22 January 2020 | 13 UTC

22 January 2020 | 13 UTC


Attendees & apologiessee attendance tracker
  1. Welcome
  2. Review panel discussion at ICANN66 in Montreal
  3. Tour de table of those present at IGF2019 in Berlin
  4. IGLC Survey: survey results and next steps
  5. AOB
  6. Next meetings
    Wednesday, 19 February 2020 | 13 UTC
    ICANN67 Cancun: Saturday, 7 March | 13:30-15:00
    ICANN67 Cancun: Wednesday, 11 march | 09:55-10:15

These high-level notes included below are designed to help the IGLC navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. Consult the notes here.