AC Chat: 2017.03.02 NARALO General Assembly Agenda Call
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the NARALO General Assembly Agenda Call on Thursday, 02 March 2017 at 18:00 UTC.
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
judith hellerstein:HI all
Silvia Vivanco:Agenda page:
Glenn McKnight:Judith I didnt' go over anything on logistics
Glenn McKnight:Susie is on the call as well
Seth Reiss:I don't have icebreaking tools but if you find me some, I am happy to facilitate them :)
Seth Reiss:I remember Alan's favorite movies from an icebreaker many moons ago
Glenn McKnight:What movie was that ?
Seth Reiss:I shouldn't say
Alan Greenberg:I have no recollectionof that Seth!
Glenn McKnight:I understand
Glenn McKnight:Bambi?
Glenn McKnight:Judith Heidi has a question
Glenn McKnight:also Alan
John Laprise:That's a very different topic
John Laprise:Retitle the session
Eduardo Diaz:It will be very usefull to add a short abstract to these agenda items. Like for example what is the item in more delai and expectations
Glenn McKnight:Yes the NARALO Booklet would include the objectives and expectations of each session. A separate Colloborative notes page is suppose to be set up per session for people to add links etc
Eduardo Diaz:@ Glenn: OK. CAn you put the link of that page here
Glenn McKnight:Here it is
John Laprise:breakfast chat would be better :)
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:Telling people three times is a good rule of thumb
John Laprise::)
John Laprise:Agree Glenn but doing so over days is less effective...3x in one presentation great; 3x in 3 days, not so much
Glenn McKnight:My session is to invite the community to get their feedback and suggestions
Seth Reiss:Alfredo sent me ice-breaker tools; so I am good
Glenn McKnight:Seth you were volunteered, I think other s will help you
Eduardo Diaz:@Glenn: The blooket shows the same thing as what is currently being presented
Glenn McKnight:Yes, it will have a section based upon each of the session abstracts and links to the colloborative notes. Waiting for the content
Eduardo Diaz:Is thera a Strategic PLan for NA?
Glenn McKnight:Only for CROPP
Alan Greenberg:Ultimately, regardless of "what people want", we need to set the stage so we are a more effective part of ICANN going forward.
Glenn McKnight:Yes Alan we need to set the path for the group
Glenn McKnight:sorry
Heidi Ullrich:Who will prepare the historical part on the past GAs?
Glenn McKnight:Heidi I can do that
Glenn McKnight:its a short history of the GA and Naralo 10 years
Glenn McKnight:Context is everything
Glenn McKnight:Part of the SWOT analysis
Eduardo Diaz:Set the stage and then focus the rest iof the day n the three items that are at the top of this document
Glenn McKnight:Where we have been, current and moving forward
Glenn McKnight:Yes Heidi
Alfredo Calderon:Agree
John Laprise:+1
Eduardo Diaz:Judith: You can go back to the recording of this meeting and pick up these ideas from there
Alfredo Calderon:@Seth, probably the Ice breaker can set the stage for tne General Theme of the Meeting.
Glenn McKnight:The chart is only topics but devoid of expectations, deliverable etc. We will flesh this out in detail on the WIKI for comments
Seth Reiss:OK
Seth Reiss:@Alfredo - OK
Glenn McKnight:Each of the sessions will have a colloborative notes page with the abstract, People can share links, ideas etc. This is the same idea as NTEN here is the sample
Glenn McKnight:
Glenn McKnight:We will setup the spreadsheet and links to the dedicated pages with slides etc
Glenn McKnight:we like to equally distribute the people per tables
Glenn McKnight:we might need to assign people
Heidi Ullrich:We could allow people to move around
Glenn McKnight:per table
Glenn McKnight:why not
Heidi Ullrich:10 mins, blow a whistle, rotate
Glenn McKnight:Its called a cracker barrel idea
Glenn McKnight:its lively. Each group can build on the notes
Heidi Ullrich:correct
Heidi Ullrich:people can rotate as they wish
Glenn McKnight:Heidi your hand is up I assume you are interjecting
Glenn McKnight:We need to clarify what Judith expects
Heidi Ullrich:so we have a group leader, a note taker and then people coming and growing
Heidi Ullrich:@Glenn, yes
Heidi Ullrich:I have a couple of points
Glenn McKnight:Ok
Glenn McKnight:Alan No one is going to be tested :)
judith hellerstein:These could be the action item : to make sure people understand
Glenn McKnight:Yes agree
Glenn McKnight:Its the big picture
Alfredo Calderon:Could it be possible to have 30 minute breakout sessions? So individuals have a chance to participate in two sessions.
