AC Chat 2016-09-29 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

AC Chat 2016-09-29 Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC)

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the Board Candidate Evaluation Committee (BCEC) 2017 Selection Call taking place on Thursday, 29 September 2016 at 12:00 UTC

  Yesim Nazlar:Agenda: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/6wv8Bg

  vanda:hi all good morning, afternoon, evening...

  Gunela Astbrink:Hello

  Dave Kissoondoyal:Hello to all

  Mohamed EL Bashir:Hello Everyone

  Gunela Astbrink:Is it 8.00am for you Murray?

  vanda:9 am for me. nice time

  Louis Houle:Hi everyone

  Mohamed EL Bashir:3:00pm on my side

  Heidi Ullrich:Each RALO is representated

  Dave Kissoondoyal:04:00 PM in Mauritius

  Eduardo Diaz:I was able to  connect to adobe

  Murray McKercher:I am also in the AC room now as well

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Murray!

  Murray McKercher:Thanks you Yesim, I will remain on the dial-out for my audio.

  Yesim Nazlar:sure...

  Yesim Nazlar:Jordi Iparraguirre has joined

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Jordi!

  Jordi Iparraguirre:hi, apoplogies for being late, I had another previous appointment

  Dave Kissoondoyal:+1

  vanda:i agree with the one from each region is adequate

  Dave Kissoondoyal:I agree as well ,, one can be either a member or an alternate

  Louis Houle:@ Murray: The BCEC email list would need to be secured, then, just like the NomCom. Agree with Vanda.

  Ariel Liang:Staff can set private pages within the wiki

  Dave Kissoondoyal:Agree

  Gunela Astbrink:Agree

  Mohamed EL Bashir:The tools training could be considered as optional

  Mohamed EL Bashir:as some us might be already familiar with the current used tools

  Yesim Nazlar:Carlos Raul Gutierrez has joined

  Yesim Nazlar:Welcome Carlos!

  Carlos:Sorry for the delay. Good morning

  Carlos:it has been hard to get into speed. Not a coincidence of the subject you are talking about right now.

  Jordi Iparraguirre:I think we are not going to have so many meetings, so 3 may be too much.

  Murray McKercher:@ Julie I would suggest a simple majority of members deciding to excuse another member

  vanda:agree with Yrjo. or this will be in the discrimination of the chair to call the person .

  Jordi Iparraguirre:I agree with Yrjö

  Dave Kissoondoyal:If the BCEC member is unavailable and knows that he/she will be unable to attend meetings. For the sake of the good running of the process, if the BCEC member has not attended one meeting and has contacted the chair of the RALO, the BCEC should take into consideration that the message has come from the BCEC member through the chair of the RALO

  Louis Houle:@ Yrjo: I agree. «Appropriatety» needs to be more specific.

  Mohamed EL Bashir:Agree with Yrjo on keeping point 1 +2 , its difficult to implement point 3. its generic/open

  Murray McKercher:@ Vanda..I agree with your comment

  vanda:sorry to delay to down my hand...

  vanda:in my view the not adequate behavior will be clear after the end of this work and we have a 360 review of each one performance.

  vanda:let's vote for excluse number 3

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):I am happy with those  edits

  Mohamed EL Bashir:Agree, its a practical

  Heidi Ullrich:I have contacted Ken and I expect we can invite him to the next call.

  Dave Kissoondoyal:Thanks a lot and wish you a successful deliberations

  Dave Kissoondoyal:Bye

  Murray McKercher:Thank you everyone, I will leave the call..have a productive session

  vanda:bye all alternates, thanks to contribution

  Carlos:THU ok, but not 21-23 UTC please

  vanda:remember Tuesday  we also have ALAC call

  Carlos:thank you

  vanda:remember that who accept compensation also has liability too

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Are offerred a standard compensation for service  ...   Directors  CAN  decline the offer of course

  Carlos:please give us a day or two

  Carlos:my request for a day or two, is jut to make sure it si readable for English as second speakers. Nothing on the substance, but sometimes the stule of this documents is quite obscure

  Carlos:and the screen in adobe is quite small

  Gunela Astbrink:@ Carlos. The font size can be increased. it's on the navigation bar under the document

  vanda: is too bad to heard Carlos  

  Carlos:48 hours is fine

  Louis Houle:It's fair enough.

  Carlos:my pc is rahte small. so I need to print it and ear my glasses

  Ariel Liang:You may also look at the candidate requirement draft on the wiki: https://icann-community.atlassian.net/wiki/x/Swz8Bg

  vanda:@ agree with Cheryl

  Carlos:in that case, if we want diversity as an option for the ALAC candidate, we are asking for some additional skills we might want to add to the specs sheet.

  Carlos:maybe on the amount of written material, as expalined by CLO

  Carlos:Fully agree with Vanda on the ALAC relationship/contact/etc.

  Louis Houle:@ Vanda: you mean feedback or participation to ALAC

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):The Time  Commitment  mterill is  from a NC  listing  I blieve  and so I recognise  Vanda's point  that  OUR  Candidates  are  needing  to also add time  for relating  WITH  ALAC

  vanda:report back  and as possible also aprticipate, as rinalia is doing nowadays

  Eduardo Diaz:got  disconnected

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Of course  with the Empowered Community  our appointed  Directors  can be removed  *without cause*   by  us at any time

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):That will tend to motivate good communication  with the appointing bodies '-)

  Louis Houle:@ CLO: +1

  vanda:@ cheryl  YEAH

  Carlos:@CLO while ¨no causes¨might be fine, it is a good time for the ALAC to prepare some general idea of the circumstances for such an action, so not toscare people away

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Happy to scare people Carlos   We need the BEST on the slate not variety or change for changes  sake IMO

  Carlos:a minimu of procedureal fairnes could be assumed (majority)(Leadership only) (plenary) etc. We have a sad case in the NCUC and those internal process are really to be taken seriously

  Mohamed EL Bashir:Thanks

  vanda:thank you Julie for all this work!!!

  Jordi Iparraguirre:thanks!

  Carlos:thank you

  Eduardo Diaz:Gracias

  Ariel Liang:Thanks all!

  Yrjö Länsipuro:Thanks, bye bye

  Gunela Astbrink:Thank you, Julie and bye

  Louis Houle:Thanks everyone Good morning

  vanda:kisses to all

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):Thanks  Everyone   Bye for now

  Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO):3 more hrs  to the next call *sigh*