AFRALO AC Chat Room transcript EN 2014-07-30
Kathy Schnitt:Welcome to the AFRALO Monthly call on Wednesday 30 July 2014 at 1830 UTC
Kathy Schnitt:Agenda:
Mohamed El Bashir:Hello everyone, good evening
Kathy Schnitt:Hello Mohamed.
Mohamed El Bashir:Hi Kathy
Sayuni Kimaro:Hello everyone, its my first time using adobe. I normally use my mobile. So please bear with me
Kathy Schnitt:Hello Sayuni plese let me know if you have any questions.
Nathalie Peregrine:Sayuni, the AC room will be streaming in French only, if you wish to listen to the conference in English, please dial the Adigo bridge code #1638 as per the email invitation.
Sayuni Kimaro:Thank you Nathalie
Mohamed El Bashir:Hi Nathali, so in order to listen to english channel i have to dial-in to an Adigo conference phone number
Nathalie Peregrine:correct Mohamed
Kathy Schnitt:AGENDA
Kathy Schnitt:AGENDA:
Mohamed El Bashir:the list of numbers was not listed in the meeting invite, please provide me with a US tool free number so i can call via Skype now
Sayuni Kimaro:Nathalie, I'm stuck. I can't find a link to dial Adigo conference number.
Nathalie Peregrine:Here you go:
Sayuni Kimaro:Looks like I have to register, well let me use my mobile to avoid inconviniences since we are about to start the conference
Nathalie Peregrine:
Nathalie Peregrine:sorry, the link i just posted is the right one
Mohamed El Bashir:this is the link that contains the dial-in numbers :
Mohamed El Bashir:
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:hello all
Philip F Johnson:hi to all.
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:I can't hear any audio
Philip F Johnson:please dia me on the English channel +221777779104
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:is d meeting started or not
Nathalie Peregrine:Philip, we will dial out to you now
Nathalie Peregrine:Pastor Peters, no we have not yet started
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:ok Nathalie thks
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Hi Nathalie and all
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Nathalie, why the audio is not working? all
Tijani BEN JEMAA:on Adobe
Nathalie Peregrine:Tijani, we have not started yet
Beran Gillen:Hello everyone everyone
Heidi Ullrich:Welcome! Bienvenue!
barrack:Merci, hello colleagues
Heidi Ullrich:I hope all of you had safe travels returning from London! / J'espère que chacun d'entre vous avaient bon voyage de retour de Londres!
Mohamed El Bashir:Hellow Everyone, Bonjour tout le monde, Al Salam to All
Heidi Ullrich:@Beran, please see the link to the Final ATLAS II Declaration:
Heidi Ullrich:and thank you for your email!
Beran Gillen:thanks Heidi!!!
barrack:I am also on the English channel :-)
Nathalie Peregrine:And you were noted in the roll call, Barrack! leaders could start (Mohamed or Phillip) could chair perhaps? while Aziz gets connected?
Heidi Ullrich:Mohamed can chair
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Aziz, on t'entend bien Mohamed you could start that would be good
Heidi Ullrich:Here is the agenda for today's meeting:
Fatimata:Hello Qll
Mohamed El Bashir:Yes, lets begin please
Philip F Johnson:I think we can begin the meetng.
Heidi Ullrich:Could we please have Mohamed chair until Aziz is connected?
Fatimata:Have we started? suggest that we start already while Aziz gets connected
Mohamed El Bashir:is Aziz online
Mercy Moyo:eish i cant hear anything
Mohamed El Bashir:Ok, i guess we have started now
Heidi Ullrich:Please see this agenda:
Heidi Ullrich:not the policy section that is being displayed above
Mercy Moyo:too many speakers at the same time and some speaking in French and others english
Mercy Moyo:what do i do to hear the English translation
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Nathalie, un problème avec Aziz
Fatimata:Speaches are overlapping...
Heidi Ullrich:@Aziz, the agenda being shown is NOT the correct one
Heidi Ullrich:please use:
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:I hope after today's meeting, provision will be made for both English and French channels . my adobe connect is clearer and better than my telephone. and on the adobe u hear speakers as they speak.
Tijani BEN JEMAA:There is interpretation Mercy
Tijani BEN JEMAA:u have to be on the english channel
Nathalie Peregrine:Pastor Peters, if you would like to hear English translation, please dial Adigo 1638 where you can follow the interpretation
Beran Gillen:Speech is not clear its overlapping At large Public Development page
Beran Gillen:Aziz's line is not clear
Tijani BEN JEMAA:Yes
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:where and how do I do this on my iPad please you can see the Publicc comments
Mercy Moyo:eish
Nathalie Peregrine:The document being uploaded will reflect the updated agenda items
Mercy Moyo:how do i go about getting the english translation
Nathalie Peregrine:Adigo numbers here:
Mercy Moyo:i am in Malawi and the connectivity is not so good
Said Mchangama:I have asked for a dial out. I've got no call. I'm on Adobe Connect but the sound is poor
Nathalie Peregrine:Please dial in and enter 1638 as access code followed by the hashkey
Mercy Moyo:dial where?
Nathalie Peregrine:the telephone, the AC room is streaming FR only
Nathalie Peregrine:Mercy, otherwise, we can dial out to you if you provide me with a phone number
Mercy Moyo:I dont even know my number have been here 4 3 days
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:Nathalie, we are asking for English Channel on adobe using our iPad
Mercy Moyo:let me find out
Heidi Ullrich:Summit Workspace:
Nathalie Peregrine:Pastor Peters, only ine langauge channel available from the AC room, and for AFRALO calls it is in French,. English is offered on the phone line.
