AC Chat: 2017.02.13 NARALO Teleconference
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Call on Monday, 13 February 2017 at 20:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Heidi Ullrich:HI All!
Javier Rua-Jovet:Hi!
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Hi all, how do I mute my speakers?
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):sorry, mute my mic?
Alfredo Calderon:Top left mic icon
Javier Rua-Jovet:@susannah click the down arrow besides the mic icon, youll se the option
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):yep but I don't see the option to mute my own mic, only the conference audio or my speakers?
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):and I can't see the red line through my mic in the participant list
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Am I missing something?
Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone
Alan Greenberg:Do we have our Chair on the call?
Alfredo Calderon:@Susannah, Check on the menu next to Meeting, there is a speaker and next ti is the mic options.
Glenn McKnight:Hi
allan skuce:Greetings
Glenn McKnight:I am in Iceland
Glenn McKnight:Judith has better audio . only computer for me
John Laprise:Hi all
Alan Greenberg:Glenn, I am ok with the agenda, but on the last RALO call that Leon and I participated in I went first. Perhaps this time we should reverse the order.
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):@alfredo yes I see that but no option to mute my own line
Glenn McKnight:i will type like a mad man
Javier Rua-Jovet:jajaj
Glenn McKnight:muted
Alfredo Calderon:@Susannah, are you on Mac or PC?
Glenn McKnight:please mute your lines
Glenn McKnight:Yes
Glenn McKnight:Judith wil chair
Glenn McKnight:i have awful audio here
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):got it :)
Glenn McKnight:Please folks we have a special meeting that i s 90 minutes 30 minutes for the candidate introductions.
Alfredo Calderon:@Susannah, Great!
Glenn McKnight:We have two questions. One from Javier and one from Judith. PLease provide your questions
Louis Houle:Hi everyone
Louis Houle:Sorryfor being late
Monique Chartrand:ii !
Louis Houle:I'll be on the French channel...
Glenn McKnight:Question to all. Is everyone ok for travel?
Monique Chartrand:Hi !
Yubelkys:hi everyone!
Alan Greenberg:Where are questions for candidates?
Glenn McKnight:plsea complete the NARALO ALS information
Glenn McKnight:@Alan we have not made them public
Glenn McKnight:Judith will be reading them
judith hellerstein:Monique you can join the french channel is you would like
Yubelkys:I will be sending the information for travel today
Glenn McKnight:@marita and Shelly is all travel ok for you
Glenn McKnight:Judith is chairing
Marita Moll:Glenn -- re: travel - still in limbo. I think (hope) staff is working on it
Glenn McKnight:@marita thanks
Monique Chartrand:It will be ok I don't have a phone access actualy
Glenn McKnight:Need update on Yubelis too
Glenn McKnight:Judith Alan has a question
Javier Rua-Jovet:@Glenn I think Im fine for New Orleans travel
Yubelkys:I received the email for travel
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Yubelkys
Yubelkys:but I haven't reply yet. I will be doing it today
Glenn McKnight:@alan skuce i sent you a link to the the NARALO GA survey
Yubelkys:thank to you Glenn!
Tom Lowenhaupt:Please note my presence in participants.
Leon Sanchez:I too don't have permission to see my own page! LOL!
Glenn McKnight:Reminder please edit your page on the NARALO ALS Information kit, it includes the agenda, Profiles of the ALS's
Glenn McKnight:Alll,, the the TA applied late on the Alumini applications
Glenn McKnight:Welcome Jarrett and Lynden from ISOC NC
Lynden Price:Thanks Glenn
Jarrett (NC):thank you Glenn!
Javier Rua-Jovet:@Glenn I think Im all done on the ALS kit
Glenn McKnight:Yes you have Javier
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Hi everyone :) and thank you Leah for all your work.
Tom Lowenhaupt:Please comment on this request:
Tom Lowenhaupt:Will try to explain now.
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks for your work, Leah! Welcome Susannah!
Glenn McKnight:Congrats Leah
Alan Greenberg:For Candidat e EoI, the link is right, the page is broken.
Glenn McKnight:Welcome Susannah and we would be happy to have a orientation session with you
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Thanks Glenn - I'll been in touch about the orientation session :)
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Eduardo
Leah Symekher:Thank you all :-)
Yubelkys:yes, we are ready for tomorrow event!
Glenn McKnight:Can you provide details on your activities and please provide a presentation at our NARALO General Assemby
Glenn McKnight:@garth please provide the links
Louis Houle:ISOC Quebec also have a new Board. I'll sen the information on the list. Destiny Tcheouali is the new Chair. I'm stepping back after 10 yeards as Chair.
