Zoom chat: 2021-10-05 EURALO Board Teleconference

Zoom chat: 2021-10-05 EURALO Board Teleconference

12:56:37 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
I'm here without a working mic, sorry.
12:56:55 From Devan Reed - ICANN Org to Everyone:
All good! Feel free to message if you need anything
12:57:05 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
Thank you.
13:01:48 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Hi all
13:06:46 From Olivier MJ Crepin-Leblond to Everyone:
hello all
13:07:35 From Gisella Gruber’s iPhone to Everyone:
Welcome to all
13:19:34 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
Yep, we have to.
13:22:38 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
I don't have a working mic here, but I want to add, that this needs to be handled. It should be not too complicate, only reflect the current practice.
13:24:26 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
true, Lutz
13:27:11 From Roberto to Everyone:
will do
13:34:22 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
The idea for the next RT by EURALO - social networks are not our topic, but yesterday's precedent and the connection with the incidents of the DNS and the dependence of society on the central "button" of the worldwide interaction - can it be our topic?
13:35:50 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
FB made a big mistake in destroying their own internal Network. They may learn about redundancy over different ASN. At least for DNS Servers
13:36:05 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
There is Nothing to see in this case.
13:36:20 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Thank you Yrjo, Seb and all!
13:38:32 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
What is interesting is, how many People. companies and other technical Services depend on a few global Players. They are violating the Grounding base rules of the Internet: "Be distributed". Hence they fail. And we all together with them (if we rely on others instead of doing our own work ourselves)
13:38:39 From Wale Bakare to Everyone:
@Lutz, the FB experience may have to do in part with the emerging DNS Edge and CDN issues
13:38:42 From Joanna Kulesza to Everyone:
Fingers crossed Seb!
13:39:16 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
@Wale, nope. CDN and DNS did work very well. Even at FB.
13:41:00 From Natalia Filina to Everyone:
Agree with you Lutz about the unique precedent which we may use for great discussion and attract many people to our discussion. Even if it is not so related DNS and ICANN issue
13:42:13 From Matthias Hudobnik to Everyone:
Sry for being late
13:42:17 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
If we Need to attract People, let's discuss IPv6 only Networks. I do have a customer which is running all of it's NS on IPv6 only and faces a lot of Problems from legacy tool chains at Registrars and registries.
13:42:31 From Wale Bakare to Everyone:
All about the FB's risk management, failover, redundancy
13:42:47 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
@Wale and FB's attitude
13:46:44 From Lutz Donnerhacke to Everyone:
Thx. bye
13:47:00 From pari esfandiari to Everyone:
Thank you everyone