PRE-ATLAS II Capacity Building program Communications 2014.04.17 AC Chat
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the Pre-ATLAS II Capacity Building Program Webinar on Thursday 17 April 2014 at 1300 UTC
Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome, All!
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Hello
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Excuse me
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:In the participants
Gisella Gruber-White:Bonjour Etienne - tu es sur le canal francais - liste sous les participants
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Tshishimbi not Tshoshimbi
Gisella Gruber-White:Merci Etienne - erreur de frappe
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Juste pour demande de changer cela merci
Gisella Gruber-White:c'est fait !
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci Gisella
Monique Chartrand:Bonjour tous !
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Hello Silvia
Silvia Vivanco:Welcome all
Silvia Vivanco:in all channels
Silvia Vivanco:and AC room
Jordi Iparraguirre:hello all!
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:hi all... please note I will need to join another meeting in about 30 mins hopefully I will still be able to still listen here
Siranush Vardanyan:Hi everyone
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Nous vous suivons bien
Yannis Li:hi all
Lianna Galstyan:Hello to everyone!
Heidi Ullrich:170 ALSes as of this week :)
BERAN GILLEN:hello everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Congratulations for all of your outreach activities!
Aída Noblia:Hello all
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:ALAC a combien de membres?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Hello everybody - apologies for being late
Ali AlMeshal:Hello all sorry for being late
Garth Graham:Not noting myself in the agenda participants list Is that because I entered as guest?
Peter Knight:@Garth -- good to see you (virtuially)
Yubelkys:greetings from Puerto Rico!
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:hello Pastor Peters here as Guest
Yannis Li:will this session be recorded and available for other members of our ALSes?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Yannis - yes, recording and transcript will be posted here
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:can I switch off my phone and continue her on adobe connect
Yannis Li:thanks Gisella =)
Yubelkys:sorry, my full name is Yubelkys Montalvo
Gisella Gruber-White:All Webinars are listed on this page and you will receive an invitation for each session
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Pastor Peters - yes, you can use Adobe Connect to participate. Please disconnect on the phone then
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:thanks
Heidi Ullrich:Great audience participation! :)
Ali AlMeshal:yes we are
Garth Graham:question re Adobe connect - how does one become a "registered" particiapnt as opposed to guest?
Alberto Soto:@Silvia Vivanco, por favor, podrías quitarme de la lista de participantes en inglés y agregarme en la e español. Gracias!
Maureen Hilyard:Gisella.. i also noted that Pastor Peter Omoragbon is also on the chat
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:yes as a guest as I do not ve a login detail as member.
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:how do I get my login details
Narine Khachatryan:Hello, everyone, sorry for being late
Narine Khachatryan:Hello, everyone, sorry for being late'
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome Narine
Silvia Vivanco:Hola Alberto, si lo anotaremos en la lista de espanol
Gisella Gruber-White:PP - I saw your email - we will deal with this
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:ok
Narine Khachatryan:Hello, Gisela
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Alberto - this has been done!
Alberto Soto:Thanks Gisella!
Siranush Vardanyan:Gisella, please, note apologies from Pavan not to be able to participate in this call.
Heidi Ullrich:The ALAC homepage has important announcements on it.
Gisella Gruber-White:@Siranush - noted thank you!
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:do u use the same login details for Adobe connect for the wiki page?
Nathalie Peregrine:@ Pastor Peters, you do not need login details to connect to the Adobe Connect room. In order to leave comments on wiki pages, you would need login credentials which you can email staff about.
Peter Knight:Will the PPT for this be available for download?
Gunela Astbrink:@Gisella, could you include my name as a participant please?
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:leaving AC room will stay on phone bridge may join AC via other mobile e
Gunela Astbrink:Thank you
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Gunela - done thank you! All names will be cross checked post call.
Garth Graham:question re wiki - how do I [add a page?] to my als page?
