Advanced mode

Advanced mode


> Occasionally, you will not be able to do what you need in simple mode alone. Particularly, if you see a gray dashed box, you will need to switch to advanced mode to edit it.

>> http:base/images/docs/Edit-Advanced_box.png

What's with the funny punctuation?

> Socialtext uses special formatting in the backend to describe pages. As long as you use simple mode, you don't need to know about this. Even in advanced mode, you can use the toolbar for most basic formatting.

>> http:base/images/docs/Edit-Toolbar.png

> You can learn most of the basic formatting from the Edit tips (http:index.cgi?action=refcard), which is available just above the toolbar.

>> http:base/images/docs/Edit-Edit_tips.png

> For those who need more, you can use the most advanced formatting.