AFRALO AC Chat EN 2013-11-06
Nathalie Peregrine:Bonjour a tous et bienvenue a la conference AFRALO de ce 6 Novembre 2013
Nathalie Peregrine:Page de l'agenda:
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:bonjour tout le monde
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:pas beaucoup de participants encore!
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:y en a t il qui sont en dial out seulement ?
Nathalie Peregrine:Bonjour Fatimata!
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:bonjour Natalia
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:attendons encore quelques minutes
Nathalie Peregrine:Fatimata, nous avons Etienne Tshishimbi, Pastor Peters, Adetokunbo Abiola, Olivier Crépin-Leblond en dial out
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:bonjour. Tout démarre dans 15 minutes n'est ce pas?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:18h30 UTC
Nathalie Peregrine:Oui la reunion est prevue a 18h30 UTC, donc dans un quart d'heure
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:Bonjour Olivier
Hadja:Bonjour tout le monde
Hadja:Bonjour Fatimata
Hadja:Bonjour Olivier
Nathalie Peregrine:Bonjour Hadja!
Hadja:Bonjour Nathalie
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
zandile:hello everyone
zandile:may I please have a dial out
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:Rebonjour
zandile:my mobile is +27 78 051 1901
Nathalie Peregrine:Zandile, we will dial out to you now
zandile:thank you Nathalie
Hadja:Bonsoir Tijani
Yaovi Atohoun:Hello everyone; Bonjour a tous
Hadja:J'attends toujours qu'on m'appelle !
Nathalie Peregrine:Hadja, on vous appelle maintenant
Nathalie Peregrine:Hadja, tous les reseaux sont satures pres de chez vous
Nathalie Peregrine:est-ce que vous pouvez entendre et parler sur l'Adobe?
Hadja:Ok j'essaie de suivre sur l'adobe
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:ok
Coley:hi all Coley here
Coley:can I get a dial out
Nathalie Peregrine:Coley, please provide your number
Heidi Ullrich:Hi All/Bonsoir tout le monde!
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:c est fait
Nathalie Peregrine:merci Fatimata!
Otunte Otueneh (ISOC Nigeria Chapter):Hello everyone
Silvia Vivanco:BCEC : http://bcec/
Silvia Vivanco:At Large Summit:
Otunte Otueneh (ISOC Nigeria Chapter):Please I am English speaking. what do I do?
Coley:thank you am in now
Heidi Ullrich:Hi Otunte, are you on 1638? You should be hearing EN interpretation.
Heidi Ullrich:Are you on the FR channel?
Nathalie Peregrine:Otunte is only on AC
Nathalie Peregrine:Otunte, please provide a number and we dial out to you so you join the Enhglish speaking channel
Nathalie Peregrine:the Adobe Connect room only provides French for AFRALO calls, if you give me your number, we can phone you so you can hear the interpretation
Otunte Otueneh (ISOC Nigeria Chapter):+2348037048430. it is a mobile line
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large at the IGF:
Nathalie Peregrine:thanks!
Nathalie Peregrine:@Otunte, the operator will call you in a few moments
Otunte Otueneh (ISOC Nigeria Chapter):ok. thanks very much
Aziz:bonsoir à tous
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large Meetings in Buenos Aires:
Heidi Ullrich:23 meetings
Heidi Ullrich:including the AFRALO/AFRICANN meeting
Silvia Vivanco:That is the WIKI with AFRALO ALSes
Hadja:Oui tout a fait d'accord avec Fatimata
Heidi Ullrich:ALS Spotlights are very successful in NARALO and APRALO
Heidi Ullrich:they are a highlight of the call ;)
zandile:I am unable to hear anything on the English channel too
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies, All. There are technical issues with the interpretor
Heidi Ullrich:she is dialing back in
Nathalie Peregrine:Toutes nos excuses, il y a des problemes techniques avec l'interprete
Heidi Ullrich:She is back!
zandile:yes I'm back too
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:c etait moi alors
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:je n utilise as de tel
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:yes Claire in the French channel
Heidi Ullrich:Apologies! We are working on the issue
Coley:am back my apologies my device restarted
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:même chez moi, je ne comprends pas pourquoi j ai un écho car je n utilisé pas mon téléphone en même temps que AC.
Coley:I can't hear my English channel
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:bonsoir Aziz
Nathalie Peregrine:We are having interpreter issues Coley
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The interpreter is dialling back again - apologies for the technical problems
Nathalie Peregrine:we are currently trying to resolve the technical difficulties she is having
Heidi Ullrich:Coley, there is a technical issue which is being sorted. There is no interpetation into EN atm
Heidi Ullrich:We can now hear her on EN. She will test the FR line.
Nathalie Peregrine:thanks heidi
Coley:ok thanks
Yaovi Atohoun:@Coley: are you getting the translation?
Yaovi Atohoun:the interpretation?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:The English Channel is completely silent, I am told.
Nathalie Peregrine:les 2 canaux sont lies maintenant
Heidi Ullrich:Tijani, my FR comprehension is improving due to you!
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:je n entends plus rien
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:maintenant, ça va
Nathalie Peregrine:Fatimata, il y a l'audio dans l'Adobe,
Nathalie Peregrine:a maintenant vous entendez, parfait
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:oui, merci
Silvia Vivanco:CROPP:
Silvia Vivanco:Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (FY14)
Heidi Ullrich:Please allow the interpretator to interpret by keeping your statements short
Yaovi Atohoun:7 more items to discuss?????????????????
Heidi Ullrich:the Pilot is for FY14 - so the trips need to be completed by 30 June 2014
Heidi Ullrich:@Yaovi, these items are for information, so should go quickly
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:@Yaovi -- yes, this is a lot more items to discuss
Yaovi Atohoun:OK.
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:ok, I hear you and I Will move faster
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:what is this again?
Nathalie Peregrine:it's Pastor Peters
Coley:am back again bu have been hearing the conversations in different languages
Nathalie Peregrine:Yes Coley, we are all hearing one language after the other
Hadja:Je suis volontaire
Nathalie Peregrine:you are hearing correctly :)
Coley:okay nice I have to get my French up and running in case technology fail:)
Nathalie Peregrine:Coley, it is still being interpreted but not simultaneously. So you should be safe in English :)
Silvia Vivanco:Chairperson Aziz Hilali, Vice-Chairperson Mohamed El Bashir, Secretariat Phillip F. Johnson
Silvia Vivanco:Beginning their terms at the end of the Buenos Aires meeting
Heidi Ullrich:2014 Board Selection Workspace:
Silvia Vivanco: Next item : Accreditation of a new ALS Internet Society Chapter of Somalia
Nathalie Peregrine:@ Tijanii, yes I will
Silvia Vivanco:@ Fatimata and Tijani kindly send the Regional Advice to Nathalie via email as we need a writen record of each step
Silvia Vivanco:of the accreditation process
Fatimata SEYE SYLLA:ok Silvia
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you
Heidi Ullrich:See you in BA!!
Heidi Ullrich:we will have a test so that the technical issues are sorted. Again, many apologies
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all and see you in Argentina!
Nathalie Peregrine:Merci a vous tous!
Heidi Ullrich:and thanks for our multi-lingual community !!
Hadja:Merci a tous