Glenn McKnight:the details can be worked on
Glenn McKnight:Alfredo this is the chance to get community feedback on the format
Alfredo Calderon:@Judith, early in the morning setup an area where individual might identify topic of interest.
Alan Greenberg:I have another call in 20 minutes.
Eduardo Diaz:Icango out to the pool
Heidi Ullrich:but you get that at the wrap up
Alan Greenberg:This is the 4th day we will be there. Plenty of time to scope out the area.
Glenn McKnight:Suzie I will connect with you off line
Silvia Vivanco:Discussion of City- TLDs Tom Lowenhaupt & Louis Houle
Silvia Vivanco:Accountability/Transparency Alan Greenberg with Ron Da Silva
Silvia Vivanco:ICANN and the Public Interest Evan Leibovitch &/or Garth Bruen
Silvia Vivanco:Internet Governance John Laprise with Judith Hellerstein or Glenn McKnight
Alan Greenberg:A & T is going to be history.
Glenn McKnight:Silvia I am not on the Internet Governance
Glenn McKnight:I am floating to each table etc
Silvia Vivanco:Glenn you are on the wiki, I will delete your name
Glenn McKnight:Yes its an error
Heidi Ullrich:+1 to solution session!!
Silvia Vivanco:deketed
Silvia Vivanco:deleted
Heidi Ullrich:we coudl break out solution sessions
Glenn McKnight:Thanks . let me stress this is not cast in stone.
Heidi Ullrich:and then come back to bring all the ideas
Heidi Ullrich:+1 Judith
John Laprise:agreed alan
Eduardo Diaz:I would like to understand details about the three most important policy work being done now. When I say details is not only what they are about but undesratnding the impleications of those policies from people that understand ICANN
Eduardo Diaz:Implication sto the end-user and ICANN iteself
Glenn McKnight:Please speak up Ed
Alan Greenberg:I'm delighted to talk about accountability. But it will largely be education and not problem solving.
judith hellerstein:i hear him clearly
Glenn McKnight:volume
judith hellerstein:Glenn -it is on your end
Alfredo Calderon:Again, what is the Strategic Plan for NARALO? What are the areas where NARALO will work on? This has to be an outcome of the Meeting.
Glenn McKnight:@Alfredo I will take care of this topic
Alfredo Calderon:@Glenn, Great!
Alfredo Calderon:Well lets' call it Road Map.
Eduardo Diaz:We need two days fro the GA
John Laprise:We definitely need to listen to the attendees and their needs
Heidi Ullrich:absolutely
Alfredo Calderon:@John, right our expressway might have only two lanes.
Glenn McKnight:@alfredo I hope its not a toll road:)
Glenn McKnight:@alan are you leaving soon?
Seth Reiss:gotta go
Alan Greenberg:I do have another call starting now.
John Laprise:sure I definitely want people to get something out of the sessions
Glenn McKnight:Heidi and all we have a planned meeting in Copenhagen on the GA. Perhaps come to the face to face to revisit the agenda and changes.
Alfredo Calderon:Have to leave for another Conference Call. Bye to all!
John Laprise:I'm game!
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks!
Eduardo Diaz:bye
allan skuce:Thanks bye