Step 1. Getting around.
>Like any website, you can browse around by clicking on links. By clicking on the home (http:index.cgi) link above, you can always reach the front page of the workspace. There you will get a sense of what's most important in this workspace. You can also search by using the search box in the top right.
>>>> http:base/images/docs/Workspace-Header-Home.png
Find out more: Wiki 101.
Step 2. What's happening around here?
>To find out what the other people are doing, keep an eye on Recent Changes (http:index.cgi?action=changes&changes=recent). Every change is logged to this page. If you made a comment, even your name will appear!
>>>> http:base/images/docs/Workspace-Header-Recent_Changes.png
Find out more: Recent changes.
Step 3. Adding your thoughts.
>Part of participating in Socialtext is interacting with others. To comment on a page, click on Add comment, type in the box, and click Save. Try it out! Go ahead on comment on this page. Say, "Hello!"
>>>> http:base/images/docs/Browse-Header-Add_Comment.png
Find out more: Comment.
Step 4. Introduce yourself.
> You're not alone here! Introduce yourself by creating your own page. Tell others about yourself and what you expect to get from participating here. Then read what the other people have said about themselves.
Find out more: Introduce yourself.
Meet your fellow Socialtext users
This is not the only workspace. Meet your fellow users on the Socialtext Customer Exchange. There, you'll find others interested in learning how to do more with the workspace, including already experienced in running workspaces. Customer support representatives also interact in this space. If you have a question, this is the place to go.