Reading the workspace
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Reading a Socialtext Workspace is just like reading the Web, with more tools to organize information than regular websites. For instance, you can list all the pages, track what has recently changed, and read through the revision history of each page.
> Browsing. Click links to browse through the pages in the workspace. The *Home (http:index.cgi) * link at the top brings you back to the front page of the workspace.
>> http:base/images/docs/Workspace-Header-Home.png
> Keeping up to date. Select Recent Changes to view a list of recently changed pages in the workspace, and from there sort by title, author, date edited, or revision count. A Settings / Preferences item allows you to set how many days or weeks of pages are considered recent.
>> http:base/images/docs/Workspace-Header-Recent_Changes.png
> List all pages. From the "Recent Changes" link you can view a list of all pages by clicking on Show All Pages.
>> http:base/images/docs/Recent_Changes-Show_all_changes.png
> Searching. You can search pages, page titles, or the text of attachments using Socialtext. Type the words you are looking for in the "Search" box in the top of the sidebar. A list of matching pages will be returned. You can find out more on Searching.
>> http:base/images/docs/search.png
> Print a page. To print the page without the headers, footers, and sidebars select More actions in the page menu, then Printer-friendly. Then select Print from your browser.
>> http:base/images/docs/Browse-Header-More-Printer_friendly.png
> Save a page. To save a page as HTML, for example to import into Microsoft Word, view the Printer-friendly page as above. Use your browser's "Save As" or "View source" functions to save or cut and paste the HTML-formatted page.
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