ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-Up meeting 2014-03-27 - Singapore

ALAC and Regional Leadership Wrap-Up meeting 2014-03-27 - Singapore

ALAC & Regional Leadership Wrap-Up meeting - Singapore

Date: Thursday, 27 March 2014

Time: 09:00 - 12:00 local time (for the time in various timezones click here)

Room: VIP

Meeting Number: AL.WrapUp.0314/1


How do I participate in this meeting?

Adobe Connect room: 

Action Items: EN

Adopted Motions: EN

Summary Minutes:  EN     

Recording: EN Part 1, EN Part 2, ES Part 1, ES Part 2, FR Part 1, FR Part 2, ZH Part 1, ZH Part 2

Resolutions: EN

Transcript:    EN     

AC Chat Transcript:  EN      

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:  




Lead: HU

Notes: SV/SJ/AL



  1. Report from RALO Chairs (9:00-9:30)
  2. Report from the ALAC Liaisons (9:30-10:30)
  3. Review of ALAC Action Items (10:30-11:00) (Olivier Crépin-Leblond)

  4. ALAC Action (11:00-11:45) (Olivier Crépin-Leblond)
  5. Chair's Announcement (11:45-12:00) (Olivier Crépin-Leblond) (Likely to last until 12:30)