LACRALO Delegate to NomCom 2011

LACRALO Delegate to NomCom 2011


The At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) appoints, in consultation with LACRALO, a representative from LACRALO to serve on the ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom ; http://nomcom.icann.org/). Such representatives of the NomCom are appointed for a one year term, and may be re-appointed for a further term of one year subject to the requirement under the ICANN By Laws that such a representative may only serve a maximum of two consecutive years.

While LACRALO does not formally elect a representative to the NomCom, LACRALO has to submit to ALAC a list of all accepted regional nominations for the NomCom position and may also make a recommendation of a preferred candidate to the ALAC.

The representative from Latin America and the Caribbean to the NomCom was José Ovidio Salgueiro from AVDINT, Venezuela. He is not eligible for re-election as he has served two consecutive years.

Any representative from an accredited ALS can be a delegate and needs to understand the obligations and requirements for Nominating Committee members:
Obligations and Requirements of 2012 NomCom Delegates

The deadline for the submission of nominations to be considered as a delegate from LACRALO to the Nominating Committee is July 25, 2011.

If there are more than one accepted nomination after the deadline, then an electronic vote would be held to select a preferred LACRALO delegate to the Nominating Committee.


LACRALO received two nominations by July 25 2011 to be a delegate from LACRALO to the ICANN Nominating Committee (NomCom ; http://nomcom.icann.org/) for a one year term:

Nominations for LACRALO Delegate to NomCom

Nominated by

Supported by

Date Nominee Accepted

Jacqueline Morris (Statement of Interest)

Lance Hinds

Carlos Aguirre, Carlton Samuels

July 13 2011

Carlos Vera (Statement of Interest)

Sergio Salinas Porto

José Luis Barzallo, Sylvia Herlein Leite,
Javier Chandía Rojas, Alberto Soto

July 25 2011

Both had accepted their nominations by July 30 2011 and submitted Statements of Interest.

Preferred delegates to LACRALO were pre-determined to be selected by a electronic vote. Due to the poll results expressing support for the nomination of Jose Arce as interim LACRALO president until April 2012 were not released until late August 1 2011, the vote to select a preferred candidate could not begin on Friday 29 July 2011 but instead started on Monday August 1 2011 at 23:50 UTC to conclude on Wednesday August 3 at 16:00 UTC in an attempt to comply with ALAC’s deadline.

Concerns have been expressed publicly on the LACRALO list that the vote should not have occurred due to the length of the time ; a few ALSes have complained they did not receive credentials to vote and were disenfranchised. Also, the the LACRALO list translation breakdown on the LACRALO mailing list where the subject line is now missing from the emails has severely hampered communication and collaboration within LACRALO.

In an effort to ensure that disenfranchised voters were given an opportunity to participate and to make the best of a difficult situation, the voting period was extended by 24 hours by the LACRALO chair and secretariat.

The vote for the preferred delegate have been tallied as per rule 12.9 of LACRALO’s RoP (each vote is weighted with a country coefficient), and the result for the candidate of the weighted vote is as follows:

Carlos Vera : 50.3 %
Jacqueline Morris : 29.16 %

With 50.3% of the weighted vote, Carlos Vera is the preferred LACRALO candidate.

28 out of 36 ALSes in LACRALO participated in this election which is 77% of the electorate. You can view the spreadsheet showing the calculation of the weighted vote at: https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ao5dV8HXW3JzdDdHUUUwOXUtZ0JTSVE1YWZwUkdZN3c&hl=en_GB or attached PDF, which also shows which ALSes voted, for which preferred delegate and which ALSes did not vote. 

LACRALO submitted its two accepted nominations, and its preference of Carlos Vera as determined by electronic vote for ALAC's consideration on Thursday 4 August 2011