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci l'échange était très claire
Raul Bauer:@Silvia Vivanco, por favor, podrías quitarme de la lista de participantes en inglés y agregarme en la e español. Gracias!
Silvia Vivanco:si Raul asi lo haremos
Heidi Ullrich:@Garth, you click on 'create' at the top of the page and then click "blank page"
Chester Soong:Yes, if we can downlload this ppt would be very helpful
Garth Graham:Thank you Heidi
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:The presentation will be available for download
Chester Soong:Thanks Dev
Oksana Prykhodko:Hi everyone, sorry to be late, sorry for missing extremely important issue for me - clock time and ntranslations
Gisella Gruber-White:@ All - Presentations will be posted here:
Gisella Gruber-White:Todays presentation is already uploaded
Heidi Ullrich:The ALS videos that are being prepared are being posted to the At-Large YouTube channel.
Heidi Ullrich:Great job, Dev and Nathalie!! +1
Johnny Laureano:+1
Maureen Hilyard:A great start to our webinar programme Dev and Natalie
BERAN GILLEN:well done that was a good presentation guys
Yubelkys:very clear
Gisella Gruber-White:Pastor Peters is on Adobe Connect
Allan Skuce:Excellent presentation.
Silvia Vivanco:Very good presentation Nathalie and Dev!
Raul Bauer:Superb
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:my first time on Adobe connect, and I must say it's like a classroom setting with the audio and phone facility. my question is this, do u use the same login details for Adobe connect for wiki connect?
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:I ve not received any credentials
Heidi Ullrich:You will also need a wiki log-in if you wish to edit or post to a wiki page
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:I
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:J"ai été coupé
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:Gissella is looking into it. thanks. I really enjoyed this
Heidi Ullrich:Sebastien, we are not hearing you.
Heidi Ullrich:*7 to unmute
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:how do u mute and unmetered when you re using yr iPad as I m doing now
Sebastien:I am not using phone
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:unmute I meant to say
Gisella Gruber-White:Unmute is *7
Nathalie Peregrine:@Pastor Peters, to mute and unmute your AC room microphone, you need to activate it. The *7 commands are for the telephone only
Otunte Otueneh:Dave, did not work. please check
Nathalie Peregrine:@Otunte:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:the url is
Sebastien:Seems that there is a problem with talking using Adobe?
Gunela Astbrink:Thank you
Yannis Li:sorry have to join another meeting and disconnect now. Thanks Dev and Nathalie for the presentation
Garth Graham:The learning curve for the se of thes tools is indeed steep. I've been searching for an overview like this presentation. Was there something somewhere in the ICAN labyrinth that I missed?
Garth Graham:I do have edit
Raul Bauer:Sorry, I have to leave now. Thank you everybody. Specially thanks to Nathalie and Dev. Best for all.
Chester Soong:I am not sure if this is the right place to ask but I would like to ask how the travel arrangement is made? I haven't made my flight reservation yet as I was waiting for the folks in LA for their feedback. But since it will be at the beginning of summer vacation time, flights may be very difficult or even not possible to book if I do it too late.
Lianna Galstyan:I'm sorry, I need to leave now. Thank you for presentations adn hope to see you all soon. Bye.
Otunte Otueneh:I was able to view
Heidi Ullrich:Wiki training guides:
Heidi Ullrich:in 5 UN languages
Maureen Hilyard:@ Chester. Constituency Travel should be contacting you soon about travel arrangements - They organise the travel for you
Maureen Hilyard:Chester - You can contact them direct
Maureen Hilyard:ICANN Constituency Travel <>
Heidi Ullrich:The AGM is the Annual General Meeting of ICANN
Chester Soong:Thanks Maureen. I contacted them last week and they acknowledged my email. But I am still waiting for their reply. It is middle of April and I am getting a bid anxious on how whether I can get a seat on the dates that I would like to travel...
