LACRALO Monthly Reports 2011

LACRALO Monthly Reports 2011

December 2011

  • ISOC Costa Rica Chapter was accepted as our 38th ALS in LACRALO.
  • new ALS application received from the Writers Association of Uruguay. Regional advice pending
  • Separate comments by various ALSes in LACRALO sent to the public comment on ICANN's Geographic Regions Draft Final Report ; see here and here
  • After meeting of the Costa Rica Events WG, decision to ask ICANN for funding of a series of LACRALO events in Costa Rica. was drafted and sent to ALAC. 

November 2011

  • Call for LACRALO Costa Rica Events WG issued to list with 14 persons responding to the call. First conference call scheduled for Wed November 23 2011
  • Regional advice to accept the ALS application from ISOC Costa Rica Chapter sent.
  • went poorly due to interpretation issues with both English and Spanish channels not understanding each other.
  • Monday November 21 2011 with new interpreters from ICANN (the same that work at ICANN conferences) went very well. Well attended call with lively discussion on the ICANN's Geographic Regions Draft Final Report and its impact on the Caribbean and discussion on LACRALO bylaw modifications as it relates to proposed diversity requirement for the ALAC representatives elected by LACRALO. A 2nd LACRALO issue call on these topics tentatively scheduled for next week.

October 2011

  • ALAC voted to accept the regional advice to accredit the ALS application from Ageia Densi Colombia and Ageia Densi Colombia was accepted as our 37th ALS in LACRALO
  • ALS application from ISOC Costa Rica received
  • LACRALO 17.10.2011 Teleconference call to discuss diversity requirement for ALAC cancelled due to lack of participation. 

September 2011

August 2011

  • significant problems continue with the translation of emails to the LACRALO mailing list. Changes were made but emails from lac-discuss-es often does not appear on the lac-discuss-en list
  • Jose Arce was elected as interim LACRALO president until April 2012, see
  • two nominations were received for the preferred candidate from LACRALO to the Nominating Committee, a vote was held - see the LACRALO Delegate to NomCom 2011 page on the results
  • Several attendees from LACRALO attended the pre-IGF meeting in Trinidad August 8-11 2011
  • Call for candidates for LACRALO representative to ALAC issued
  • LACRALO advice is to accept the ALS application from Ageia Densi Colombia

July 2011

June 2011 - Singapore

May 2011

  • Google Doc capturing the discussions from the regional calls and LACRALO calls since February 2011 on how to deal with inactive ALSes due to their participation/involvement in LACRALO and ICANN policy issues was posted.
  • A breakdown in the existing LACRALO mailing list for 2 weeks impeded discussion of issues. The mailing list is now functioning as usual as of May 19 2011. 

April 2011

March 2011 - San Francisco

  • LACRALO SWOT Analysis was submitted forAt-Large Improvements WT C
  • Attendance at all the At-Large Improvements Work Teams A to D from Latin American and Caribbean ALSes
  • Beta Testing of an improved email translation list is ongoing. Discussions were held with the ICANN staff responsible for implementing the new translation list in San Francisco.There was agreement that progress has been made.
  • was announced on February 24 2011.

February 2011

The draft proposals to the [LACRALO bylaws|LACRALO:LACRALO Bylaw Working Group] regarding ALS participation were discussed on the sub-regional calls in February.

Limited testing of an alternative LACRALO mailing list with machine translation has begun and ongoing.

A call for candidates for the chair and secretariat of LACRALO will be posted before the end of the month since the terms of the LACRALO representatives ends in April 2011.

January 2011

With the discussion in the LACRALO bylaw working group and further discussion among several of the ALSes at the ICANN meeting in Cartagena, Colombia regarding participation of ALSes in LACRALO, it was decided by the LACRALO President and Secretariat to have :

- a conference call with ALSes from the Latin American region
- a conference call with ALSes from the Caribbean region

Both of these conference calls took place before the monthly LACRALO conference call.

The agenda of these two regional conference calls :
* hear what ALSes have to say regarding their involvement in LACRALO and the way forward for improved ALS participation in LACRALO.
* what information is needed by ALSes and its members to better participate in LACRALO. A series of possible briefing calls could then be planned.
* mention of the possible LACRALO bylaw modifications to address participation in LACRALO.
* a discussion regarding the idea of possible regional balance of the ALAC representatives from LACRALO so that one ALAC Representative from an ALS from the Latin American region and one ALAC Representative from an ALS in the Caribbean region.

Several LACRALO members responded to the call for comments on the draft ICANN strategic plan 2011-2014 on the LACRALO mailing list. A Google Document was used to draft/collect comment submissions. The LACRALO comments can be viewed at theICANN Strategic Planning Development 2011 Workspace regarding ALS participation have been posted. Discussion is ongoing on the way forward.

Many persons have complained about the quality of the machine translation of the LACRALO mailing lists. There have been assurances from ICANN At-Large Staff that mechanisms are being put into place to improve this machine translation.

December 2010

Four ALS Applications from the Latin America and Caribbean region were received and were accepted as ALSes in LACRALO by the ALAC:

José Ovidio Salgueiro was recommended by LACRALO to be our Nomination Committee Delegate from LACRALO for a 2nd term.

Four candidates submitted nominations for the LACRALO representative to serve on the ALAC for a term beginning at the end of the December 2010 ICANN meeting to the 2012 ICANN's Annual General Meeting. There was a teleconference held on August 31 2010 with the four candidates before the start of the election period. The  election of the LACRALO representative to serve on the At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) was completed, with Sergio Salinas Porto elected as the LACRALO representative. ALS participation in this election was high, with 28 out of 34 ALSes in LACRALO having voted in this election. This high level of online participation is a positive step in having a LACRALO virtual GA to vote on motions related to the modifications of the LACRALO Organising Documents.

LACRALO Bylaw Working Group was created from 25 August 2010 to look at two issues:

  • to increase the length of the terms of the LACRALO chair and secretariat from one year to two years and for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
  • to suggest options and procedures in dealing with inactive ALSes and possible draft modifications to the LACRALO organising documents to deal with inactive ALSes in LACRALO as it relates to quorum.
    The LACRALO Bylaw WG worked online via a mailing list and had 3 teleconferences in November 2010. Discussion is ongoing.

ALACRALO Cartagena Showcase Working Group was created to plan and organise a LACRALO Showcase event at the ICANN Cartagena meeting in December 2010 to:

  • highlight the activites of the ALSes of LACRALO in Latin America and the Caribbean
  • engage in outreach activities for regional Internet user organisations attending Cartagena.

The WG had several teleconferences in October and weekly teleconferences in November 2010. The LACRALO showcase event was held on Monday December 6, 2010. 

Several persons initially responded to the call for regional persons to join the At-Large Improvements Working Teams , but attendance on actual  conference calls were low with only 2 persons participating.

Two persons from LACRALO, Jacqueline Morris and James Corbin served on the At-Large Board Candidate Evaluation Committee