2024-12-09 LACRALO Post ICANN81 Readout

2024-12-09 LACRALO Post ICANN81 Readout

Date: Monday, 09 December 2024

Time: 23:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here

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 Zoom Room REGISTRATION: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMrdeyurD8qGdYLiJ891skmS4dHjDl1ovzz   / MUST REGISTER TO JOIN / Password: LAC-Mont12

Recording: EN, ES

Zoom Chat: EN/ES

Transcription: ENES

Zoom Recording: ES


EN & ES: Adrian Carballo, Alberto Soto, Alejandro Pisanty, Alfredo Lopez Hernandez, Antonio Medina Gomez, Betty Fausta, Eunice Alejandra Perez Coello, Gerardo Martinez Hernandez, Harold Arcos, Juan Manuel Rojas, Lance Hinds, Laura Margolis, Lia Hernandez, Lilian Ivette De Luque, Luis Valle, Marcelo Rodriguez, Matthias Hudobnik, Mauro Rios, Meylin Guillen, Olga Cavalli, Rodrigo Saucedo, Sandra Rodriguez, Sergio Salinas Porto, Sylvia Herlein, Thiago Dal-Toe

Apologies: none

Staff:  Silvia Vivanco, Simay Güven Karademir, Siranush Vardanyan, Michelle DeSmyter

Observer: none


ES: Claudia & Veronica

Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter

AGENDA ES  ******DRAFT******

LACRALO Post ICANN 81 Read out 

 1 hora 30 minutos

  1. Bienvenida  - Palabras de bienvenida : Rodrigo de la Parra - Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director ICANN org -  Latin America & Caribbean (3 mins)
  2. Introduccion -  Harold Arcos - LACRALO Chair (3 mins)
  3. ICANN 81 en numeros - Simay Guven - Event Planner, ICANN org (6 mins)
  4. Mi experiencia como miembro del ALAC - Eunice Pérez Coello (6 mins)
  5. Mi experiencia como Fellow - Sandra Rodriguez (6 mins)
  6. Actualización del SSAC - Matthias Hudobnik (6 mins)
  7. Sesion GAC - ICANN81  - Thiago Dal - Toe (Vice Chair GAC - Colombia) (6 mins)
  8. Enlace ALAC ccNSO  - Laura Margolis (6 mins)
  9. Ejercicio de Sesión Plenaria de At-Large "Siguiente Ronda de gtld y ASP"  - Temas claves de LACRALO - Lance Hinds (6 mins)
  10. Actualización del Nomcom  - Humberto Carrasco (6 mins)
  11. Beneficios para los usuarios finales de Internet en Colombia Caso. .CO - Lilian Ivette de Luque Bruges (6 mins)
  12. Sesion ALAC Community Engagement Sub Committee (ACES)  - Marcelo Rodriguez (6 mins)
  13. Preguntas y respuestas - (15 mins) 
  14. Encuesta de Evaluación del webinar - staff - 3 mins 


LACRALO Post ICANN 81 Read out 

1 hour 30 minutes

  1. Welcome - Opening words: Rodrigo de la Parra - Vice President, Stakeholder Engagement & Managing Director - Latin America & Caribbean ICANN (3 mins)
  2. Introduction - and  Harold Arcos - LACRALO Chair (3 mins)
  3. ICANN 81 in numbers - Simay Guven - Event Planner, ICANN org (6 mins)
  4. My experience as ALAC member-Eunice Pérez Coello (6 mins)
  5. My experience as Fellow - Sandra Rodriguez (6 mins)
  6. SSAC Update  -Matthias Hudobnik (6 mins)
  7. Session GAC - ICANN81  - Thiago Dal - Toe (Vice Chair GAC - Colombia) (6 mins)
  8. Link ALAC ccNSO - Laura Margolis (6 mins)
  9. Plenary session At-Large "At-Large Plenary: Next Round and ASP"  - Key topics for LACRALO- Lance Hinds (6 mins)
  10. Nomcom Update - Humberto Carrasco (6 mins)
  11. Benefits for end Users of  Internet in Colombia Case. .CO - Lilian Ivette de Luque Bruges (6 mins)
  12. ALAC Community Engagement Sub Committee (ACES) Session- Marcelo Rodriguez (6 mins) 
  13. Questions and Answers - (15 mins) 
  14. Webinar Evaluation Survey - staff - 3 mins