Glenn McKnight:ok
Alan Greenberg:Heidi, I get a message saying I don't have access
Glenn McKnight:not proper audio
Glenn McKnight:Go ahead
Glenn McKnight:I tried
Glenn McKnight:Only computer
Glenn McKnight:Travel issues?
Leon Sanchez:Happens to me too @Heidi @Alan
Glenn McKnight:We had 15 attendees on the Feb 6th call. we sent out a survey
Glenn McKnight:We had a interest in an extra session on ARIN Policy
Glenn McKnight:Judith is working on the agenda
Yubelkys:I replied the survey
Glenn McKnight:We will have a breakout sessoins and they will have a collloborative notes
Glenn McKnight:@Thanks Yubelkys
Glenn McKnight:Sorry folks i tried to speak but Its a problem
Silvia Vivanco:
Silvia Vivanco:DRAFT Agenda is posted
Glenn McKnight:We have a document created which will linclude links to ebooks in advance
Glenn McKnight:Susie has confirmed our hotel bookings
Tom Lowenhaupt:Sorry, mic is not working. I wanted to bring NARALO’s attention to a recent resolution by ISOC-NY that calls for public hearings by the city of New York on the renewal of a contract with Neustar for the operation of the .nycTLD, see . Please add your thoughts in the comments area.
Silvia Vivanco:@ Judith let us know if there will be another call to reviee the Agenda
Alan Greenberg:EoI link page now fixed
Heidi Ullrich:All, the EOI page is now working:
Silvia Vivanco:GA Agenda
Glenn McKnight:Hotel Monteleone
Glenn McKnight:We have a NARALO table and NARALO buttons
Glenn McKnight:We will do some outreach
Glenn McKnight:Leon- Introduction
Glenn McKnight:We can hear you fine
Garth Bruen:Orale!
Javier Rua-Jovet:sound gone
Javier Rua-Jovet:back
Glenn McKnight:3 minutes left
Glenn McKnight:3 minutes left
Glenn McKnight:Alan you will be next
Glenn McKnight:2 minute warning
Glenn McKnight:thanks leon
Glenn McKnight:we have saved two minutes to the end
Alfredo Calderon:@Leon, Gracias!
Leon Sanchez:Gracias a ti @Alfredo!
Glenn McKnight:thanks we will add to the end the extra time
Glenn McKnight:4 minutes left
Glenn McKnight:3 minutes left
Glenn McKnight:we have extra time at the end
Glenn McKnight:Judith first quetoin
Glenn McKnight:question
Javier Rua-Jovet:I sent one....
Alfredo Calderon:Lost Judith Audio
Evan Leibovitch:My question:
Tom Lowenhaupt:Go Garth.
Glenn McKnight:Proceed Garth
Seth Reiss:why don't we proceed to questions meanwhile?
Evan Leibovitch:The political environment in which we live is very different from what it was just a few years ago. Newlly elected governments in many countries are focusing inward rather than outward, and many others have learned how to disconnect the Internet as a means to stifle both economic and political activity.How, in your opinion, does this affect ICANN? Is ICANN suitably prepared to deal with this new world reality from an end user perspective? And if not what do you believe needs to change?
Glenn McKnight:One secon Evan you will be next
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Garth for asking your question. Seems my audio has issues
Glenn McKnight:Leon Did you need the question to repeated?
Leon Sanchez:No Glenn. Thanks
Glenn McKnight:thanks Alan, Leon please
Glenn McKnight:Evan is next. Evan Do you have audio?
Glenn McKnight:Then Javier
judith hellerstein:ok now I am on twice. fine
judith hellerstein:actually we have the question from javier first
Glenn McKnight:Can you speak up. Evan has a question
Glenn McKnight:ok
Evan Leibovitch:Q2: Sure. Submitted in writing to give both speakers a chance to ss it in advance, and so make it easier to be on the record
Alan Greenberg:I'd like to think that before we got to a removal issue, there would be plenty of talk and making sure we all understood the issues that were of concern.
Glenn McKnight:@All Evan has provided his question. I think Judith is back
Leah Symekher:Question To both Candidates how do you plan to handle the recent news /report : New version of ICANN At-Large Review - ISOC Chapters role and future ? Leah
Glenn McKnight:judith?
Joly MacFie:Question should be read out to be sure to be on the record.
Evan Leibovitch:Q2: What is your view on the general abilitty of ICANN to incoprorate end user interests? With or without referring to the At-Large Review, what improvements need to be done to better balance the pressure from vested interests?
