IE mixed content instructions

IE mixed content instructions

Printing pages containing images

In order to print pages containing images, you may have to (at least temporarily) make these two changes in IE:

> Using the IE menus, go to Tools => Internet Options => Security => Trusted Sites => Sites

    1. add the wiki URL itself to your Trusted Sites (.e.g. https://www.socialtext.net)
    2. add sites from which images are fetched to your Trusted Sites (e.g. http://images.mycompany.com)

> The need for these changes varies with minor differences in IE revision and Windows platform revisions.

Disabling mixed content pop up boxes

If you want to disable the pop up boxes that ask you if you want to see secure and unsecure content in the same page, make this additional change in IE:

Tools => Internet Options => Security => Trusted Sites => Custom Level => Display Mixed Content: ENABLE