Zoom chat: 2023-06-27 ICANN77 Multilingual Read-Out (by EURALO)
00:16:42 Herb Waye Ombuds: Bonjour. Greetings from the Office of the Ombuds. Always nice to be with you. ombudsman@icann.org
00:18:03 Nigel Hickson DSIT UK: Good evening all
00:19:31 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome everyone to the ICANN77 Multilingual Read-Out by EURALO!
00:19:40 Glenn McKnight: fyi
00:19:41 Glenn McKnight: https://domainincite.com/28845-the-looooong-road-to-urgently-hiring-icanns-next-ceo
00:21:01 Glenn McKnight: All three departed volunteers contributed so much
00:21:27 Marie Pattullo: So very true, Glenn.
00:27:06 Natalia Filina: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99674674/At-Large+Meetings+-+Monday+12+June+2023 https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/atlarge/pages/99679733/ALAC+and+At-Large+Action+Items+from+ICANN77
00:30:39 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Thank you
00:31:46 Glenn McKnight: Hamburg fellowships have been announced and a call for the NexTgen participants
00:32:14 Natalia Filina: Replying to "Thank you "
Betty, that will be your start at NomCom too!-))) here we go!
00:32:43 Nigel Hickson DSIT UK: Glenn, thanks
00:33:05 Sébastien Bachollet: Next
Hervé Clement
00:34:13 Mouloud Khelif: Reacted to "Hamburg fellowships …" with
00:34:28 Alfredo Calderon: NextGen Applications for ICANN78 (Hamburg, Germany) has been extended til 30 June.
00:34:36 betty fausta Guadeloupe: Reacted to "NextGen Applications..." with
00:34:41 denise hochbaum: @Glenn, yes I saw the list of the people selected :-)
00:35:00 denise hochbaum: Reacted to "NextGen Applications..." with
00:35:33 Chris Mondini: Reacted to "NextGen Applications..." with
00:35:56 Chris Mondini: Reacted to "Thank you " with
00:36:07 Natalia Filina: it was my sadness Herve-)
00:38:24 Sébastien Bachollet: Ron Da Silva
00:38:58 Hervé CLEMENT: Reacted to "it was my sadness He..." with
00:39:02 Hervé CLEMENT: Reacted to "Ron Da Silva
Great" with
00:39:38 Katrina Sataki: It has been already submitted today
00:40:13 Gopal Tadepalli: Greetings. - Dr. T V Gopal, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University , Chennai, INDIA.
00:42:32 Tatiana Tropina: Katrina, the comment? Thanks! I missed that notice - the day full of student defences
00:44:01 Katrina Sataki: No problem, Tatiana! I just wanted to share that Alejandra (the Chair of the ccNSO Council) submitted it earlier today.
00:44:25 Tatiana Tropina: Reacted to "No problem, Tatiana!..." with
00:44:56 Tatiana Tropina: Replying to "No problem, Tatiana!..."
I always love the speed the ccNSO is moving with
00:45:07 Katrina Sataki: Reacted to "I always love the sp..." with
00:45:28 Chris Mondini: Reacted to "No problem, Tatiana!..." with
00:47:52 Nigel Hickson DSIT UK: On GDC before "Summit of Future" there is UN Ministerial in September this year.
00:48:47 Glenn McKnight: Thanks Pari
00:49:44 Tatiana Tropina: I wonder where all those t-shirts were hidden? Who else got a tshit???
00:49:48 Mouloud Khelif: Reacted to "On GDC before "Summi…" with
00:49:53 Tatiana Tropina: T-shirt rather
00:50:01 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "T-shirt rather " with
00:50:08 Katrina Sataki: Reacted to "T-shirt rather " with
00:50:45 Natalia Filina: Replying to "T-shirt rather "
Just Danko have got looks like-)
00:52:51 Hervé CLEMENT: Thanks CK !
00:53:05 Chris Mondini - ICANN Org: Welcome Liubomir!
00:53:44 Frédéric Taes: Reacted to "Welcome Liubomir!" with
00:57:54 Natalia Filina: Replying to "Welcome Liubomir!
happy to meet you again here!
00:58:00 Ricardo Holmquist: thanks Liubomir, great!
00:58:08 Liubomir Nikiforov: Replying to "Welcome Liubomir!"
00:58:17 Liubomir Nikiforov: Reacted to "thanks Liubomir, gre..." with
00:58:26 Roberto Gaetano: Reacted to "thanks Liubomir, gre..." with
00:58:57 Denise Hochbaum: @Liubomir, good comments!
00:58:59 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Thanks!" with
00:59:23 Mouloud Khelif: Reacted to "Welcome Liubomir!" with
00:59:39 Mouloud Khelif: Well done @Liubomir Nikiforov @Liubomir Nikiforov
01:00:06 Liubomir Nikiforov: Replying to "@Liubomir, good comm..."
always supportive Denise. thanks!
