Action items LACRALO Board

Action items LACRALO Board

2024-10-14 LACRALO Board Members Call

  • Harold Arcos will review the O/E FY25 plan and will update the table of events, including events with Academic institutions.
  • Harold Arcos will coordinate the Agenda for LACRALO's monthly October monthly call

2024-07-10 LACRALO Board Members Call

  • Michelle DeSmyter will set up a LACRALO Board call  every second Monday of the month at 22 UTC.
  • Michelle DeSmyter  will send a doodle for a call next week - LACRALO Board- Ad-Hoc topic CIP. Most likely Tuesday 16 at 20, 21 or 22 UTC. Harold please let us know ASAP.

2024-06-24 LACRALO Board Members Call

  • Michelle DeSmyter to open a doodle to set up a recurring Board call with 2 possibilities, 1st or 2nd Monday of each month at 23 UTC for 90 mins. The Board call can be used to dedicate a slot for the LACRALO CIP small team.
  • A LACRALO CIP small team will be formed. A call for volunteers (3 volunteers max) will be sent out by the Chair.