Help for workspace administrators
See also Help.
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What Kind of Workspace?
For instructions on workspaces that are readable or editable by anyone, not just members who log in, go to Help for eventspace administrators.
> Administrative features are all under the "Settings" tab at the top of the screen. From here you can manage existing users, invite new users, and create new workspaces.
>> http:base/images/docs/Workspace-Header-Settings.png
Manage All Users
> Under the "Settings " tab, select "Manage all users". From here you can get a list of all of the users registered in the workspace and delete users from the workspaces. Here also you can assign administrative rights to other users, and reset the password of users who have forgotten their passwords.
Invite New Users
> Under the "Settings" tab, select "Invite New Users". Fill in a list of people you'd like to add to the workspace, one email address per line, and customize the welcome text at the bottom. The people being added will get notified by email of their invitation to the workspace and will have accounts created for them if they don't already have one.
Workspace Settings
> Under the "Settings" tab, select "This workspace". From here you can change the title page of the workspace (the default page loaded when someone visits the workspace) and customize the logo in the upper corner of the screen.
Create New Workspaces
> Under the "Settings" tab, select "Create new workspace[. You will be prompted for the name of the workspace, and a short name used as the inbound email address for the workspace. After you create the workspace, you can configure the workspace, by adding a custom logo or changing the workspace name. You can also invite colleagues, by typing in a list of new users for the workspace. New users will get a welcome message that you can customize, and the system will create accounts for anyone who doesn't have an account yet.
Workspace Navigation
> You can create a standard sidebar that all users in the workspace can see. Use this for workspace navigation, notes to all workspace participants, or other information for the whole team.
> As an administrator, you can choose the page to display as |Workspace navigation] ". Under the Settings tab, select "This workspace". Any team member can edit the content of the sidebar.
Disable Email Notification
> Turn off email notification for everyone. Administrators can disable email notification for everyone in the workspace. Go to "Settings", and then This workspace. Change "Enable email notifications for this workspace?" to No. Globally disabling email notification overrides the individual user settings for email notification.
Create an Eventspace
> You can make your workspace accessible to anyone on the network. If you are hosting a virtual conference, or simply want a fast way to publish information, using a Socialtext Eventspace is an excellent answer. See Help for Eventspace administrators for more.