Release Notes for Socialtext 1.8.2
Release Notes for Socialtext 1.8.2
Additions, Changes, and Fixes
In Socialtext 1.8.2, there are a number of #bugs fixed in the WYSIWYG editor. There are still some #known bugs and #incomplete features. If you come across additional problems, please let us know at: support@socialtext.com.
These release notes also describe some minor #changes to wiki formatting used in Advanced Mode.
This page details additions and changes in Socialtext 1.8.2 from the previous version, Socialtext 1.8.
Bugs fixed
- The TSV shortcut to paste from Excel in Advanced mode works again.
- Display and editing of HTML pages and forms inside .pre and .html wiki tags is more reliable.
- The link at the bottom of pages that links to the "Top of Page" works.
- Scrollbars in IE have been fixed.
- Adding newlines within formatted text and headers works.
- Fixed bugs that added or removed whitespace within a line.
- Fixed a bug that converted web links into wiki links.
- Fixed incorrect numbering in nested lists.
- Fixed incorrect handling of text and markup between curly brackets.
- Fixed a bug that caused a JavaScript error when a list contained blank list elements.
- Formatting and unformatting of text is preserved after the user saves.
- Fixed bugs that generated extra markup after removing bold and italic formatting.
- Printer-friendly pages have correct margins and print correctly.
- Files with multiple dashes in the filename can now be uploaded.
Known Bugs
- Blank lines between bullet lists, indentation level changes, or paragraphs are sometimes removed.
- An extra blank line is introduced above lists, after special links (such as category links), and between list items when the formatting is removed.
- Links cannot be made bold or italic.
- Pasting a wiki link in the web link style (http://) generates a bad link.
- In bulleted lists with some empty bullets, the empty bullets turn into asterisks.
- In an indented section, selecting some of the lines and changing the level of indentation doesn't work (Internet Explorer in Simple mode only).
- Bold or italic formatting applied to multiple lines appears to work but isn't saved.
- In Internet Explorer, when you scroll a wiki page containing an HTML form, the form may show through the top menu bar.
- Scrolling a wiki page containing an HTML form may cause the form to show through the top menu bar (Internet Explorer only).
- Clicking a formatting button when there is no selection doesn't automatically select the whole word (Firefox only).
Incomplete Features
- The Simple editor uses the table editors that are built into the web browsers, which have some limitations. Table rows and columns are narrow until entries are made. In Internet Explorer, you can't add or delete table rows and columns in Simple Mode. You can still go to Advanced mode to add and delete rows and columns.
- Advanced mode must be used to edit or delete links to images, links to attachments, and special links (such as category links).
- Attached images do not display in Preview or Simple mode. External images do display.
- In Internet Explorer, you can't edit pages with "mixed content" (HTTP images on an HTTPS page) if you choose not to display mixed content. To avoid this problem and avoid the warning popup window, follow the IE Mixed Content Instructions.
- There is a new feature which keeps text from being formatted and displays the text in a monospaced font (the HTML "teletype", or "tt" font). Use backticks to generate monospaced text.
- example: {{ `monospaced, teletype font` }} becomes `monospaced, teletype font`
- In previous versions, Socialtext supported three levels of horizontal rule: "-", "-" and "--", which made short, medium and long horizontal lines. Beginning in version 1.8, only "--" is supported. Shorter levels are automatically converted to the "---" level when a page is edited.