Heidi Ullrich:Summit Declaration:
Beran Gillen:@Aziz, I cannot give my report as i am not dialled in on phone
Mercy Moyo:+265996093427
Nathalie Peregrine:Mercy we are dialling o0ut to you
Beran Gillen:please accept my apologies
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:I don't even know why when it comes to Afralo meetings , is either technical or logistic problems!
Mercy Moyo:thx
Fatimata:Can Mohamed hear you Tijani?
Heidi Ullrich:Thanks, Mohamed!
Fatimata:Yes, Mohamed you Mohamed!
Said Mchangama:I can hear Tijani very well but not the others. I had asked to be called in on +2697738954 50 Report (Philip, Aziz), 3’ICANN 52 (Aziz), 3’ Heidi
Nathalie Peregrine:Said, Adigo has been trying to get hold of you since before the call start time, but unfortunately going to voicemail Functions’ Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (Mohamed), 2’
Aziz:je suis sur AC
Nathalie Peregrine:@ Said, do you have another number we could try?
Heidi Ullrich:Coordination Group:
Said Mchangama: yes +2693339702
Nathalie Peregrine:thank you Said
Heidi Ullrich:At-Large WG on IANA Stewardship Transition issues:
Heidi Ullrich:This Group of the ALAC and NCSG will deal with many of the IANA Stewardship Transition issues:
Fatimata:Oui Aziz
Philip F Johnson:Thank you Mohammed.
Heidi Ullrich:AFRALO General Assembly in London:
Mohamed El Bashir:you welcome Philip, how are you doing GA link: large staff is working with IT to placce the booklet in the WIKI and website AI: • AFRALO to make a request to AFRINIC to request access to request data/statistics with regards to Africa. will work with Aziz on this AI
Mohamed El Bashir:i guess we also agreed that we should consider an MoU with AfrNIC
Pastor Peters Omoragbon:my telephone is off again
Heidi Ullrich:AFRALO June 2014 report:
Fatimata:Yes Philip
Heidi Ullrich:The next ICANN Meeting will be in October 2014 in Los Angeles. The following ICANN Meeting will be in Marrakesh in February 2015! 51 LA: on the 51 meeting in LA is already posted in ICANN website, see above
barrack:we can her
barrack:we can hear you Pastor Peters Peters would like to take the floor when possible 2014 Link :
barrack:can i attempt to make an intervention
barrack:on Pastor Peters question
Heidi Ullrich:Should staff create a workspace on the 2014 IGF? AFRALO ALSes could add their names if they are participating. We could also add information on IGF and ICANN activities
Mohamed El Bashir:thanks for the advice Barrack
barrack:Welcome Mohamed
barrack:Pastor Peters hope it helps it is a chicken and egg situation
Fatimata:Aziz, on ne parle plus de CROPP? cannot speak as she is not on the bridge
Aziz:Fatimata je vais te donner la parole tout de suite
Heidi Ullrich:CORRECTION: ALAC will have 5 slots in the Academy (real name: Leadership Training Program)
Heidi Ullrich:so each RALO should select one new or current leader by 15 August ELECTIONS PAGE:
barrack:ok you to the Nominees for your interest in taking a leadership position and working for the region
barrack:who goes first? thank you to all the supporters and AFRALO members hear you well Phillip
barrack:we can hear you Philip Selection Timetable:• 21 July 2014 - 03 August 2014 - Nomination period• 8 August 2014 - Deadline for nomination acceptances by the nominees• 18 August 2014 – 24 August 2014 - Elections If there are more than one nominee per position.Any AFRALO member can nominate an other member be it him or herself.Note that newly elected ALAC representative and AFRALO Secretary shall take their positions at the close of the ICANN 51 Meeting scheduled for 12-17 October 2014
barrack:can i respond is speaking? please identify yourself
Nathalie Peregrine:Pastor Peters speaking
barrack:thanks Pastor Peters Workspace wiki page:
Philip F Johnson:Thank you Pastor Peters; Large staff will move forward with the process once the Regional advice is received need to receive the Regional Advice from AFRALO and then staff will send this to ALAC, the Due diligence has been completed and we are awaiting your Regional Advice
Barrack Otieno:accept Aziz please send us an email with the Regional Advice to accept
Philip F Johnson:Accept Aziz : One email with your Regional Advice for each application and Phillip. we are lookig forward to receiving your Regional Advice
Fatimata:oui, c est OK
Aziz:Ok Silvia
Nathalie Peregrine:Pastor Peters est deconnecte
Barrack Otieno:Please repeat the question
Beran Gillen:i would like to be part of the working group
Barrack Otieno:daccord
Fatimata:I have to leave now
Barrack Otieno:can the question on the working group be repeated?
Fatimata:Oh Good
Barrack Otieno:ok thank you
Fatimata:bye everyone
Fatimata:thank you all
Barrack Otieno:bye Fatimata, bye all
Beran Gillen:@ tijani please note me on the working group
Heidi Ullrich:Bye!
Beran Gillen:thank you and bye everyone
Nathalie Peregrine:merci a tous!
Beran Gillen:thank you Silvia for noting that down. pleasure you all the Action Items will be posted shortly
Beran Gillen:thanks
Beran Gillen:bye