AFRALO AC Chat 2013-09-04

AFRALO AC Chat 2013-09-04

 Julia Charvolen: Welcome to the AFRALO Monthly call on Wednesday 4 September 2013 at 1830 UTC
  Heidi Ullrich:Hi All!
  Hadja:Bonsoir Tout le monde
  Aziz:Hello Heidi
  Aziz:Do you hear me
  Aziz:Bonsoir Hadja
  Hadja:Bonsoir Aziz
  Julia Charvolen:Please mute your line if you are not speaking
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
  Julia Charvolen:Mayowa Sofowora joined the Adobe Connect
  Silvia Vivanco:See the Open Public comments: http://www.icann.org/en/news/public-comment
  Heidi Ullrich:Pastor Peters, your line has been muted as it was causing noise
  Julia Charvolen:Zandile Nyathi joined the Adobe Connect
  Julia Charvolen:Mohamed El Bashir joined the Adobe Connect
  Silvia Vivanco:Yes Aziz we will post the information, please send us your logo and any additonal information you would like to post on the WIKI
  Mohamed El Bashir:Hello Everyone  - Bonjour tout le monde
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello Mohamed welcome
  zandile:hello everyone
  Mohamed El Bashir:Thanks Silvia
  Mohamed El Bashir:Désolé pour vous joindre à la fin
  Mohamed El Bashir:sorry for joining late
  zandile:my apologies for also joining the meeting late
  Blessing:Hi everyone, need help on getting the english translation
  Julia Charvolen:Adigo EN channel is 1638, or would you like a dial out?
  Mohamed El Bashir:Julia, yes i would like a dial out +97455850735
  Mohamed El Bashir:Thanks
  Julia Charvolen:sure
  zandile:im also having a challenge on getting the english translation,if i get a dial out will that enable to me to get the english translation?
  Julia Charvolen:@ zandile, yes
  Julia Charvolen:please provide a number and operator will dial out to you
  Blessing:Im using this platform for the first time and I am not aware of what a dial out entails
  zandile:please assist me with the dial out as i am also a newcomer
  Julia Charvolen:Please provide a phone number in chat or email to staff@atlarge.icann.org with phone number
  zandile:im using an Ipad should i send you that number as well
  Julia Charvolen:@ Zandile and Blessing: Please provide a phone number and we will dial out to you on EN channel
  Aziz:Update ALS will be made on the following wiki page : https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AFRALO/pages/104628943/AFRALO+ALSes
  Julia Charvolen:please provide a number we can call you on as you need to be able to follow on Adobe Connect too
  Julia Charvolen:Phone number is to call you through EN channel
  Mohamed El Bashir:+97455850735
  Julia Charvolen:Mohamed, can you confirm your number: +97455850735. Operator is not managing to get hold of you
  Heidi Ullrich:There will be a joint Regional Secretariat and ATLAS II meeting in Buenos Aires. It is very important that the ALSes be very active in the preparation of the Summit.
  Coley:hello good people I was having issues connecting my apologies
  Julia Charvolen:mute *6
  Julia Charvolen:unmute *7
  Coley:am a new comer
  Coley:please dial me out for English translation
  Julia Charvolen:@ Coley Could you please give me your full name for attendance purposes, thank you
  Heidi Ullrich:AFRALO Members of the ATLAS II Organizing Committee: AFRALO Tijani Ben Jemaa Leadership TeamAFRALO Victor Ndonnang  AFRALO Pastor Peters Omoragbon  AFRALO Yaovi Atohoun  AFRALO Baudouin Shombe
  Julia Charvolen:@ Coley , please provide a number
  Heidi Ullrich:we will remove Yaovi as he now ICANN staff :)
  Coley:my no. +27745095074
  Julia Charvolen:@ Mohamed, could you please provide another number, we are not managing to get hold of you, the number is suspended
  Julia Charvolen:@ Mohamed, you are now connected to phone line, thank you
  Julia Charvolen:@ Coley, please provide full name for attendance, thank you
  Coley:Coley Zephenia
  Julia Charvolen:thank you Coley
  Julia Charvolen:@ Blessing, could you provide full name for attendance please, thank you
  Interpreters:@Fatimata, there was a comment on the English channel and we didn't get to jump in and let you know
  zandile:do you need my cell phone number or my Ipad Number
  Julia Charvolen:cell phone please
  zandile:its + 27780511901
  Julia Charvolen:on EN channel?
  Coley:thank you I am in
  Julia Charvolen:@  Zandile, dial out on English channel?
  zandile:thank you im in
  Julia Charvolen:thank you
  Heidi Ullrich:Stakeholder Engagement and Operations Manager, Africa
  Fatimata:I am off
  Julia Charvolen:we are dialing back to you Fatimata
  Mohamed El Bashir:Congratulations Yaovi, Good luck in your new ICANN Job
  Coley:congratulations to you Yaovi! Welcome
  Fatimata:I am back
  zandile:congratulations are inorder to you Yaovi
  mayowa:congratulations to you yaovi...
  Heidi Ullrich:Pastor Peters has a question
  Heidi Ullrich:hand up for Pastor Peters
  Silvia Vivanco:See : Part III, Article 6 of the AFRALO Operating Principles, the responsibilities and terms of the AFRALO Officers
  Julia Charvolen:Please mute your microphones if you are not speaking
  Silvia Vivanco:Internet Society Chapter of Nigeria­       Fédération Comorienne des Consommateurs­       Internet Society Chapter of Somalia
  Silvia Vivanco:ISOC Nigeria: http://www.isocnig.org.ng/
  Silvia Vivanco:ISOC Somalia: http://www.isoc.so/
  Silvia Vivanco:http://consommateurkm.com/ (Federation Commorienne des Consommateurs)
  Hadja:j'ai regardé les sites
  Hadja:ok pour les 2 chapitres isoc
  Silvia Vivanco:Fatimata, Pastor Peters would like to speak next
  Fatimata:Ok Silvia.  He will speak after Pierre
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you
  Julia Charvolen:Victor est sur messagerie
  Julia Charvolen:nous essayons de rappeler
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you everyone
  James:Thank you all
  zandile:Thank you all
  Julia Charvolen:Merci a tou, thank you everyone
  Hadja:Aurevoir !
  Kayode:Thank you all
  Coley:cheers guys thank you
  Fatimata:Thank you all and please keep the pace
  Fatimata:Vive AFRALO!!!
  mayowa:viva AFRALO