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Il y a un problème de connexion téléphonie
Heidi Ullrich:Correct, Dev. The AGM will be held in October in Los Angeles
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Je voulais savoir combien de membres comptes ALC
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:et combien sont dans le bureau ALAC
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Ma question est écrite
Chester Soong:Thanks for clarifying. I understand. TIme just goes by quickly...
Nathalie Peregrine:@ Etienne, quel est le probleme?
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Car le phone a des problèmes
Heidi Ullrich:15 Members of the ALAC
Gisella Gruber-White:Etienne - ALAC compte 15 members -
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci
Sebastien:Sorry It was from previous
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Je voulais revenir sur les commentaires publiques
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Elles mettent en moyennent combien de temps
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Et on doit y répondre après combien de temps
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Tous les commentaires sont ils pris en compte
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Est ce que les commentaires écrits dans les autres langues sont ils intégrées
Ali AlMeshal:sorry have to join another meeting and disconnect now. Thanks Dev and Nathalie for the presentation
Gisella Gruber-White:@Etienne - tu peux poser les questions dans le canal francais- ca sera traduit pour le canal anglais et espacnol.
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Etienne - on te rappelle
Johnny Laureano:Dev, Natalie, para agradecer su presentación. Como sugerencia solo editar una Guia de Comunicaciones At Large para las nuevas ALS en version imprimible, para que sea estudiado por la ALS, puede ser que la curva de aprendizaje de participacion de las nuevas ALS sea un poco larga y eso no incentiva su participacion de inicio.
Heidi Ullrich:Dev, Natalie, to thank your presentation. As a suggestion only edit a Guide Communications At Large for new ALS in printable version, to be discussed by the ALS, it may be that the learning curve of participation of new ALS is a bit long and it does not encourage the participation of home. - TRANSLATION
Heidi Ullrich:@Johnny, there is a Beginner's Guide for ALSes that has just been produced. It includes information on Communications.
Heidi Ullrich:See:
Johnny Laureano:Hello Heide, please send me URL, please
Gunela Astbrink:I have to go now. Thank you for this useful session. Bye
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci pour l'éclaircissement à Sebastien et à Dev
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:thanks Nathalie and Dev. bye all... until next time :-) :-) :-)
Allan Skuce:Bye.
Jordi Iparraguirre:thank you all. very useful!
Heidi Ullrich:64 days until the Summit!!!
Darlene Thompson:Tijani, Dev - you guys did a GREAT job!
Yubelkys:Thanks, it was very useful!
Aída Noblia:Thanks for all. Bye
Chester Soong:Thanks everyone at ICANN for putting together today's conference call!
Gisella Gruber-White:Antonio Medina wants to speak
Sebastien:Welll done
Humberto Carrasco:Thank you very much
Johnny Laureano:Thank Dev, Nathalie, Silvia, Staff.
Peter Knight:I too would like this list.
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:on peut avoir le lien de la page wiki
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:merci
Heidi Ullrich:At the moment, the wiki page on those going to NetMundial is restricted as it contains personal information
Peter Knight:I will be there in São Paulo.
Otunte Otueneh:Thanks for the presentation. It was quite educative.
Narine Khachatryan:Many thanks, Bye-bye
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:Merci
Peter Knight:Ciao
Alberto Soto:Thanks!! Bye, bye!!
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:merci
Cheryl Langdon-Orr:bye
Johnny Laureano:gracias a todos.
Heidi Ullrich:Bye!
Monique Chartrand:Aurevoir ! Et merci !
Nathalie Peregrine:Thank you everyone, bye!
Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you all for participating! See you on the next webinar - details will be sent in a short while!
Maureen Hilyard:Bye everyone.. see you next time
Chester Soong:Ciao! Au revoir!
BERAN GILLEN:thank you
Etienne TSHISHIMBI:On pourrait avoir le pdf de la présentation
Gisella Gruber-White:C'est disponible sur la page wiki:
Gisella Gruber-White: