Zoom chat: 2023-04-17 LACRALO Monthly
0:14:18 Gerardo Martínez Hernández: Hola Sylvia
00:14:25 Gerardo Martínez Hernández: Hola Harold
00:14:27 Herb Waye Ombuds: Buenos tardes, good evening, et bon soir tout le monde.
00:14:32 Gerardo Martínez Hernández: Hola Olga
00:14:38 Gerardo Martínez Hernández: hola Sergio Salinas
00:15:24 Olga Cavalli - South School on Internet Governance: Hola Gerardo!!
00:15:33 Antonio Medina Gómez: Buenas tardes/noches.
Antonio Medina Gómez los saluda. Y para los registros
00:15:38 Gerardo Martínez Hernández: Reacted to "Buenas tardes/noches..." with
00:15:44 Gerardo Martínez Hernández: Reacted to "Hola Gerardo!!" with
00:15:46 Harold Arcos: Saludos Antonio,,
00:15:53 Adrian Carballo: Hola Antonio
00:15:53 Harold Arcos: add
00:16:31 Hannah Frank: Buenas tardes/ noches !
00:16:41 Harold Arcos: Hola Olga!! saludos!! gracias por estar y aceptar la presentación de hoy!!
00:16:44 Gerardo Martínez Hernández: Reacted to "Buenas tardes/ noche..." with
00:16:57 Olga Cavalli - South School on Internet Governance: Hola Harold!!
00:17:00 Olga Cavalli - South School on Internet Governance: ungusto
00:17:49 Alfredo Lopez: Buenas noches a todos
00:17:49 Rafael Buchelli: Buenas tardes/noches para todos
00:20:21 Alfredo Lopez: Incluir el tema del Dia Mundial de Internet
00:22:31 Eunice Pérez: Buenas tardes a todos
00:22:55 Albert Daniels: Please dial out to Simone Joseph from EN 784 433 4909
00:36:51 silvia Vivanco: Welcome to all in the EN channel
00:38:16 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: Thank you Silvia, there is some problem getting EN to contact Simone Joseph
00:39:35 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Replying to "Thank you Silvia, th..."
Jidrm for fr channel. Blank
00:39:57 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Thank you Sylvia
00:40:04 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: @Albert, Simone was in a location with no service, she had to change location. She is on now, thank you!
00:40:42 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome @Simone to the EN channel!
00:42:13 Claire Craig: Thanks Claudia
00:42:24 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Thanks Claudia" with
00:42:43 Simone Joseph-Ollivierre: Thanks Claudia, Albert and Claire!
00:43:22 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: You are welcome Simone, good to have you on the call
00:49:39 Patrick Anglin: Buenos Tardes
00:50:09 Claire Craig: Please call Patrick Anglin on 1 876.469.3837 English
00:50:41 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: @Claire, noted and dialing, thank you
00:51:14 silvia Vivanco: Thank you Olga! Muchas gracias por la excelente presentacion
00:51:34 Sandra Rodriguez: Gracias olga
00:51:41 sylvia herlein leite: bravo Olga!! super interessante
00:51:52 Jan Alexander Melgar Alvarado: Gracias Olga, muy interesantes datos
00:52:01 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Thank you Olga. Big history
00:52:28 Jorge Gonzalez: Que buena presentación. Gracias
00:52:46 Harold Arcos: Gracias Olga,,, genial resumen de una evolución histórica tan importante,,,
00:52:51 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome Patrick to the EN channel
00:53:12 Gerardo Martínez Hernández: Excelente presentación Olga
00:53:12 Patrick Anglin: Gracias Claudia
00:53:56 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Gran presentación Olga
00:54:21 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome Lyndell to the EN channel also@
00:54:51 Claire Craig: Welcome Patrick and Lyndell
00:55:28 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: Welcome Lyndell and Patrick from Saint Lucia and Jamaica
00:55:54 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "Gracias Claudia" with
00:56:05 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: Also Betty from Guadeloupe nd Simone from St. Vincent and the Grenadines
00:56:09 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Replying to "Gracias Claudia"
You are welcome
00:59:31 Laura Margolis: Muchas gracias Olga!
01:00:09 Laura Margolis: Welcome to all the caribbean friends who joined this call
01:00:25 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Reacted to "Welcome to all the c..." with
01:02:26 Rodrigo de la Parra: RightsCon is June 5-8
01:02:37 Rodrigo de la Parra: https://www.rightscon.org/
01:03:35 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Also french and Deutsch ok n Caribbean
01:03:36 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: Spanish, English and French in the Caribbean
01:03:50 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Reacted to "Spanish, English and..." with
01:03:51 Juan Manuel Rojas: Por qué se requieren dos personas para el RightCon? Ya aprobaron la propuesta? No podemos enviar solo uno?
01:03:53 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: And Aruba Bonaire nd curaçao who speak Dutch
01:04:01 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: And Suriname
01:04:38 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Replying to "And Suriname"
And Sint Maarten Sxm Deutsch and french
01:05:35 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Merci !!!!!
01:06:41 Alberto Sot0: Ok
01:07:03 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Welcome caribbean Friends
01:08:22 Alberto Sot0: Me extraña que todo esté terminado sin consulta a las las ALSs de Lacralo. Inclidas las designaciones
01:08:38 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Hello everyone - managed to join the call
01:08:45 Alberto Sot0: incluidas...