Glenn McKnight:We have an echo
Glenn McKnight:Javier first
Alfredo Calderon:Yes
Glenn McKnight:Old hand from Garth?
Glenn McKnight:ICANN Pr is Mrch 2018
judith hellerstein:leah is next and then evan
Javier Rua-Jovet:The gist of my question hs to do with crazy Trump inmigration policies.
Glenn McKnight:We have 10 minutes left
Glenn McKnight:Judith, no not forget Evans questions
Javier Rua-Jovet:Trump is a cataclysm
Glenn McKnight:It very important for the 10 ann. of NARALO
judith hellerstein:Sorry I had not seen your first question evan
Glenn McKnight:@jarratt and Linden can we speak together on the GA?
Alan Greenberg:Javier, indeed. Should we hypothesize on no one being able to get a visa???
judith hellerstein:Leah you are next
Glenn McKnight:Is this the last question?
judith hellerstein:we have one more
Javier Rua-Jovet:I can imagine some crazy Trump policy making it hard on people from the so called "Global South" an the Middle East getting their visas.
Glenn McKnight:We have to have wrap up comments
judith hellerstein:JOhn More snet his apologies
Lynden Price:@Glenn, sure
judith hellerstein:so we have some more time
Glenn McKnight:PLEASE NOTE we are sending out on Feb 15 a big pulse to all NARALO members to provide your vote to direct the chair on your wishes
Glenn McKnight:Please note ATLARGE has a larger conference call
judith hellerstein:yes. but think we are still on schedule time wise as this is a 90 minute call
Glenn McKnight:I requested to staff on details on the next debate
Glenn McKnight:two hour call tomorrow, Yesim please post time and details
Yesim Nazlar:Please find the agenda page of tomorrow's "Meet the Candidates Call":
Yesim Nazlar:on Tuesday, 14 February 2017 at 13:00 UTC
judith hellerstein:I will ask my question next
Leah Symekher:Thank you to both Candidates. Leah
Leon Sanchez:Thank you Leah!
Evan Leibovitch:no worries
Evan Leibovitch:It was largly answered.
Alfredo Calderon:@Leon, gracias por tu entusiasmo y deseos de seguir sirviendo a la comunidad.
Leon Sanchez:Gracias a ti Alfredo! Es un honor poder servir a nuestra comunidad. :-)
Yubelkys:thanks both for your comments
Alfredo Calderon:@Allan, thanks for your desire to continue serving the community.
Glenn McKnight:Thnaks for the questions. please reach out to each, we are pleased to have your imput today. The next job is to complete the BIG PULSE after tomorrow's call
Yubelkys:very interesting
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):Thanks to both candidates
Leon Sanchez:My skype handle is leonfelipes
Leon Sanchez:my personal mobile number is +52 155 15104506
Alan Greenberg:And mine alangreenberg-mtl
Alan Greenberg:+1 514 483 3853
Leon Sanchez:Thanks everyone for this chance to speak to you
Seth Reiss:gotta go
Alan Greenberg:Presumably individual members will be given a chance to provide input as well.
Glenn McKnight:thanks Silva
Heidi Ullrich:NARALO's deadline is Feb 25 23:59 UTC for the directed vote
Heidi Ullrich:RALOs need to finish directed vote no later than feb 26 23:59 UTC
Glenn McKnight:Sadly we didnt have alot of good photos of the NARALO group in London
Glenn McKnight:we will make up for it in New Orleans
Glenn McKnight:As to the brochures itts is a ebrochure
Glenn McKnight:Please proice he link Slivia
Glenn McKnight:provide the link
Glenn McKnight:I hear him
Glenn McKnight:link?
Yesim Nazlar:Newsletter:
Glenn McKnight:Note our NARALO call is extended to 90 minutes today
Glenn McKnight:We will have a Meeting Webinar on the Rules of Procedures
Glenn McKnight:A doodle will be going oout?
Glenn McKnight:Itme 7
judith hellerstein:Our call this month is for 90 minutes you you have about 10 minutes
Glenn McKnight:Folks you will meet them at the NARALO GA
Joly MacFie:I had a call with Joe Catapano and Chris Mondini about engagement events in NYC earlier in the week. ISOC-NY will partner with the on a series of topic-based evening meetups.aimed at the local startup community.
Glenn McKnight:@Joly you didn't submit a FBSC proposal did you sbmit to Chris sponsorship for small sponsorship?
