At-Large Regional Secretariats 17.05.2012 Summary Minutes
Participants: Wolf Ludwig, Oksana Prykhodko, Sylvia Herlein Leite
Guests: Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Evan Leibovitch
Apologies: Jose Arce, Tijani Ben Jemaa
Staff: Gisella Gruber, Silvia Vivanco, Heidi Ullrich
Minutes of the meeting:
Wolf started the call.
1. Preparation of the Secretariat Regional Meeting in Prage:
Themes on the Agenda:
Common Framework for dealing with Inactive/Non-quorate ALS Conclusion from Costa Rica is a Framework from all RAlos but allowing particularities from all RALOs, Long standing item from EURALO.
It is for each Ralo to discuss the criteria.
Wolf suggested that formally the point of the Inactive/Non-quorate ALS be approved formally in Prague.
2.- Participation in the ROP and Metrics Working Group was encouraged. Particularly in the Metrics Working Group.
The Issue of the ALS Metrics Should do list: Subcommitte, Tijani has drafted some text for the ALS.
Perhaps the Should do list should be something discussed in Prague.
Sylvia H mentioned it would be a good idea to be in touch to set a certain criteria.
On the EURALO level: We should find a mechanism how to fit into discussions, to fit on a regular basis on monthly calls.
We concentrate on the very urgent issues, however not so much on the work of the Subcommittees.
What is the Euralo planning for the 10th Anniversary Event in Prague
At large was established by a Board Decision 10 years ago. There will be a retrospective on the early days of At Large, we contacted the previous At-Large Chairs. still waiting from feedback from other former members. EURALO is actively preparing for the event. This will be followed by a cocktail party.
We are doing our best to prepare a good event.
We will let you know as soon as it is finalized.
Many Board members will be at that event.
Inputs would be welcome.
OCL: The At Large Website will be re-modeled, redone from scratch. There are some interviews going on we would like to have 2 people from the region.
Heidi: Currently we have 5 people who will be interviewed. We need people from EURALO and AFRALO to join.
AI: Heidi to post the request for membership on the mailist.
3.- AOB