15 April 2020 | 13 UTC

15 April 2020 | 13 UTC


Attendees & apologiessee attendance tracker
  1. Welcome
  2. Administrative announcements
      1. Action items previous meeting(s)
  3. Report IGF outreach webinar
  4. Planning for ICANN68
      1. Reporting on discussions special ccNSO Council meeting
      2. Next steps
  5. Review
      1. IGLC activities
      2. Terms of Reference
  6. AOB
  7. Closure & Next meeting
    Wed, 29 April 2020 | 13 UTC

agenda slides & agenda item 2
agenda item 3: reporting on the IGF outreach webinar
agenda item 5: red-lined version revised ToR (draft)

  • chat recording
  • zoom recording

These high-level notes included below are designed to help the IGLC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.