Action Items 2016-09-29 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

Action Items 2016-09-29 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

  • julie.hammer to seek by email the formal agreement  and commitment of BCEC Members and Alternates to the BCEC Code of Conduct 2017
  • In the draft Operational Procedures and Guidelines:
    • julie.hammer to reference the requirement for staff to set up private pages in the wiki when needed
    • julie.hammer to include 'a BCEC Member or their RALO chair advises...' in 7.1, revise 7.2 by reducing the number of meetings to 2 and including '...deemed by the majority of the BCEC members' , delete 7.3 
  • Heidi Ullrich to follow up with Ken Bour about hosting one or if necessary two training sessions on tools used for candidate selection for BCEC members
  • julie.hammer to work with Gisella Gruber/Terri Agnew and set up a doodle poll for regular calls that take place on Thursdays (6th October and following Thursdays), trying to lock into one slot: doodle to include all times UTC 0000 0100 0200 0300 0400 0500 0600 0700 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300
  • julie.hammer to update the Draft Candidate Requirements by adding two additional ALAC-specific guidelines (willingness to engage in ALAC after selection and understanding of ICANN post IANA transition) and circulate to the BCEC Members for final agreement by 1400 UTC 1 October 2016
  • BCEC members to: 
    • Review the proposed Board Director Selection Timeline draft and provide feedback 
    • Review the Expressions of Interest Proforma side by side with the candidate requirements 
    • Comment on the Operational Procedures and Guidelines via the google document, after Cheryl Langdon-Orr has set up the google doc (Note: google doc was not required; document was finalised by email circulation of draft)
  • Cheryl Langdon-Orr to work with julie.hammer on the draft Expression of Interest Proforma