Glenn McKnight:A small fund for local outreach is available
Glenn McKnight:Tom any update on your submitssion?
judith hellerstein:Yes it is, but it was not what Joly needed
Glenn McKnight:Important is the growith in NARALO of the Unaffilated members
judith hellerstein:and also in the lower income and in native american areas
Glenn McKnight:Key is outreach with ARIN in APril and March 2018 in PR
Joly MacFie:@Glenn: No, but he did say they'd pay for sandwiches :)
Glenn McKnight:hmm
John Laprise:My apologies. I must depart for another meeting.
Tom Lowenhaupt:Glenn, Again, sorry, mic is not working. I wanted to bring NARALO’s attention to a recent resolution by ISOC-NY that calls for public hearings by the city of New York on the renewal of a contract with Neustar for the operation of the .nycTLD, see . Please add your thoughts in the comments area at the end of the resolution. Perhaps Joly can speak to the issue.
Glenn McKnight:Yes i think this is important
Glenn McKnight:Joly you need to jump in on this development .
Joly MacFie:I think the letter pretty much speaks for itself. I am yet to receive any official response.
judith hellerstein:i will call on Joly next
Glenn McKnight:We had a community engagement section at the beginning
Glenn McKnight:Please ask Judith. She is chairing
Glenn McKnight:I don't have audio
judith hellerstein:but joly was late to the call
Glenn McKnight:yes
Garth Bruen:REALLY do not like Christopher's tone, sounds like ICANN is issuing agenda mandates through engagment. Not interested.
Evan Leibovitch:+1 Garth
Garth Bruen:My feedback is that I do not like this AT ALL. Sounds like direction from ICANN, that At-Large needs to be CONVERTED into RIGHT THINKING soldiers of ICANN. FORGET IT.
Garth Bruen:#noymyatlarge
Evan Leibovitch:I don't care about the tone, the substance isn't very appreizing.
Garth Bruen:Yeah, it's a plate full of "shut up"
Evan Leibovitch:I don't have audio anymore
Glenn McKnight:lost audio
judith hellerstein:do you need a dial out
Alfredo Calderon:Is there a wiki?
Evan Leibovitch:From my take what is needed is a culture shift. specific details changes to poilicy won't help
Glenn McKnight:lossing him
Glenn McKnight:This would be great Chris
Joly MacFie:Link to slide deck?
Alfredo Calderon:Transparency would be great!
Evan Leibovitch:might have audio back
Glenn McKnight:Evan is breaking up
Glenn McKnight:fine now. I am in Iceland I t might be me
Garth Bruen:This is a "strategy" to alter At-Large agenda
judith hellerstein:he is fine with me
Glenn McKnight:We really need to garner our community opinions to give ICANN the community feedback. Perhaps we need to look at our agenda closer to maker sure thise opinoins are colllected and shared
judith hellerstein:yes. that is why we need a place to pose our questions
Garth Bruen:Stakehlers are no equal by any stretch. ICANN's voice is obviously aimed at us for speaking out.
Glenn McKnight:Please folks lets start the discussion now in advance of our ARIN meetings We have lots of time togetehr
Garth Bruen:The global strategy should be inviting people to the table, not telling them how to think when they get there.
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Chris
Heidi Ullrich:We have time in CPH as well
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large staff can set up a wiki page for comments
Glenn McKnight:We will add it on the NARALO agenda in March
Heidi Ullrich:Would you like At-Large staff to set up a wiki as well?
Glenn McKnight:@judth we are running late. on the other issues
judith hellerstein:yes please
Leon Sanchez:I need to leave the call now. Thanks again everyone for the invitation and the chance to share my views with you
judith hellerstein:yes i know
Glenn McKnight:@Heidi yes, lets chat on the wiki
Garth Bruen:Unbelievable
Evan Leibovitch:Yeah.
Glenn McKnight:ISOC Special needs is a SIG not a chapter
Glenn McKnight:NOMCOM person is Eduardo Diaz
Glenn McKnight:Question to Ed
Glenn McKnight:What vou about the gender diversity issue?
Glenn McKnight:on nomcom
Glenn McKnight:Poor turnout last year
Glenn McKnight:Any special efforts
Eduardo Diaz:@Glenn: Diversity in term of gender. We need more qualified females to apply. Also, we need to increase the people that apply from LAtin America since there is only one board memeber from that region
Eduardo Diaz:at the moment
Javier Rua-Jovet:Bye to all!!!
Louis Houle:Bye everyone
Gordon Chillcott:Thanks and bye for now.
Eduardo Diaz:Bye to all too!
Monique Chartrand:Bye
Lynden Price:thanks all
Alfredo Calderon:Bye!
Susannah Gray (SF-Bay ISOC Chapter):thank you all
judith hellerstein:bye all
allan skuce:thanks