19 March 2020 | 13 UTC

19 March 2020 | 13 UTC


Attendees & apologiessee attendance tracker
  1. Welcome & Introduction
  2. IGLC: discussion
    1. Option 1: IGLC to organize discussions pertaining to IG | How to achieve option 1?
    2. Option 2: IGLC to build positions, formulate recommendations to ccNSO Council pertaining to IG | How to achieve option 2?
  3. Follow-up actions & next steps
  4. AOB
  5. Next meeting & Closure
    Wed, 1 April 2020 | 13 UTC

These high-level notes included below are designed to help the IGLC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.