09 - Monthly Teleconference

ALAC Special Session Teleconference

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.0809/1

Date: Tuesday 04 August 2009

Time: 20h00 - 21h00 UTC

(For the time in various timezones click here)

Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/alac260509/

Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)

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Who is on the dial-out list for this call?

Participants ALAC:

Apologies: Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Adam Peake, Vivek Annand,




Adopted Motions: EN, FR, ES

Action Items: EN, FR, ES

Transcription: EN, FR, ES

Recording: EN, ES, FR

Documents (EN):


Proposed Agenda Items

1. Issues for Decision

a. To confirm process of Board Liaison, ALAC Officers, Other Liaisons, and NomCom appointment electionsii. To confirm key dates and sequencing of four Election CallsBoard Liaison position Draft Board Liaison Election Call Message from the ALAC Chair (EN)RALO Nominations Open Until: 15th September
Candidate Lists Published: 17th September
Candidate Conference Call with Community: Between 18th - 20th September
ALAC Election Period: 21st - 31st September
Results Announced: 1st OctoberOther Liaison positionsIDN Policy, GNSO, ccNSO, NCUC, SSAC, WHOISNominations Open/Election Call Issued: 25th September
Nominations Close: 9th October
Acceptance of Nominations Due By: 16th October
ALAC Voting Begins: 1 November
ALAC Voting Concludes: At ALAC Chair's discretion, generally votes are held over a 5 or 7 day periodNomCom positions (the timeline below is a staff proposal, in order to allow the process to complete in good time for travel arrangements to be made to the Seoul meeting)Nominations Open (in each RALO): 5th August
Nominations Close (in each RALO):on or before 25th August
Nomination Acceptance Deadline: on or before 1st September
RALOs to transmit all accepted nominations, with a recommendation of a preferred candidate if the RALO wishes to provide one: 1st September
ALAC Voting Begins: 7th September
ALAC Voting Ends: 14th September
Notification to NomCom of Appointees: 15th SeptemberALAC OfficersChair, Vice-Chairs (2), RapporteurNominations Open/Election Call Issued: 25th September
Nominations Close: 9th October
Acceptance of Nominations Due By: 16th October
ALAC Voting Begins: 1 November
ALAC Voting Concludes: At ALAC Chair's discretion, generally votes are 5-7 days in length
b. To confirm process and timeline of adoption of of draft ALAC and Liaison Position DescriptionProposal of the Staff: standard 30-day community comment period, revision based upon comments received, vote on final draft to follow
c. Resolutions for Administrative Processes for Ensuring Community Awareness and Engagement with Public Comment PeriodsResolution on Announcement of Public Consultations to Working Groups (AL.ALAC/RES.0709/2)
Resolution on Procedure for At-Large Community Consultations on Draft Statements (AL.ALAC/RES.0709/1
Resolution on Transmittal and Announcement of Adopted ALAC Statements and Advisories (AL.ALAC/RES.0809/2)
d. Resolution to Amend Minutes of 28th April 2009 Meeting (AL.ALAC/RES.0809/3)

2. Issues for Discussion

a. Proposed Resolution on Creating an At-Large Review WG Implementation Plan (AL.ALAC/RES.0809/1)

b. Seoul Meeting Planning

i. Confirm travel dates - for most travellers, arrival on 24th October, departure on 30th October

ii. Review tentative At-Large Seoul Schedule and set deadlines for finalisation of the schedule and agendasProposal of the Staff:Meeting dates and times finalised by: 20th August
Agendas Finalised by: 27th August
Documents Ready By: 1st SeptemberWe draw Members' attention to the fact that this proposal is designed to allow the Staff time to meet the new Board-generated deadlines for meeting dates, times, and agenda details, and thereby ensure that all At-Large meetings are fully represented in the public schedule.

3. Any Other Business*


Apologies, I can't make the call. Adam

contributed by Adam Peake on Jul 31 10:02pm

Perhaps useful: Comments from the 28 July Agenda 28 july 2009 on the topic of "2009 Draft Board Liaison Election Call Message from the ALAC Chair (EN)"

On the Process of Board Liaison Election: The proposed timeline is right in the middle of a vacation period in many parts of the world and is very tight. I doubt that RALOs will be able to match what is expected from them. My proposal is to shift the deadline for nominations to early September.

contributed by Patrick Vande Walle on Jul 27 12:23am
Dear Patrick:

You may not know that according to the General Counsel, the Bylaws oblige the notification of all those who will sit on the Board to the Secretary of ICANN not later than one month before the opening of the Board's meeting at the AGM each year, in this case the Friday of the Seoul meeting. The schedule has been devised with this in mind.

That said, I believe that some flexibility can exist, especially since this is a liaison position - however even so, it doesn't leave a great deal of extra time.

contributed by Nick Ashton-Hart on Jul 27 1:09am
Same general comment as Patrick: could we have more time for the board liaison process. August 15 will give just over 2 weeks (if the RALOs notified the day after tomorrow's call) for what is a critical part of the process and experiment. Add a couple of weeks for the RALOs to organize their selection processes, ensure transparency, and their call for and selection of candidates.

About timing of the appointment, the bylaws say "At least one month before the commencement of each annual meeting". The ICANN meeting starts October 25 (seems to be the official date on the meeting website.) So we have until September 24? Perhaps aim for around September 17 so we have some time if any problems. I know ideally we would give more time so the person can arrange travel to Seoul etc, and start getting up to speed, but think correct selection more important this time around.

I hope the vote will be confidential. (Answering self: Yes, as ALAC's Rules of Procedure)

About level of commitment of the liaison. Is section 4 new? The liaison is ex-officio ALAC? And also, in effect, ex-officio Ex-Com? The board is already a very significant commitment, I don't see any reason why the board liaison would need to participate in the administrative Ex-Com, or take on any more duties with regard ALAC.

About process of election. Each RALO nominee should be aware they need to be available for the teleconference to be held between August 18-20.

Any examples of how Instant-runoff voting has been used in ICANN before? How long for each round, etc. Quorum?

Could we have this document on the wiki?



contributed by Adam Peake on Jul 27 1:38am
Dear Adam:

IRV is embodied in ALAC's Rules of Procedure. It has been used for all elections of ALAC for Officers and Liaisons which have been contested since the Rules of Procedure were adopted. The quorum for voting in these elections is the same as for other votes of the ALAC.

contributed by Nick Ashton-Hart on Jul 27 1:52am

contributed by Adam Peake on Jul 31 10:03pm