Introduce yourself
Step 1. Add yourself to the People directory.
> Go to the People directory. This page lists the people who have already introduced themselves. This is the place to introduce yourself.
> Then, click on the first link under the page title, Edit this page.
>>> http:base/images/docs/People-Browse-Header-Edit_this_page.png
> You'll see the list of everyone else's name. At the end of the list, add
>> Your Name
> Then click on the green Save link.
>>> http:base/images/docs/Introduce-Yourself-Adding_your_name.png http:base/images/docs/Introduce-Yourself-Added_your_name.png
>>> Adding your name to the People directory is as easy as typing it in!
> Now the People directory has your name! You will notice that unlike the other names on the page, your name is underlined with a dashed line. The dashed line tells you the page doesn't exist yet. To create it, simply click on the link.
Step 2. Creating your personal page.
> Your personal page is where you can describe yourself, keep notes, organize your tasks, and tell others what you want from this workspace. It's also where others can leave messages for you.
> To start, click on your name in the People directory. You will be shown an editable version of your page. You can write whatever you want here, or you can copy and paste the text below to get you started.
> Then click Save. There you go! You've introduced yourself.
Describe who you are, where you are coming from, and what your expectations are for being here.
Contact information
1 Sesame St.
Nowhere, XX
Phone: (444)-555-1212
- Link to a task
- Add new tasks here.
Please leave me a message below.
Step 3. Welcoming newcomers
> When someone introduces themselves to the workspace, welcome them by leaving them a message or sending them an e-mail. Just like a neighborhood welcoming committee, introducing yourself to newcomers helps them orient and connect to the people already working in that workspace. More importantly, it shows the workspace is alive with people rather than just another dead website. Welcomes don't have to be elaborate, but they are always meaningful. Keep an eye on People and Recent Changes for new people and say hello.