At-Large Board Member Selection Timeline - 2017

At-Large Board Member Selection Timeline - 2017

Days till Next milestone
Start of selection of BMSPC and BCEC membersTue  36  
ALAC Approval of the BMSPC & BCECWed  19BMSPC finalizes timeline 
BMSCP Publication of final timelineMon  8BCEC decide on BCEC rules and candidate EoI (includes previous period)BCEC agrees to the deadline
ALAC Approval of the Selection GuidelinesTue  1 Guidelines prepared by BMSPC and BCEC
BCEC Publication of Call for EoIsWed  30

Submission of EoIs

ICANN57 Hyderabad meeting 2-9 November 2016

BCEC agrees to the deadline
Deadline for submission of EoIsFri 34BCEC posts candidate informationBCEC agrees to the deadline
BCEC announcement of slate of candidatesThu 28RALOs identify additional candidates (if any)12 January: Single purpose multi-RALO call to discuss slate and options.
Deadline for RALO identification of additional candidatesThu 10Other RALOs support additional candidates 
Deadline for support from other RALOs for additional candidatesSun 2BCEC compiles final slateBCEC agrees to the deadline
Publication of final slateTue 21Candidate statements and discussions; Identification of electorate including replacements if not already done.Must agree to voting methodology with staff. Should allow for exceptional circumstances including telephone voting. Could be in-person if during ICANN meeting.

Selection of ramdom selection methodology (preferably should be verifiable - Example: http://www.random.org/decimal-fractions/?mode=advanced where one candidate selections the "persistant identifier" for randomization and the other candidate selects N numbers to be generated where the Nth idetermines outcome.
Initiation of first round voteTue 59

Voting - all rounds

ICANN58 Copenhagen 11-16 March 2017

Depending on number of candidates on slate, there may be up to three rounds of voting. For at least the last two rounds (and possibly 1st), a tie may be addressed by re-running poll or random selection.

The detailed schedule should prbably not be determined until later in the process, but sufficient time needs to be allocated for worst-case situations.

If there are multiple rounds or repeats, the schedule should allow for time to consult RALO and hold a RALO vote if votes are directed, or take an informal poll if not directed but ALS input desired.

Note that for the last election, there were two rounds, 22-25 Nov and 26-28 Nov. Time was NOT allowed for consultation, although some RALOs tried to consult (to varying degrees of success). Short rounds did seem to work, and of course, IF held suring ICANN meeting, could be even shorter. But consultation with ALS perhaps more difficult.
Announcement of winnerFri    

For a separate timeline of the BCEC process, please check here: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/UhX8Bg