01:00:13 Liubomir Nikiforov: Reacted to "Well done @Liubomir ..." with
01:00:21 Laura Margolis: Reacted to "@Liubomir, good comm..." with
01:00:41 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "@Liubomir, good comm..." with
01:00:51 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Well done @Liubomir ..." with
01:02:55 Pari Esfandiari: Replying to "On GDC before "Summi..."
Hello Nigel and great seeing you. Thanks for mentioning that. Cheers
01:03:11 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "On GDC before "Summi..." with
01:03:17 Pari Esfandiari: Replying to "Thanks Pari"
hello Glenn, hopw all is well. great seeng you.
01:06:28 Siranush Vardanyan: Reacted to "Well done @Liubomir …" with
01:06:40 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: Reacted to "thanks Liubomir, gre..." with
01:06:57 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: Reacted to "On GDC before "Summi..." with
01:08:45 Chris Mondini - ICANN Org: Nice to see you Desiree. Thank you for joining.
01:08:58 Natalia Filina: thanks again for this opportunity Desiree!
01:09:46 Nigel Hickson DSIT UK: Was good seeing some folk last week in beautiful and sunny Tampere for EuroDIG;
01:09:57 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: https://ripe86.ripe.net/presentations/77-RIPE-and-EURALO_Filihttps://ripe86.ripe.net/presentations/77-RIPE-and-EURALO_Filina-N._24-May-23.pdfna-N._24-May-23.pdf
01:10:07 Shah Zahidur Rahman: Reacted to "https://ripe86.ripe...." with
01:11:25 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "https://ripe86.ripe...." with
01:12:09 Shah Zahidur Rahman: Thanks Desiree !
01:12:24 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: ccNSO 20 year celebration is something that I missed
01:13:16 Chris Mondini - ICANN Org: And the days are very long!
01:13:35 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: But Pierre would cover it.
01:14:47 Nigel Hickson DSIT UK: Lovely flowers
01:14:57 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: Reacted to "Thanks Desiree !" with
01:15:17 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: Reacted to "Lovely flowers" with
01:15:33 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Lovely flowers" with
01:17:13 Katrina Sataki: Reacted to "Lovely flowers" with
01:17:50 Laura Margolis: once in ccNSO, always in ccNSO :)
01:18:06 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "once in ccNSO, alway..." with
01:18:12 Tatiana Tropina: Reacted to "once in ccNSO, alway..." with
01:18:13 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: Reacted to "once in ccNSO, alway..." with
01:19:16 Katrina Sataki: Reacted to "once in ccNSO, alway..." with
01:20:10 Nabeel Yasin Amin: Hello everyone, i am glad to join this session
01:20:29 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: .Egypt in non-ascii Arabic script is the IDN ccTLD that became a member of ccNSO
01:21:52 Laura Margolis: I agree with you Pierre
01:22:30 Roberto Gaetano: Not surprisingly, since GAC and ALAC are advisory, and not strictly connected to a specific stakeholder group
01:29:14 Natalia Filina: always important to understand and know much about the market. And educate more, true
01:29:28 betty fausta Guadeloupe: A real good point. Accessible for small compagnies
01:29:36 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "A real good point. A..." with
01:29:37 Nigel Hickson DSIT UK: Here is GAC Communique; https://gac.icann.org/contentMigrated/icann77-washington-d-c-communique
01:29:43 betty fausta Guadeloupe: more equity for SIDS
01:29:59 Natalia Filina: Reacted to "Here is GAC Communiq..." with
01:30:19 Laura Margolis: Reacted to "A real good point. A..." with
01:34:24 Nabeel Yasin Amin: <comment>For the ccTLD plain Arabic script IDN is ok , but when we will start using the IDN FQDN then we will face lots of conflicts , so Arabic diacritics will be needed sooner or later </comment>
01:35:26 Joanna Kulesza: Great point, OCL - a nice example of this potential 'threat' can be experienced here attachment.zip [no worries, it's safe to click]
01:41:10 Hervé CLEMENT: Even in Paris sky is "milky" due to these Canadian fire smokes
01:41:14 Glenn McKnight: I was remote during ICANN meeting and the smoke made it impossible to go outside
01:41:22 Danko Jevtovic: Another circle ?
01:41:35 Hervé CLEMENT: Reacted to "Another circle ?" with
01:41:58 Glenn McKnight: To date, 3.8 million hectares of land have been burned or is under fire as of June 7, Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair said at a press conference. This is a bit larger than the Northwest Territories' Great Bear Lake – the largest lake in Canada and eighth largest on Earth.
01:43:59 Roberto Gaetano: https://eurodigwiki.org/wiki/Consolidated_programme_2023
01:44:58 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: Reacted to "To date, 3.8 million..." with
01:46:59 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: +1 Yrjo. # A well governed Internet would be One Internet making One World, which would leave wars behind.
