LACRALO Secretariat Monthly Reports 2010

LACRALO Secretariat Monthly Reports 2010

August 2010

Regional advice given on ALS application from Fundación Incluirme ((PDF, 147 KB) and Paraguayan Association of Information Technology Law (APADIT) ((PDF, 241 KB) which was accepted by ALAC.

Two new ALS applications received from ISOC Peru and from Red Internacional de Diseño . Regional review to begin.

José Ovidio Salgueiro was recommended to be our Nomination Committee Delegate from LACRALO for a 2nd term.

There are 4 candidates for the LACRALO representative to serve on the ALAC for a term beginning at the end of the December 2010 ICANN meeting to the 2012 ICANN's Annual General Meeting. There will be a debate followed by elections. The LACRALO Election 2010 page has more details.

July 2010

Regional review of two ALS applications :

should be completed shortly.

As part of the necessary outreach/inreach for ALSes in LACRALO, rewritten the LACRALO Organising Documents page
and created a new page "LACRALO Representatives" to better explain the representatives of LACRALO and how representatives are elected to serve on other ICANN Supporting Organisations including ALAC.

A call for candidates for ALAC representative and for the recommendation of candidates to ALAC for a LACRALO delegate to Nomcom.
The LACRALO Election 2010 page has more details

May 2010

Inactive ALSes are being contacted to encourage their participation in LACRALO and for them to complete the ALS Survey.

LACRALO bylaw modifications by a WG will begin shortly

April 2010

LACRALO Elections for the officer positions of President/Chair and Secretariat were held.

Regional advice to approve the ALS application from "Asociación CONEXIÓN al Desarrollo El Salvador" was given.

March 2010

LACRALO Report Nairobi

In December, created a LACRALO Dashboard using Google Spreadsheets for ALSes in LACRALO to

  • plan for and keep track of LACRALO and ICANN activities (public policies, briefing sessions)
  • track countries in the region where ALSes are present and absent, countries whose ccTLD are in the ccNSO, and combinations thereof.

The dashboard is proving useful to plan for future outreach activities in the region.

To better prepare prospective ALSes to understand At-Large and LACRALO, aLACRALO Brochurehas been developed and a final version available in English, Spanish and Portuguese after three draft versions produced.

Work is continuing on a welcome Starter Pack of documents to be provided to new or prospective ALSes joining LACRALO.

Regional review should be completed shortly on an ALS application from El Salvador.

Comments on the ICANN 2010-2013 Strategic Plan were submitted and extensive discussion on the At-Large Board Selection Process during one of our monthly teleconferences. Candidates from the region have volunteered to serve on the various teams in this process.

February 2010

LACRALO Brochure

3rd and final version, including quote from Caribbean ALS about LACRALO.LACRALO Brochure

LACRALO Dashboard

The LACRALO Dashboard has a page containing links to the PDFs (in English) of ICANN policies out for comment and links to Google Translate versions in Spanish and Portuguese.

See http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=r82Z8wLg9K4sGy8OPjLdofw&gid=13

January 2010

LACRALO Brochure

2nd version of LACRALO brochure was approved. Final translations in English and Portuguese will be done. LACRALO Brochure

LACRALO Dashboard

improvements to the LACRALO Dashboard include the ability to read the policy issues, the URL and start and close dates for comment directly ICANN's public comment website (http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/) automatically with no manual additions.

LACRALO Starter Pack

A draft welcome document showing how ALSes can participate in LACRALO can be found at LACRALO-At-Large-Starter-Pack

ALS application

ALS application received from "Asociación CONEXIÓN al Desarrollo El Salvador" on January 18th, 2010

Comments submitted on draft ICANN Strategic Plan 2010-2013

Comments can be found at https://st.icann.org/alac-docs/index.cgi?lacralo_position_on_the_icann_strategic_plan_2010_2013