NARALO 2016.01.11 Teleconference AC Chat
Yesim Nazlar:Welcome to the NARALO Monthly Meeting on Monday, 11 January 2016 at 20:00 UTC
Yesim Nazlar:Agenda:
Glenn McKnight:hi
Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
Gart:I'm on here ut not as that!
Glenn McKnight:Garth Graham?
Gart:I'll connectagain
Allan Skuce:Greetings.
Alan Greenberg:You can change your name by going to the pull-down to right of "Attendee List" and hist Change My Infor
Seth Reiss:Its cloudy here
Le-Marie Thompson:Happy New Year!
Garth Bruen:Cold here too
Judith Hellerstein:Here in DC as well
Alfredo Calderon:Happy New Year to All !
Garth Bruen:Can't tell you how happy I am not to be chairing these calls and just participating. It's a lot of work! Thanks Glenn.
Silvia Vivanco:so basically keeping current time
Silvia Vivanco:based on doodle
Terri Agnew:Action items from 14 December 2015:
Silvia Vivanco:we thank you for completing the doodle
Le-Marie Thompson:I teach on Monday at 3pm (20:00 UTC) begining Jan 25, so I will not able to attend the meetings moving forward
Seth Reiss:Misunderstood,. I am good with 20 hundred hours
Garth Bruen:Judith - agree! this is always confusing
Terri Agnew:Welcome Louis Houle
Judith Hellerstein:Welcome Dev and Louis
Terri Agnew:Welcome Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Hello All
Louis Houle:Hi everyone
Terri Agnew:ALS Decertifications:
Glenn McKnight:Silvia I see your hand
Glenn McKnight:one second Alan you are next
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Silvia
Silvia Vivanco:Noted as AI
Terri Agnew:Welcome Darlene Thompson
Terri Agnew:Community Calendar TEAMUP
Terri Agnew:Welcome Ogi Mitev
Terri Agnew:NARALO Newsletter:
Alfredo Calderon:Yes!
Louis Houle:Yes
Ken Whitehurst, Consumers Council:I haven't seen it
Darlene:I think it's very well done
Ogi Mitev:this is Ogi Mitev from Colorado ISOC, I am sorry I am late today
Judith Hellerstein:HI Ogi welcome
Glenn McKnight:Hi Darlene and Ogi
Judith Hellerstein:HI Darlene. Glad you have joined
Louis Houle:Will do soon, Eduardo!
Glenn McKnight:welcome Louis of ISOC Quebec
Terri Agnew:At-Large Captioning Pilot Project:
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Alan
Silvia Vivanco:The deadline for receiving request is January 15th
Glenn McKnight:Garth you ready to speak on the Consumer Trust Letter
Silvia Vivanco:we received 4 applications
Silvia Vivanco:and there you see the link with the details on this pilot
Judith Hellerstein:Please email staff if there are working groups you are a part of where cpationing would be helpful
Judith Hellerstein:This will be added to the list in FEbruary
Glenn McKnight:Welcome Joly
Glenn McKnight:yep this is an important item\
Glenn McKnight:one sec garth
Ken Whitehurst, Consumers Council:Want to me say something?
Joly MacFie:Hi
Glenn McKnight:yes ken
Le-Marie Thompson:Do you want us to suggest consumer groups to be included in the reponse? What action would be helpful from us?
Garth Bruen:The letter specifically states LegitScript is a non-profit
Judith Hellerstein:Yes. I think that is a good idea
Loris Taylor:Great report. I apologize but I have a meeting at 2pm and need to drive over. Good to hear familiar voices.
Terri Agnew:goodbye Loris
Glenn McKnight:Bye Loris
Terri Agnew:Welcome Joly
Glenn McKnight:@le marie perhaps you can suggest groups to Alan and Garth
Garth Bruen:FYI: I listed the consumer groups within our membership at the Dublin meeting with compliance. Have any of you heard from them?
Garth Bruen:Ken, please
Terri Agnew:Finance and Budget FY17 Special Requests:
Glenn McKnight:one sec Heidi
Ken Whitehurst, Consumers Council:The CCC research related to consumer representation and consumer groups is on this page
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Ken
Glenn McKnight:Deadline for RALO submissions is soon
Glenn McKnight:Feb 22nd
Ken Whitehurst, Consumers Council:I don't know what's considered reasonable for the budgeting process. CCC will not participate in anything requiring travel without having expenses covered, as a starting point. I don't know what is practice for this group.
Glenn McKnight:Jan 18th
Glenn McKnight:on the Outreach and Engagement call
Joly MacFie:What augmented reality software? I must've missed that.
Glenn McKnight:@Joly probaby Aurasma
Glenn McKnight:or LAYAR
Alfredo Calderon:@Glenn, I'll submit the advantages of one and the other.
Darlene:I know we have done that historically but I would prefer to keep it on our time zone
Glenn McKnight:GTALUG ont TLUG
Glenn McKnight:Thanks Darleene. me too
Glenn McKnight:we can do a quick poll on this
Glenn McKnight:Sorry judith did I miss you ?
Darlene:Frankly, having been on both sides, it sucks for the majority to have to adjust to some weird time zone
Glenn McKnight:I think so
Joly MacFie:Alfredo if you could do a quick recap of how AR might be applied to At-Large to, and send it to the list, it would be very welcome.
Darlene:Please speak up!
Darlene:Louder, Allen!
Judith Hellerstein:I heard everything
Darlene:Sorry - Gordon, I have a crappy connection
Gordon Chillcott:Join us at
Alfredo Calderon:Here is a short video on the topic of AR -
Heidi Ullrich:@Alberto/Glenn, I'll be in touch with you before next week's SC on O/E
Glenn McKnight:Ok
Alfredo Calderon:Ok!
Garth Bruen:Thanks Glenn!
Glenn McKnight:thanks
Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all!
Alfredo Calderon:Have a great day!
Glenn McKnight:Bye all
Dev Anand Teelucksingh:Take care all
Louis Houle:Bye
Allan Skuce:bye
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, All!
Gordon Chillcott:Thanks, Glenn. By all!