01:47:32 Mouloud Khelif: I have to go, my flight is boarding, thank you Sebastien and everyone for all the details, even though I attended ICANN7 this was really helpful.
01:47:37 Mouloud Khelif: Reacted to "+1 Yrjo. # A well g…" with
01:47:57 Glenn McKnight: YouTube recordings for Eurodig
01:47:58 Glenn McKnight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFmcMM9y47c
01:48:04 Natalia Filina: Replying to "I have to go, my fli..."
safe flight! Thanks for joining Mouloud!
01:48:06 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: Internet Governance is inextricably entwined with the way the the world is governed.
01:48:38 Pari Esfandiari: Reacted to "Internet Governance ..." with
01:48:40 Nabeel Yasin Amin: I am afraid that it seems that we will have two internet networks , Russian chinese internet vs US and European Internet . specially for interplanetary internet .
01:50:07 Nigel Hickson DSIT UK: Yrjo; great venue; great discussions, town hall was beautiful.
01:50:23 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: Interplanetary Internet could be far less commercial, is essentially above geological borders. This, if shaped well, could be an Internet of good, in this planetary realm.
01:51:24 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: I covered some Sami Cyrillic scripts in my inforamtional RFC
01:51:34 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5992
01:51:41 Glenn McKnight: A small group was formed for Indigenous Languages in north America starting work with the Micmac in Eastern provinces in Canada
01:51:47 Marie Pattullo: Reacted to "To date, 3.8 million..." with
01:52:18 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: Reacted to "A small group was fo..." with
01:54:10 Roberto Gaetano: Replying to "A small group was fo..."
Let’s keep in contact to coordinate initiatives worldwide - maybe a proposal for IGF 2024?
01:54:35 Gisella Gruber - ICANN Org: @Sebastien - Board Operations have responded.
01:55:23 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: Committed past presidents and past chairs should always stay and be involved in matters of their higher expertise @Sébastien, what you do may be symbolic in a good way.
01:55:51 Glenn McKnight: Since we have stressed the Multistakeholder model for ICANN I would think the voice of the end users should have some voice in this celebration
01:55:52 Marie Pattullo: I can get some anecdotes from Philip Sheppard if you want that?
01:59:13 Glenn McKnight: Alternative history approach see Dr. Ben Tarnoff book https://www.versobooks.com/en-ca/products/2674-internet-for-the-people
01:59:37 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: I saw an article on some telecom overtures in Carribbean.
01:59:39 ADAM PEAKE - ICANN Org: There was a “Geopolitical, Legislative, and Regulatory Developments Update” session during prep week, but the topics mentioned were not the topic of a specific session https://meetings.icann.org/en/icann77 (zoom archive, etc.)
01:59:59 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: This was in linkedin
02:01:22 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: https://bit.ly/3NqAHon
02:02:04 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: There are nuances here to watch, and how this will make inroads in other regions
02:02:53 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/nielharper_caribbean-telecoms-operators-seeking-to-deepen-activity-7078370937661759488-TbfN?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android
02:02:59 Desiree Miloshevic RIPE Coop WG: Reacted to "There was a “Geopoli..." with
02:05:00 Katrina Sataki: I hope so too, Sebastian!
02:05:16 Pierre Bonis: on fragmentation, there will be a roundtable during the french IGF next Week. on the -th of july https://www.isoc.fr/fgi-france-2023/
02:05:21 Katrina Sataki: Sebastien (sorry! Autocorrect!)
02:05:32 Alberto Sot0: Thanks Sebastien, abrazo!!!
02:06:04 Natalia Filina: Replying to "on fragmentation, th..."
thanks Pierre, will follow (maybe with interpretation or your summary after)
02:06:26 Nigel Hickson DSIT UK: Yes thanks; great session
02:07:49 Sébastien Bachollet: Save the date
ICANN78 – Hamburg – Annual General Meeting (25th)
21-26 October 2023
ICANN78 Readout by EURALO (EN, ES, FR and RU)
Tuesday 7th November 2023 - 18:00-20:00 UTC
02:08:03 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: @Chris. ICANN's policy making pace has to pick up, accelerate, from ground speed to space speed !
02:08:07 Sébastien Bachollet: We would like to have you again next time
02:08:57 Sivasubramanian Muthusamy: At ground speed it is not even fast enough to stay where we are.
02:09:09 Pari Esfandiari: Thank you everyone, special thanks for Sebastien. and Chris. Great session and looking to see everyone in Germany soon.
02:09:13 Herb Waye Ombuds: Great informative session. Merci beaucoup. Stay safe and be kind.
02:09:21 Frédéric Taes: Reacted to "We would like to hav..." with
02:09:26 Hervé HOUNZANDJI: thanks.
02:09:26 Alberto Sot0: Bye bye!!!!!