01:08:47 Simone Joseph-Ollivierre: Thank you everyone. Ready and willing to participate on the strategic council
01:09:00 Harold Arcos: RightsCon será en Junio 5,,,
01:09:09 Antonio Medina Gómez: Reacted to "Thank you everyone. ..." with
01:09:10 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: Welcome to Dev from Trinidad & Tobago
01:10:39 Alberto Sot0: La consulta sobre todo lo planificado, no solo sobre las designaciones
01:10:55 Alberto Sot0: Designaciones para viajar
01:11:03 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Thanks, Albert, It’s still difficult to attend at 2300 utc but maybe at 0000 utc
01:11:27 Albert Daniels ICANN Org: Understood @Dev
01:13:43 Olga Cavalli - South School on Internet Governance: Muchas gracias Humberto! saludos
01:14:08 Antonio Medina Gómez: Reacted to "Muchas gracias Humbe..." with
01:15:26 Antonio Medina Gómez: Olga muchas gracias por tu participación. Nos entregaste una cátedra en formato de conferencia magistral. Felicitaciones
01:16:16 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Thank you to consider the 4 language. Good to reconnect us
01:16:29 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Statement is available in all languages here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/FeuKBg
01:19:14 silvia Vivanco: See LACRALO GA Agenda and records: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LACRALO/pages/109766793/LACRALO+General+Assembly+Agenda+2023
01:19:44 silvia Vivanco: Thank you to the GA Leaders ! Humberto and Sylvia Herlein
01:19:49 Humberto Carrasco Blanc: Muchas gracias por tu palabras Augusto!!
01:20:00 silvia Vivanco: And to each and everyone for attending
01:20:09 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Felicitaciones nuevamente a Humberto y Silvia
01:20:13 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Reacted to "And to each and ever..." with
01:21:27 silvia Vivanco: En este link pueden ver las grabaciones zoom de la Asamblea General
01:21:29 sylvia herlein leite: gracias amigos/ as um placer haber podido colaborar em este encuentro único y tan deseado y necesario
01:21:32 silvia Vivanco: https://icann76.sched.com/
01:23:09 Harold Arcos: Gracias Humberto y Sylvia por liderar nuestra Asamblea General impecablemente para avanzar en nuestra Agenda de Trabajo de Reconectar, Reevolucionar y Reimpulsar!
01:24:17 Harold Arcos: Gracias @Antonio
01:24:53 Harold Arcos: Así es! Mantenemos la Agenda activa
01:24:55 Antonio Medina Gómez: Gracias Humberto
01:25:03 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: At-Large Activities at the 2023 Universal Acceptance Day : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/zBnhBQ
01:25:04 Antonio Medina Gómez: Reacted to "Gracias @Antonio " with
01:27:37 Claire Craig: There was a UA presentation at CaribNOG 25 on March 2 in Grenada
01:27:50 silvia Vivanco: UA DAY Events: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98638284/At-Large+Activities+at+the+2023+Universal+Acceptance+Day
01:31:23 Harold Arcos: Felicitaciones Sylvia y todo el equipo de trabajo de Aceptación Universal de nuestra Región,,,
01:31:42 silvia Vivanco: Claire tiene la mano levantada
01:32:03 Sandra Rodriguez: Reacted to "Felicitaciones Sylvi..." with
01:33:32 Antonio Medina Gómez: El link de la reunión de mañana sobre aceptación universal
01:33:33 silvia Vivanco: Event mentioned by Claire
01:33:36 silvia Vivanco: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CRALO/pages/98638284/At-Large+Activities+at+the+2023+Universal+Acceptance+Day?preview=/228786668/240615747/Universal%20Acceptance%20Day%20Flyer%5B1%5D%20copy.pdf
01:34:02 silvia Vivanco: Ver en la pantalla el poster del evento del 18 Abril
01:34:16 Claire Craig: To register for the event tomorrow here is the link https://lnkd.in/eQ4RrUBr
01:34:44 silvia Vivanco: Betty you may speak
01:36:09 Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Great to hear @betty regarding the UA event in Guadeloupe
01:37:22 Heidi Ullrich: @All, if you don’t see your event on the At-Large UA Day Activities Workspace, please add it or send a note to staff. /@Todos, si no ve su evento en el espacio de trabajo de actividades del día de At-Large UA, agréguelo o envíe una nota al personal.@All, si no ve su evento en el espacio de trabajo de actividades del día de At-Large UA, agréguelo o envíe una nota al personal.
01:37:50 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Election page: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99689184/2023+LACRALO+Regional+Selections
01:39:46 Harold Arcos: Thank you Heidi for the call to incorporate the events that do not appear yet,,
01:40:16 Harold Arcos: Gracias Silvia por la información sobre nuestro llamado a elecciones,,
01:40:41 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Tks Dev... We need to talk for floss task force
01:41:46 Harold Arcos: Floss Betty!! great to read about it,,, Thanks for UA event and floss project,,
01:42:07 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Reacted to "Floss Betty!! great ..." with
01:42:13 Hannah Frank: Oscar fue seleccionado como fellow para Icann 77
01:42:22 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Oscar declinó
01:42:29 Lilian Ivette De Lque: La beca lastimosamente
01:43:11 Hannah Frank: Sin duda alguna ambos programas son una gran puerta de entrada, maravillosos e integradores
01:43:35 Hannah Frank: Reacted to "Oscar declinó " with
01:43:39 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Así es Hannah
01:43:56 sylvia herlein leite: excelente trabajo Lilian!!!
01:43:58 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Por eso es importante incentivar la participación
01:44:26 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Gracias Silvia ha sido una hermosa experiencia
01:45:18 sylvia herlein leite: saludos a todos!! hasta la próxima!!!
01:45:25 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Es un evento muy importante Alfredo
01:45:45 Harold Arcos: Muchas gracias @Alfredo!
01:45:47 sylvia herlein leite: Alfredo, envia la info al whatsapp
01:46:06 Lilian Ivette De Lque: Debo aclarar que el Caribe si tiene una buena participación de seleccionadas en el programa de becas
01:46:08 Alberto Sot0: Saludos cordiales!!