05.05.2011 Chat
Seth Greene: Welcome to the AT-LARGE FY12 BUDGET CALL: 5 MAY 2011.
Seth Greene: The links expected to be needed can be found in the Links pod at the lower left. These include (1) the Additional ALAC FY12 Requests and (2) At-Large FY12 Budget Development Workspace.
Seth Greene: Hello to Akram, Juan, and Janice. Thank you for joining us.
Tijani: Gisella, I will need a dial out
Tijani: ok, Thanks for your notice by skype
Tijani: I'm waiting the call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Hello everybody. I haven't dialed in yet. WIll do in 5 minutes
Cintra Sooknanan: Hello
Sébastien: Yes and Yes
Darlene Thompson: Hi Cintra!
CLO: often we see after such outreach that we get many more ALS 'rank and file members' involved in At-Large and ICANN rather thsn "just the representative of our ALSes
CLO: trmoye works as a follow up after such outreach
CLO: remoye
CLO: remote OK it is 0100 and I amyping in the dark...
CLO: typing *sigh*
CLO: yes connectivity is a HUGE issue often in AfRALO you can have either a phine OR an Internet connection and often only mobile
Darlene Thompson: Its like the Mexico Summit - it really strengthened the ALSs being able to meet f2f
CLO: yes MANY more AfRALO countries need to be engaged... and like many parts of Asia you have to to the F2F getting to know each other and trust building before anything can happen...
CLO: ++++ to AG's comments
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: two things, are there blank pages in the PDF of this budget - I see nothing after page 5
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: ?
CLO: yes do remember the "cost" of taking time to volunteer
Wolf Ludwig: Entirely agree with Alan!
CLO: TO the volunteers and or who they work for
CLO: sub regional outreach ???
CLO: is that what Juan is asking about???
CLO: if so there is scaleability BUT there arw always minimum / base costs that is why we often look to co-locating with existing activities in a region
Sébastien: Regional Registrars/Registries meeting
Cintra Sooknanan: haha
Sébastien: The next one is in Munich 12&13 May
CLO: perfect example Seb thanks
Wolf Ludwig: The transparence issue is the crucial one -- for others there are always solutions ...
Sébastien: From my information they are now opening a little thos meeting but it is other part of Staff who can answer
CLO: the MAJOR part is transparancy
Sébastien: Just to be transparent ;) I will be participate but not subsidize by ICANN
Darlene Thompson: Exactly Olivier
CLO: Once set up David Yes this is an example of a global outreach tool
Darlene Thompson: Can't this item be done on the Wiki?
Darlene Thompson: We can update the Wiki and make it look any way we want
Darlene Thompson: Who would maintain such a web site?
Gareth Shearman: agreed
Evan Leibovitch: actually, Scot P's podcasts have been very good. I've listened to them all and recommend them
Darlene Thompson: Yes, they are really good and could be used for radio
Evan Leibovitch: Especially the interview with Olivier
CLO: having the RSS feeds of the ALS pages now all that neds to bew done and will be a cost needed to be covered somewhere in the budget of course
Darlene Thompson: Agreed Evan
Evan Leibovitch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31_H1f4wNfA
Evan Leibovitch: I believe there is a stated goal of one ALS per country
CLO: these outreach to non ALS reped activities is another wioth global possability and crosses over with discussions we have had with Global Partnership AND in many cases what we have started with ccNSO Members and NON member coutries
Evan Leibovitch: Some of the GAS requests could be combined into a global request for a second Summit
Darlene Thompson: Oh my goodness, Evan, I had no idea that was being videod! Good idea!
Darlene Thompson: That link should be posted to our wiki
Cintra Sooknanan: YEs
Darlene Thompson: Where 5 or more are gathered together an ICANN breaks out!
Sébastien: Each year we discuss the same things...
Wolf Ludwig: Exactly, Olivier, both aspects and needs are important!!!
Sébastien: not good, no memory
CLO: yes Seb this IS SOOOO familiar isn't it
Sébastien: yes CLO
CLO: Ground Hog day is the movie reference
Darlene Thompson: LOL CLO
Darlene Thompson: Fine with me
Wolf Ludwig: I have to leave in 10 minutes -- sorry.
Sébastien: Huge
CLO: got another meeting in a few hrs OCL remember were meeting with the registrars
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: yes
CLO: I noye Juan has SKIPPED over a similar local / regional meeting events request from APRALO => shouod we assume no discussion means agreement then ;-)
CLO: oh goodu=y 25 must be OK then :-)
CLO: sorry wearing my APALO hat is such fun :-)
Darlene Thompson: LOL - I would bring that up to him
Juan Ojeda: we will go back...thanks
CLO: but the rational for all of this group 25=> 30 wouod be the same and takes me back to the comments I made in SFO about this appearing to be a competative process way we are doing it one RALO VS another *sigh*
Wolf Ludwig: I think the At-Large *volunteers* community with all their time investments shows a regular and substantial "return of investment" to ICANN!
Darlene Thompson: 27
Charles Mok: thank you Cheryl I could not have said that better. No I really can't :)
CLO: happy to help Charles...
Wolf Ludwig: This is a looooong standing item and suggestions as well ...
Darlene Thompson: It may be long standing but if ICANN is serious about outreach...
Gareth Shearman: Darlene - see my note
Wolf Ludwig: Sorry but I have to leave now (kids calling). I hope this call and consultation will show the desired results -- this time at least. Bye averbody.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: thanks you for attending, Wolf.
CLO: It shows that ICANN is more than a US corp woth a few OS offices
CLO: the REAL meaning o=f the MSM we subsxribe to
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: FYI, Carlton sends his apologies for not being able to make the call
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: thx
Evan Leibovitch: sorry about PCNA conf
Dev Anand Teelucksingh: good to hear re:FY12-31
Darlene Thompson: I have no memory of this one
Cintra Sooknanan: ho ray!
CLO: 0230 for me my dear
Cintra Sooknanan: I have to leave the call
Cintra Sooknanan: sorry thanks to everyone
CLO: thanks cintra
Cintra Sooknanan: and Juan who is so polite!
Cintra Sooknanan: :) see you
Olivier Crepin-Leblond: thanks Cintra
Evan Leibovitch: Juan, it is unfair to punt back to ALAC the role of pitting regions against each other for "worthiness"
Darlene Thompson: cu Cintra
Evan Leibovitch: no shortage of free nuts
Charles Mok: YEs Cheryl I was about to ask about the timing issue. Thanks for bringing it up.