2024-08-19 LACRALO Monthly
Date: Monday, 19 August 2024
Time: 23:00 UTC (for the time in various time zones click here
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¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia?
(Please note - change in connection details: for all languages, dial into the Adigo line, press 1638 and the Adigo operator will ask you which language channel you prefer and transfer you to the appropriate language channel).
English Conference ID = 1638
Spanish Conference ID = 1638
Portuguese Conference ID = 1638
French Conference ID = 1638
Zoom Room REGISTRATION: https://icann.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rf-2uqDMpG9VjYCywU92SRWW5Sq8jpLyH / MUST REGISTER TO JOIN / Password: LAC-Mont08
Action Items: EN/ES
Recording: EN, ES, PT, FR
Zoom Chat: EN/ES
Transcription: EN, ES, PT, FR
Zoom Recording: ES
ES: Harold Arcos, Adrian Carballo, Betty Fausta, Dedlyne Cloiseau, Diego Acosta Bastidas, Eunice Perez, Gerardo Martinez Hernandez, Gerry George, Gilberto Lara, Hannah Frank, Humberto Carrasco, Jorge Gonzalez, Lia Hernandez, Lilian De Luque Bruges, Lito Ibarra, Luis Valle, Mauro Rios, Olga Cavalli, Osvaldo Larancuent, Sergio Salinas Porto, Slvia Herlein, Vanda Scartezini
EN: Claire Craig, Lance Hinds
FR: none
PT: none
Apologies: Marcelo Rodriguez
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Rodrigo de la Parra, Rodrigo Saucedo, Romulo Chacin, Michelle DeSmyter
ES: Lilian Marina
PT: Esperanza & Bettina
FR: Dominique & Claire
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
- Asistencia - Staff - 2 mins
- Bienvenida - Harold Arcos- 2 mins
- Presentación - "La Próxima ronda de Nuevos Dominios Genéricos de Alto Nivel y Programa de Apoyo para Solicitantes” - PPT - Rodrigo de la Parra, VP Stakeholder Engagement- LAC and Rodrigo Saucedo- Stakeholder Engagement Director, Andean Region and LAC Strategic Initiatives - 45 mins
- ALAC/CPWG ICANN’s Public consultation update - Lilian Luque, Marcelo Rodriguez, Claire Craig - 10 mins
- Actualización del OFB WG - Claire Craig - 5 mins
- Actualización del Grupo de Gobernanza - Sergio Salinas Porto - 5 mins
- Actualización del Grupo de Aceptación Universal - Sylvia Herlein - 5 mins
- Actualización sobre CIP - CCG - Harold Arcos y Carlos Aguirre - 5 mins
- Actualización del LACRALO FY25 Outreach and Engagement - Harold Arcos -5 mins
- AOB -2 mins
- Roll call
- Welcome - 2 mins
- Presentation - "The Next new gTLD Round and the Applicant Support Program"- PPT- Rodrigo de la Parra, VP Stakeholder Engagement LAC and Rodrigo Saucedo - Stakeholder Engagement Director, Andean Region and LAC Strategic Initiatives - 45 mins
- ALAC /CPWG ICANN’s Public consultation update- Lilian Luque, Marcelo Rodriguez, Claire Craig - 10 mins
- OFB WG update- Claire Craig - 5 mins
- Governance WG update -Sergio Salinas Porto - 5 mins
- UA WG update - Sylvia Herlein - 5 mins
- CIP-CCG update- Harold Arcos and Carlos Aguirre- 5 mins
- LACRALO FY25 Outreach and Engagement Update- Harold Arcos -5 mins
- AOB- 2 mins
Reference links and documents:
- Net Mundial + 10
- At-Large Activities at the 2024 Universal Acceptance Day : March 2024
- ICANN79 - March 2024: Community Forum - San Juan, Puerto Rico I 2-7 March 2024